spiriteagle99 Member


  • Do eat back your exercise calories or you won't have the energy to fuel your practices. If you didn't, you would essentially only be eating only 700 calories on your workout days, and that has health risks, plus you are a lot less likely to sustain weight loss if you are starving. It can lead to binging, which isn't…
  • Did your doctor do a full thryoid work-up? You can have somewhat normal TSH and still be hypothyroid, which will affect your ability to lose weight. You are at the age where thyroid issues tend to appear.
  • MFP is set up so that you should eat back your exercise calories. As stated above, you can eat back all your exercise calories or only some of them, but if you are working out a significant amount, you definitely should eat some. The difficulty can lie in determining how many calories you are actually burning with…
  • I have the same kind of body. I don't, however, mind the bony upper body and I like doing regular exercise so the calorie level needed to sustain my weight loss isn't a burden for me. I look at myself in the mirror and really don't know whether I am too fat or too thin. Basically it doesn't matter since I've found a…
  • Why are you trying to lose weight? You are at a healthy weight now. Since you have little to lose, it becomes harder to lose weight. Small errors in calculating CI-CO can mean that your weight doesn't change.
  • When you are actively trying to lose weight, are you restricting yourself too much? A diet that has too few calories or that doesn't allow you to eat foods you really enjoy isn't sustainable for long. It is easy to get into the starvation then binge cycle where weight goes up and down and up and down. Also, how long are…
  • Before Obamacare I paid for my own insurance, then I got my insurance on the marketplace, now I get it through Medicare. I have always had a high deductible, which I have never met. I am generally healthy, so mostly it goes to a couple of annual visits or tests which I get free or reduced price thanks to the insurance.…
  • For losing or maintaining weight, it doesn't matter when you eat, just how many overall calories you are eating. Some people do well by restricting calories after dinner to avoid snacking or don't eat in the morning because they aren't really hungry then. Others eat whenever they are hungry, whether that is bedtime or the…
  • When I reached my goal weight, I also continued to lose, in part because I was increasing my exercise (marathon training), and partly because the goal MFP gave me was too low. I added 200 calories to my goal, and then another 200 later. I continued to log my food and exercise. I eat back all my exercise calories. Over time…
  • One more question: how often are you weighing yourself? Weight goes up and down significantly on a day to day basis, depending on how much salt we eat, how much water we are retaining to repair sore muscles, how much waste is in our system, etc. If you are only weighing yourself once a week, you may be missing the days…
  • I have been maintaining a 50+ lb. weight loss for about 10 years. I go over on calories fairly often. A restaurant meal will almost always put me over. I don't worry about it. I don't do anything drastic to cut my calories and I don't increase my exercise since I already do more than enough. I just start again at the next…
  • All of the major shoe manufacturers have shoes that will fit different kinds of feet and different needs. Try New Balance, Asics, Brooks, Hoka, etc. Which works best depends on your comfort level (some people like a thick cushion, others hate it) and the shape of your particular feet. (I can't wear some brands because they…
  • Where you can, buy in bulk and buy sale items. Our grocery will have sales on 3-5 lbs of chicken at $.99-2.99 a pound. Pork roast is often cheap. Eggs are cheap now. Buy the large family sized frozen vegetables. They don't have added salt and can be inexpensive. Make soups or stews.
  • I enter my exercises manually. Thus, I'll log: walking at 3 mph for 20 minutes, then running at 6 mph for 60 minutes, then calisthenics or yoga for 15 minutes. It isn't difficult. If you have a Garmin watch you could sync it with the app, but I find that my watch overcounts more than MFP does since it includes 'steps' that…
  • Have you chosen too aggressive a goal? Losing 2 lbs a week is too much for most people, but a lot of people assume they should be able to do that. That's a 1000 calorie deficit, which is huge. Better to choose a slower rate of loss and be able to continue for a while than to lose quickly but be unable to sustain it. That…
  • For me, walking in the neighborhood every day is easy: I have a large rescued lab who needs exercise. He gets walked 3 times a day. I get bored sometimes doing the same routes, so try to vary by taking him for hikes when I can, but because I love my dog, his need for exercise is a priority and he gets his walks every…
  • Years ago I read a book called, "Thin for Life" which was similar to my understanding of intuitive eating. It involved paying attention to your hunger cues and only eating when you were actually quite hungry, then halfway through the meal checking in again to see if you were still hungry or just eating because the food was…
  • I am too cheap to do a subscription service like ifit, though I have friends who enjoy running routes all over the world and that sounds like fun to me. My Nordictrack has a lot of programs, but I don't use most of them. If I do one of their programs, I usually end up modifying it. One issue I have is that their warm-up is…
  • Not frozen, but in the meat section I sometimes buy the Hormel prepared meat dishes and split one with my husband. The roast beef au jus (actually pot roast), roast pork, and roast turkey are always good. They heat up in 4 minutes in the microwave or you can cook them on the stovetop. (I take them camping.) There is also…
  • When I was in college, every year I would gain 20 lbs. during the year and lose it during the summer. That set me up for decades of yoyo dieting. I don't recommend it. Unfortunately, the cheapest foods are usually the most calorie dense. If you eat in the cafeteria, you may be stuck with mystery meat covered with gravy or…
  • I have a Nordic Track recumbent bike. I like it because it is easy to use and I get a good workout. I dislike the fact that my legs go numb after about 40 minutes. Something about the angle, I think. I usually ride it for 40-60 minutes and then I have to get on the TM to get feeling back in my legs.
  • Ask your doctor about hyaluron (sp?) shots. My husband did those for his knee and the pain went away for about a year. Then he did it again. Same with a friend. Eventually both ended up needing a knee replacement, but it gave them time to be active without the surgery.
  • Before a race or long run, I'll usually eat a bagel or muffin and a banana. Bland and with carbs. Normally I run 2 hours after lunch or breakfast, so after cereal, oatmeal, a bagel, or a peanut butter sandwich. I've found that fat or too much sugar doesn't agree with my stomach at all. Do some experimenting though. I have…
  • I quit smoking after about 10 years as a pack a day smoker. What got me was the annual November "Smoke Out" where you are supposed to stop smoking for 24 hours. I tried and couldn't do it. That made me mad. I decided I needed to be the one in control, not my craving for cigarettes. I quit, for good, the next day. Hardest…
  • It doesn't matter when you eat, it matters how much you eat. If you aren't hungry in the daytime, don't eat. Save the calories for later. Track everything you put in your mouth and try to stick to your calorie goals.
  • A bagel or banana provide carbs without being likely to upset your stomach. An apple or applesauce is also a possibility. Still sweet, but no added sugar.
  • To the OP: IF can help if you have problems with excessive snacking or eating without thinking about it, but it isn't a magic pill that will guarantee weight loss. Intermittent fasting works only if you restrict the number of calories you eat overall. It really doesn't matter if you have a 4 hour window or a 24 hour…
  • My motivation comes from the fact that I know I feel better on days that I exercise. I get depressed on days I don't unless I'm busy doing something I really enjoy. Experience has taught me that the way I feel going into a run has little to do with the way I feel after my run. I always feel calmer and more at ease. That…
  • I sometimes look at menus with calories listed and wonder how on earth they sell some of the items on there, given the number of calories. Most desserts are 700-1000 calories. So are most of the appetizers. Side dishes aren't much better. It kinda takes the fun out of going out when you see how many calories you are…
  • My husband had a TKR several years ago. One thing I read at the time is that it is really important to strengthen the legs before the surgery. Afterwards, be really diligent in doing your exercises, especially in the beginning. Different kinds of surgery have different recovery times. My husband was using a walker for a…