88olds Member


  • Not a hater but agree it’s all about fat content. Been doing some research this week but haven’t reached any conclusions. I started out looking to make my own chicken sausage. Initially was looking at skinless chicken breast but recipes suggested I needed some fat either using thighs or adding olive oil. Then I started…
    in Ground Turkey Comment by 88olds June 27
  • Preference- sweet. I lost weight by fighting my sweet tooth to a draw. And the fight is not over. Change- I don’t do much spicy hot anymore. My stomach objects.
  • With the return of indoor Pickleball I should make it.
  • Here in south Florida I switched 4 pm walk in the park to the elliptical at the gym a couple of times. Just got tired of the heat. A couple days there has been zero breeze.
  • Portion control is how I maintain. Here in the yellow zone I don’t track. But when I’m at home pretty much everything goes on the food scale. If I’m incorporating a new food I crunch the calories and decide on what seems like a reasonable portion. I still remember starting WW, getting a food scale & crunching the numbers.…
  • I don’t track. But I do weigh what I eat and note the calories and protein. I aim to get120 grams protein.
  • Just a random internet remark by a chiropractor served up by google news feed but he maintained that inability to get up from a chair was # 1 thing that put people in nursing homes. Video was about hinging from hips to stand up.
  • Just a random internet remark by a chiropractor served up by google news feed but he maintained that inability to get up from a chair was # 1 thing that put people in nursing homes. Video was about hinging from hips to stand up.
  • Down 😀. Up ☹️. Or sometimes down is 😅. I’ve been in my unofficial yellow zone for so long I don’t react much. Just longing for the day when 4-5 lbs magically vanish. Bonus- Mr Scale.
  • When I was at the top of my fat game I couldn’t get enough spicy food. Mexican, Italian-chicken Vesuvio- beef sandwiches loaded with hot peppers & Szechuan. For awhile I was putting hot giardiniera on nearly everything from pizza to ham sandwiches. But those days are gone. A little bit of zing goes a long way with me now.
  • Just a few too many calories. Sugar is an on going battle that I don’t expect to win decisively. Just how it is.
  • Get well Greg. It wasn’t the worst cold I’d ever had but the cough was weird and hung around for a while. I had my bout in the Delta Variant days so I figured it was that. And after double vax and 2 boosters.
    in COVID Comment by 88olds May 30
  • My cynical side thought exactly the same thing.
  • I’ll do the reduced fat dairy. But other than Greek yogurt I can’t stand the 0 fat. I regularly eat various kinds of diet modified ice cream. They are “no sugar added” now. Guess it focus grouped better than sugar free. Currently fighting another battle to stay away from Diet Coke. Winning for now. When I was hugely fat I…
  • Thanks. The water tasted bad for a week So we had to make do with gin.
  • You don’t need to know why. Maybe when you get to GW you can look back and understand. From your post you seem to be around your usual WL mid point. Say you lose another 15 lbs, what happens when you hit the mid 240s? Rather than worry about why you never get lower maybe look at how you go about quitting. What do you start…
  • My body seems to have 2 things to say most of the time. Ouch or eat. Sometimes ouch and eat. I’ve learned to listen closely to ouch. Some pains are just passing through, some not. Some are just annoyances, some not. I seem to spend a significant amount of time at PT. I understand Pickeball is a big money maker for them.…
  • My meter is out of whack. I can tell myself I’m hungry 20 minutes after lunch. As a result I’ve had to remind myself of a few things- I’m probably not hungry. None of my meals are less than 400 calories. Lunch really was just 20 minutes ago. Willingness to be hungry some of the time is how I got to GW. My experience with…
  • Don’t use one. Have used the step counter on my phone though to estimate how far I was walking.
  • Maybe my best WW decision was to not get involved in trading exercise for more food. We didn’t have all these gadgets when I started. But I was already a gym regular doing smoke rate work on cardio machines. So how to crunch the numbers? Finally found something on the WW Science Center on using a heart rate monitor to…
  • Since 2006. GW was 184 lbs. That was highest acceptable WW goal at the time. That’s too much now. Best now would be 174 ish. But I’m 179 ish and not willing to do much about it right now. But that’s how it goes. It helps to keep an attitude of experimentation. I’m more focused on weight training & strength than the scale.…
    in Maintenance Comment by 88olds May 14
  • Several weeks per year. It leads to a lot of eating out. Which isn’t really so bad as eating out here in FL generally means eating fish. And the restaurants have all figured out that grilled fish goes well on a Caesar salad. Can I get the dressing on the side please?
  • My Plantar fasciitis really seems to be under control. Like gone. A podiatrist recommended Hoka Gaviota shoes. They are rockers, curved sole, and the soles are a bit wider than normal. It all makes it impossible to overpronate when I walk. This is a very big deal for me. I’ve fought this for 20 years.
  • Actually I think exercise is overrated as a weight loss strategy. But back when, nearly 30 yrs ago, when I started, first thing I did was start exercising. But I started at rock bottom. At 285 lbs, HBP, sleep apnea, debilitating back pain, I was on the verge of fatting myself to death. From my initial 8 min trip on the…
  • I’m not currently tracking but I crunch calorie numbers & weigh food to control portions. I also calculate protein aiming for about 130 grams per day. The protein is trickier than it seems.
  • No. But I think I ended up with a pretty heathy diet. Seems like I was sort of funneled into it as my points went down.
  • Only thing I put it on is potato. But it is an ingredient in my veggie soup. 1/2 tsp in a whole batch.
  • Not a reward exactly but this- when I started WW I did a fill in the blank. I can actually do this if______. One answer was get some kind of treat every day. So I set about researching treats. Btw some days wine was my treat but that didn’t last long. I quickly found that I got the most bang for the WW points with…
  • I put egg protein powder in my oatmeal every day. I eat a Nature Valley protein bar most days but the NI is not far from Snickers.