KaeChelleA Member


  • Yesterday, I didn't feel like I ate a whole lot, but I had too many carbs that put me over my calorie goal. Buns and tortillas got me! I didn't get in much activity either. Today was better! Still not a lot of activity, but food was better.
  • That's a tough question. I'd probably get rid of things that are temptations for me because I have trouble with self-control. I can't just eat one of something sweet in particular! However, if you can manage to control yourself and only eat 1 serving of tempting foods, and they fit in your calorie goal, there's nothing…
  • I want in. My goal is 10 pounds per month, so this is perfect.
  • Hi! I'm in the same boat. I've gone up and down for the past 9 years. I am starting this new year at my heaviest weight ever! By this time next year, I'd love to be 100+ pounds lighter! That would put me out of the 300's and close to being out of the 200's which is my ultimate goal. I'm ready to make changes that will…
  • Hi. I'm 39, married with two teenage step-kids. I have 100+ to lose. I was here several years ago and lost 35 pounds, but have gained it back over the years. I need to work on staying consistent and eating healthier. September is my 10th anniversary and we are going on a cruise, so trying to lose 50 pounds by then! Anyone…
  • I've been sick with bronchitis the last few days and that has gotten me off track a bit. I've just wanted to eat junk and sleep. I just got me something unhealthy to eat and it really didn't even satisfy me. Thinking about "Is it really worth it?" kind of gets me back on track. I'm ready to pick myself back up tomorrow.…
  • I still need to increase my water and I've logged my food most days. I lost 2.5 pounds this week.
  • I want to feel better and more confident. I want my clothes to fit and I want to be able to do fun things without being limited or embarrassed by my size.
  • My starting weight is 293.5. Ready to lose some!
  • Thanks for that input, heybales. I just got a Charge 2 a couple weeks ago and have noticed my fitbit calorie adjustment is much higher than with my Fitbit One, even though my steps are lower. I have left the HRM on constantly, so perhaps I should only have it on during exercise. I will also check out the link you posted.
  • Hi, I'm Karen from Fort Worth, TX. I have started over many times. I've lost weight, then gained it back. Now I'm just trying to take one day at a time and hopefully make changes that will last. A couple weeks ago, I created a brand new profile on here and on Fitbit (to go with my new tracker) because I wanted a fresh…
  • I use Pact and StepBet. Those two are kind of like betting on yourself. If you don't meet your goals, you are out money. It does motivate me to get my steps and earn a few bucks! I haven't had too many problems with Pact until yesterday. I keep having to re-link my Fitbit account to it. There are other options for exercise…
  • Hmmmm. That is strange. I wonder why it's even an option to track or not track steps versus just disconnecting the fitbit. Sorry if I was wrong.
  • Is there still time to join? Edit: I joined the group and answered the questions.
  • If you just selected "don't track steps" but still have your fitbit linked to MFP, you should still get the calorie adjustments. If you unlinked your fitbit completely, of course you will not get the calorie adjustments.
  • I don't remember seeing a checkbox for those things, however, fitbit activity does transfer to MFP. If your Fitbit is linked to MFP, you will see an adjustment in calories based off of your fitbit activity. Also, when you are on the main page of MFP when you log in (My Home), and you click "Check-in", it will show your…
  • The Fitbit adjustment is based on your total for the day... if you burn more or less than what your settings are based off of (sedentary or active). So even though your workout burned 158 calories, that doesn't mean Fitbit will give you those calories as an adjustment. If you are active the rest of the day on top of the…
  • Thank you for the input. I have just used them side by side this first week to compare. I started using the Charge 2 on Friday. I do like it though and I am getting used to having it on my wrist. Thanks again.