Shadowmf023 Member


  • That said - I've made a green smoothie with avocado before... Just one tablespoon of cocao powder was enough to mask the taste completely. It's such a strong flavour compared to avocado.
  • As far as I can remember, they didn't put any chocolate inside the actual filling. They added coconut oil, and honey I believe, and I can't remember what else. They only added chocolate shavings on top. The base was - among other things - pecans and coconut oil also.
  • Maybe you could google some lentil/bean recipes? They're soft and still a nice protein source. Indian dahl comes to mind specifically - of you like that sort of thing. Maybe try something with eggs too, they're not just for breakfast.
  • Tomorrow's shake has - 1 cup spinach 1 cup almond milk (or regular milk) 1 tablespoon nut butter 1 tablespoon cocoa powder 1 tablespoon chia seeds Ice cubes. Today's had - 2 cups kale Half a banana (sorry lol) 1/2 cup of frozen strawberries 1/2 cup of blueberries 1 tablespoon hemp seeds 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1/2 cup…
  • Yes that's why it didn't make sense to me. I didn't reply anything to her. Just said Ok. It was a little random too. I take my smoothie with me to the gym with my water so, she just randomly commented without me asking for her opinion.
  • I'm trying to eat their way and I must say my gym performance has increased significantly within a few days. Not surprising because of the extra carbs, of course. I'm not too hungry either. (Well, not more than usual, they're still into natural fats) On their show the other night they made a "cheesecake" made from…
  • Agreed with the suggestions for the programs above. I don't do much bodyweight anymore, mine's more a mix of machines and barbell training now. I only use bodyweight for ab work and warming up these days. That said, on keto, I didn't progress as quickly as I would have with carbs. I did gain strength very slowly. But…
  • I might try switching to slow carb then - I'm eating at maintenance until December - might as well. With all the fatigue I've been having I'm especially interested in the nutrient density of their recipes. It allows for A LOT more fruit and veg than keto.
  • Absolutely. Especially when you've been at LCHF for a while.
  • Low carb Ice cream :tongue:
  • You get fat by eating too many calories. Not by eating fat. I'm eating a ketogenic diet where 75% of my calories come from fat. And I've lost weight.
  • Yeah I also accepted this challenge... And failed at it. Lol I can usually scoff down an entire carby pizza... This is very different. Be warned! :grimace:
  • No. I barely sweat at all, yet my workouts are pretty effective, especially considering that I'm all shaky mid-way through them...not to mention the energy crashes afterwards (needing to sleep an hour). Still figuring that out. But yeah, this all while barely breaking a sweat in the gym.
  • I'd get bored of that too. Go google some low carb recipes OP! There are a bazillion websites with them. You can google almost anything you want and you'd find a low carb substitution. Then cook enough and eat during the week.
  • Now you're all making me want pizza... :joy: Guess I know what I'm eating the rest of the week.
  • The only thing I can think of is Lindt chocolate, other than that I pretty much make everything. Lol
  • Nope. Eat when hungry. Meal timing is personal preference. I personally eat breakfast because I work out 1.5 hours after that. And I get nauseous if I work out fasted.
  • I would love to stop counting one day. But I find that if I don't log my food, I end up mindlessly eating. I'm such an absent-minded person, and generally don't pay much attention to anything. Logging my food seems to help that.
  • I love fathead pizza! There is just no better substitute and I've tried a few. To me it tastes the closest to real dough. Not to mention the fact that it's ridiculously filling. @btrsun10 - :smile:
  • I actually love this lol... Also, chocolate paste. Cocoa powder mixed with a small amount of heavy cream and stevia. Tastes like cold chocolate goop. :lol:
  • Meat, fish, eggs, green vegetables, seeds, nuts, fat (full fat dairy, butter, coconut oil, avocados ect), berries. One of the things I love eating these days is a slice of salami and cheese wrapped around a pickle... So salty, so yummy... Oh. And bacon.
  • This. I've been 20g or lower intermittently for the last 3 months. The fat's hardly 'falling off' as you're describing it OP. Just a normal loss rate of 0.5-1lb p/week.
  • Yay. Another low carb war-thread incoming.
  • Yay... More greasy hair than I already have... lol I'm also getting blemishes. At first I attributed it to LCHF , but it went away then. So now, only other thing I can blame is the Creatine Monohydrate I'm using. Ah well.
  • Full of carbs. Lol Although I did do a successful 'fast' using protein fluff. So I chopped off about 1000 calories between yesterday and today. Tomorrow will be awesome. Because somehow I've managed to plan my day in a way that I have 6g NET carbs. :smiley: Carnivore Leana! Whoop whoop! :joy:
  • I'm so sorry you had to go through all that - and happy that you, at least, see clearly. My brother and my dad are both diabetics. My brother is obese, (though you wouldn't say it, he's tall and carries the weight well), my dad is just overweight and on insulin. I didn't start LCHF for diabetes originally, just for…
  • I know from past experiences that when I crave something I am deficient in a mineral it has. And it is a bit out of the blue. Because it's usually things I don't eat a lot of. I'm not a big red meat fan, and have been eating eggs chicken and fish for weeks as protein. But then one day out of the blue I just want steak. And…
  • :joy:
  • My body is really fighting all my good intentions today. Cravings for ice cream and waffles, tiredness. I almost *almost* didn't go to the gym this morning. Because I woke up so tired. But I did anyway. And pushed through. I didn't go as hard as I should have, but I did what I could. As for the cravings, I just ate a quest…
  • 1. Drink 10 glasses of fluid a day :mrgreen: 2. Stick to your Calories :neutral: 3. Keep carbs in check :mrgreen: 4. Weight lifting 5x a week for 60minmin :mrgreen: 5. Log honestly :neutral: 6. Sleep 8 hours :mrgreen: 7. Keep up that salt intake! :mrgreen: