Advice For People Trying To Lose Weight
I’d like to try to get sort of a list and want to keep this thread going for awhile. So if you post and then think of something else feel free to come back. 2 that come to mind right now- The calculators and gadgets provide starting points and guidelines, not answers. In calorie counting the numbers are not exact. There…
30 Years Ago Today (Long)
Today is the anniversary of the start of my weight loss journey, 12/24/94. It was late in the evening, there wasn’t much left to do but go to bed. So the actual dieting started Christmas Day. I was going to do the New Year resolution thing, something I had always scoffed at, but I wasn't sure I could make it another week.…
Took The Plunge
Joined Weight Watchers. My initial impression- you pay dearly for straying from the zero point list. Not sure my old system of eating every available point but not tracking activity is going to work. Going to do what I used to do when I started and storyboard my coming week. See where I can make some modifications to shave…
FAO imastar2 (Derrick)
Derrick- are you ok? How did you do in the storm?
Deep Thoughts While Driving.
Our 19 day road trip is almost over. Monday morning I’ll have an idea how my intuitive eating worked out. But one day while logging miles I thought of this. It seems that the 3 main weight loss strategies have 2 things in common. 1 ) a way to limit intake. You 2) a way to deny that you are limiting intake. Keto- Limited to…
Bigger Breakfast
In an attempt to rein in some free range snacking I’m experimenting with a slightly bigger breakfast. 60 grams oatmeal to 70 grams. 15 grams egg protein to 20. Adds about 55 cals. Posting this to remind myself to pay attention. I’ll post again in about a week about how its going. Yes I’ve been “snacking” before lunch.
There Oughta Be A Law
Should have snapped a pic but the magazines in the checkout line at Publix had these 2 articles. Lose 3 lbs per Day Lose 53 lbs By Christmas. (This was the Nov issue.)
Found While Looking Up Something Else
It's easier to act yourself into a new way of thinking than to think yourself into a new way of acting. Ed Latimore
Is This The Diet Secret?
Ok. Start with the fact that we lose weight because of a calorie deficit. Is this the other puzzle piece? Deriving satisfaction from any loss regardless of how small it may be. Any thoughts?
A Lot On My Mind Today
And it’s all something to eat.
OT: Losing Faith In Our Institutions
Yesterday Chick-Fil-A messed up my order.
Let’s Talk About That “Leeway.”
In the LTL Al mentioned “leeway.” Leeway explains why following the “green, yellow, red zone” strategy when maintaining, I’m nearly always in yellow bumping up against red.
Changing Perceptions
OK, I was ruminating. Usually not a good idea but this time it seemed to yield something interesting. So when I was about 38 ish I was probably around 220 lbs. I lived in a Chicago suburb. The suburb had a commuter train. But I deemed the station to be too far to walk. The parking situation at the train was terrible. So I…
Greetings From Ft Myers, FL
Power came on here about 2 hrs ago. House took in about 1-2” of water. Enough to make a big mess. Both cars total loss. The garage is about 3’ lower than the house. House stood up well to the wind. The right side of the Ian eye wall pretty much landed right on us. More on this later.
Kinda A Reminder
There are worse problems than eating too much. Alfred Henry Lewis, New York Journal, October, 1896: “the only barrier between us and anarchy is the last nine meals we’ve had. It may be taken as axiomatic that a starving man is never a good citizen.” There used to be a feature in the Chicago Sun Times, don’t recall the…
Things Change
Yesterday, I guess in celebration of the 3 day end of summer weekend, DW made ribs. I had 2. Man, were they good. In the old days I would have knocked off the whole slab. Thought never entered my mind.
About That Ice Cream
https://nypost.com/2022/08/16/ice-cream-is-better-than-granola-surprising-snack-study/ Surprising?
And After All This Time
Seems like all I want to do today is eat. EAT.
Living The Lifestyle, Wildcard Friday, 6/17/2022
This is a thread for everyone. If you're new to GoaD, or to weight loss, your questions and comments are always welcome. If you're maintaining, or a long-term loser, your thoughts on the topic may be just what someone else needs to hear. If you're reading this, join in the discussion! Each weekday, a new topic is offered…
13 Days Of Covid
Well, 12 really. Yesterday I felt pretty much normal aside from a bit of a lingering cough. Double vaxed and boosted in Nov. I don’t have risk factors aside from I’m 72. It was very similar to a number of colds I’ve had and not the worst. It did mess with my sense of taste but I wouldn’t say I lost it. About the same as…
Exercise Is Addicting
The LTL tread reminded me of something I witnessed in an airport. Checking a bag in the days when that meant going through the line. We get to the counter, they weigh the bag, getting boarding passes, a ok. I notice the guy next to us. There’s an issue. His bag is too heavy, apparently by a lot. They open the bag and start…
Reminds Me Of Someone
Well, me.
Pickleball Was Gas Today
Health Benefits Of Pickleball
A fairly easy learning curve and loads of fun. https://spacecoastdaily.com/2020/02/10-health-benefits-of-playing-pickleball/
LTL Wildcard Tuesday, Jan. 4, 2022
We meet here to explore, share, celebrate and (sometimes) agonize over how we do (or don't) incorporate weight loss guidelines into our daily lives. "It's a lifestyle, not a diet" is easily and often said, but sometimes not so simply put into practice. This is a thread for everyone. If you're new to GoaD, or to weight…
Weight Loss Journey Day 1 Revisited.
December 25, 1994 was the first day of my weight loss journey. I’d actually made the decision about 9:55 pm the night before while watching Its A Wonderful Life with George Bailey howling “I want to live.” Not kidding. Don’t really recall how Christmas dinner went. Probably didn’t have seconds. Didn’t drink alcohol.…
LTL Wildcard Tuesday, 12/14/2021
We meet here to explore, share, celebrate and (sometimes) agonize over how we do (or don't) incorporate weight loss guidelines into our daily lives. "It's a lifestyle, not a diet" is easily and often said, but sometimes not so simply put into practice. This is a thread for everyone. If you're new to GoaD, or to weight…
Booster Kicked My Butt
Had 2X Pfizer with a sore arm and a bit of fatigue. Had the moderna yesterday. Bit of a chill today. Feel like I was beaten with a stick.
Living The Lifestyle Tuesday, 9/21/21 Late Edition
We meet here to explore, share, celebrate and (sometimes) agonize over how we do (or don't) incorporate weight loss guidelines into our daily lives. "It's a lifestyle, not a diet" is easily and often said, but sometimes not so simply put into practice. This is a thread for everyone. If you're new to GoaD, or to weight…
Living The Lifestyle, Tuesday September 7, 2021
We meet here to explore, share, celebrate and (sometimes) agonize over how we do (or don't) incorporate weight loss guidelines into our daily lives. "It's a lifestyle, not a diet" is easily and often said, but sometimes not so simply put into practice. This is a thread for everyone. If you're new to GoaD, or to weight…