liz0269 Member


  • All hail the carbs. <3 <3 <3
    in Carbs Comment by liz0269 July 2019
  • If you set your goal to lose weight, your prescribed deficit is already calculated into your 1860 calories. If you don't eat back your exercise calories, you will make your deficit that much larger. As far as exercise calories, that number may or may not be accurate. I know from my own numbers that I burn 330 calories per…
  • Exactly! What I read in one of those reports is 15% is recommended for health - the rest is preference.
  • Perhaps swapping out the refined carbs for whole foods? Not all carbs are the same. I can easily stay within my calories when I focus on fruits, vegetables, and whole grains - not whole grain products but actual whole grains. But I struggle with hunger and I am more likely to overeat when I eat refined carb products or…
  • The thread is called Of Refeeds and Diet Breaks. I can't copy the link but you can search for it.
  • Setting aside the starvation mode thing What you are describing is a planned diet break. Taking a full two week diet break every 8-12 weeks where you eat at maintenance can help prevent the metabolic slowdown that can happen from long term dieting. I'm on my phone so I can't look up the link, but there's a really good…
  • I am two week past my first planned two week diet break. For two weeks I tried to eat at maintenance. I actually ate above most days and I beat the crap out of myself for it. But the scale didn't blow up. I was able to get right back to it when the two weeks were up. And I learned from it. I learned that I have much more…
  • I had the same problem. I slowed down considerably. Between that and doing calf stretches, I can now run without pain.
  • I used to be part of an IF group on Facebook. There are a lot of people who have great success with it and adopt it as a permanent lifestyle change. Done right, it can be a real game changer. I loved fasting but I have too many other health issues so it was too stressful for my body.
  • I didn't say I eat radishes all the time. You people really need to lighten up. My other go-to is a fudgesicle. 40 calories for the one with no added sugar. Chocolate is still a food group. Disclaimer for the food police: That is a joke.
  • MFP read needs to add an LMAO reaction. Lol
  • Nope. It was a lighthearted jab at myself that you are taking way too seriously.
  • This is very similar to my program. I only lift two days a week. Reps and sets are determined by your goals. I just want to be strong, not necessarily bulk, so I do 5 sets of 5. On lifting days, I jog for an hour after I lift. I feels fantastic when I am done. The rest of the week, I cycle or swim or jog or walk depending…
  • Eat fruit and vegetables instead. Roasted radishes are sweet and are literally one calorie each. Eventually your tastebuds will adapt. I have always had a big sweet tooth. Now I am satisfied with a small treat. More than that and I get nauseous. If I can adapt, anybody can. Lol
  • I never had a weight problem until I quit smoking seven years ago. In my 20s, I ate whatever I wanted. I know I drank 3-6 regular sodas per day, I drank a lot of coffee with creamer and sugar. I am estimating 500-800 calories just in beverages. I didn't eat breakfast but I would snack. Lunch sometimes was soup and…
  • I have rheumatoid arthritis. Are you suspecting RA? Do you have joint pain? Low grade fever? Nausea during a flare? Debilitating fatigue? None of your symptoms sound like RA. Depression and anxiety for sure but not RA. I also have suffered from depression and anxiety since childhood. Mine is seasonal and tends to be worse…
  • Congratulations on your whoosh!!
  • Aren't those realizations great? I had a similar one shortly after joining MFP. It's still highlighted and pinned to the top of my Google Keep. "I just did a deep dive on Google about TDEE and had my mind blown. It never occurred to me that I could track my stats and figure out my own TDEE. Weight has always been a shame…
  • The other thing to remember about sun is that it depends on where you live. I am in Northern Wisconsin. Eight months of the year the sun is too low to be effective. That's why the rates of autoimmune diseases get higher the further away from the equator you get.
  • I have taken them for years. I stopped this spring after my rheumatologist said they don't really help my RA. My depression got a lot worse. My GP said that they may not be doing much for my RA but they are definitely good for depression. Same with vitamin d. I started taking them again and I am feeling somewhat better.
  • I will also add that I was tested for vitamin d when I was diagnosed with RA in 2009 and I was severely deficient. I was fatigued, I had balance issues, severe depression, concentration problems. Some of that was the RA but some of it improved as soon as I started taking D. I have taken 5,000iu a day ever since. This…
  • Vitamin k gives me heart palpitations. It is a common side effect. OTC supplements are not always safe. It is best for the OP to continue to follow the doctor's recommendations.
  • I weigh daily and take a weekly average. I have read that you can weigh daily and as long as you hit a new low sometime during the week, you are on track. Have you always weighed daily? Also, does the higher calorie target still leave you with a deficit?
  • I had high cholesterol for over 10 years - in the 220s. I made several dietary changes - switching to a low fat, high carb diet. I didn't go plant based because I can't. I have intolerances to gluten, dairy, soy, legumes, oats, and eggs plus regular allergies to psyllium and hemp. I also have an autoimmune disease which…
  • I watched the documentary and I used to eat paleo and read quite a bit about it so I am very familiar with the arguments. The premise is that we allegedly only added starchy carbs 10,000 years ago when we developed agriculture. I believe this documentary makes the argument - and if it doesn't, prominant voices in the paleo…
  • I weigh daily and calculate a weekly average. That's the number I update in Myfitnesspal every Monday. I have found that my weight will vary from day to day. Using the average gives me a more accurate picture. Also, you absolutely will gain water weight from exercise. Plus your weight may plateau a bit if you are gaining…
  • The prevailing consensus today is that we have eaten grains all along. I don't remember the exact number but archaeologists just recently found the oldest evidence of bread baking and it's well over 40,000 years old. There's a reason we have multiple genes for digesting starch and that our saliva actually starts breaking…
  • I went online and calculated an average calorie burn for an hour of exercise. I did this because I do several different things. I had been warned that MFP estimates high and I wanted an easy way to get an accurate calorie allowance. I average 330 calories per hour. This has worked really well for me. My weight is tracking…
  • I have realized that this is a lifelong journey. I accepted that I will be counting calories for the rest of my life if I am going to succeed at keeping the weight off. So for me the only thing that will change is how many calories I allow myself to eat. The only exception is when I am on a vacation but even then I log in…