cricket490 Member


  • Planks
  • Here is a good site that reviews treadmills and elliptical machines. I have a True treadmill that I bought over 10 years ago and it is still going strong after heavy use. I wanted a machine that would last many years and also handle the stride and weight of a person 6'4" and 200 lbs. (DH)…
  • I remember years ago someone told me that running a marathon was tough for a fast runner but imagine if you were a slow runner. It is much harder to be on your feet for 4-6 hours while running a race. If you run, you are a runner no matter the pace.
  • I always have 1 or 2 rest days a week. However, I still feel guilty even though it is important for your body to rest and rejuvenate.
  • I use sandwich thins- wheat which is 100 calories and with added ingredients it comes to 300-400 calories.
  • Working out 6 days a week is fine once you start getting into shape but it is too much for a beginner. Is this a personal trainer or someone who works at a gym? Some gym employees do not have the credentials to set up realistic exercise programs. You don't want to do too much where you end up dropping out or getting…
  • I use 1/2 cup old fashioned oats, 1/2 cup sweetened coconut milk and then any fruit on top (banana, blueberries, peach, strawberry, blackberries) in a mason jar, shake and refrig unless I am going to eat in an hour or two. If the bananas are really ripe it tastes like banana pudding. B)
  • No. If a storm hits when I am already running there are not many options except to run in the heavy rain. Rain is not so bad but lightning or hail and you need to take cover. I also have a treadmill which comes in handy during the winter or stormy days.
  • Well now I wish my Garmin Forerunner had bluetooth.
  • I guess the reason I don't like it clumped together is because it says jogging when it also includes walking. And yes, it is a vanity thing for my ONE MFP friend. Need to impress......
  • GiddyupTim, I am glad that I'm not a serious cyclist. :# You do have a valid point. I was going to venture into triathlons years ago and started reading books about training. On cycling, the first page of the first chapter said if you cycle to train for a triathlon you will be hit by a car. It changed my mind.
  • I eat about half of my exercise calories back. No matter how much you accurately measure and log food there will be discrepancies. If my food log is off by 100 calories I use my exercise calories to adjust the number. Also, logging exercise calories are not always accurate. For instance, if I run an hour and use a heart…
  • When recovering from a broken ankle, I would remove the boot and cycle wearing a house slipper on the injured foot. I had to go slower but could still pedal. This was a stationary bike I bought after I broke the ankle.
  • We would drive to a bigger city and cycle on a greenway (safer) until a cyclist friend told us to get in our car and clock a route on the country roads to cycle. Once we did this and added more and more miles we found with the extended miles, hills and curves it was a much better workout and enjoyed it more than the flat,…
  • I live in the country in a rural area and have to deal with very similar situations as you do. Two lane roads and most places no shoulder or grass to move to if a car does not yield to me. We have great routes that we set up in the country where we cycle 15-45 miles early in the morning mainly on weekends. Or Friday…
  • Are you in alot of pain right now? If so, you might have to lose weight by dieting until your pain gets better. Once the weight comes off your pain might subside where you can exercise. Don't let a diagnosis get you down. This is only a wake up call for you to get healthy and lose weight. I was diagnosed over 20 years ago…
  • I never took walking breaks getting ready for a race or during a race. I found it hard to start running again. However, there are times when taking a break is the best thing if it gets you to the finish line. To each their own. Do what works for you. Once you get into better shape you might find that you don't need to take…
  • Yes, get a new pair of shoes. I actually track my running miles so when they hit 300-400 miles I change to a new pair. I always have an extra pair in my closet. This is from years of experience and running in shoes that eventually cause an injury.
  • As a runner for 25+ years I am not offended at all if men go shirtless or women wear a sports bra with shorts. I live in the south and it is hot and humid running outside especially during the summer. I wear as little as possible due to the heat but always wear a top. It also does not bother me if the person is heavy,…
  • + 1 for a rear view mirror. Being nervous on a bike is normal if you have not cycled in years. I started cycling again 6 years ago after 20+ years of not riding. It all comes back to you and cycling as an adult you are more alert and aware of your surroundings which include cars. We live in a town that is not bike or…
  • We travel to Gatlinburg 3-4 times a year to hike in the mountains. It is great exercise that will rejuvenate your mind and body. Was your waterfall picture taken at Grotto Falls? My profile picture was taken from a hike in Gatlinburg. Cliff Tops located on Mt. LeConte.
  • For me, MFP and the treadmill calorie calculations are wrong and overstated. For example today I cycled 33 miles for 2 1/2 hours and my Garmin watch with heart rate monitor (chest strap) calculated my exercise calories at 893. When I entered the time and distance in MFP it calculated my burn at 1197. That is overstated by…
  • What surprised me when I started running ouside was I ran much faster than on a treadmill. Even with hills, wind, heat and humidity. I am short so that may be the reason.
  • I use a Garmin heart rate monitor to calculate my exercise calories because my burns were way off when using MFP calculation. It usually stated a few hundred calories more than my hrm calculated.
  • I think you are doing great to have lost 7.5 pounds in the past month. You are exercising at a pace that most young people would envy. However, maybe you should increase your calorie intake. My dr. told me not to go below 1200 and that 1500 would be even better. (for me) Losing weight is hard but after a certain age it is…
  • Agree. Go to a running store where they can help you with the correct shoe for your gait. Everyone is different so what works for one person may not be the best shoe for you. I wore Nike and New Balance when I started running but eventually found the best shoe for me was Saucony. Getting the correct shoe now will ensure…
  • Too much too soon. Try skipping every other day and see if the knee pain goes away. You don't want to get an injury by doing too much and you will still improve by starting out slower.
  • I would suggest you go to a store that is managed by people who run. They have a few in every town or city and are more running shoe experts than the franchise stores that crop up and hire young kids. Nothing against young kids.
  • It does not matter if you run fast or slow at least you are off the couch and running. I am slowly (very slowly) getting back into my running and it is tough, fun, sweaty and nobody understands why you do it. Unless you run........
  • I use vanilla coconut milk 1/2 cup, 1/2 cup old fashioned oats and 1/2 cup or more fruit - cut up. I have used bananas, peaches, strawberries, blueberries or blackberries all fresh. Each fruit gives the oats a different taste. I tried adding yogurt but it was too thick for my taste.