Myaaka Member


  • Hey there everyone! I’m in the process of learning keto and did my first day today! I could really use the encouragement and ideas, so yay! Really excited! I have 80 lbs to lose and would like to lose the bulk of that in the next 6-7 months as my husband just got deployed and will be back then. It’d be an awesome…
  • I sent you a request! I could use a good support system too! Just restarted my journey after way too long neglecting it. Put back on the 60+ lbs I lost 😭😭 Now I’m starting over. But I’m doing it!!
  • I have been using MFP for like 8 years now I think. I have lost, gained, lost, get the picture haha 🤣 I want this to be my last time losing (except after I get pregnant once more but that’s not for a while). I try to be a daily logger. We are already friends now so yay! 😜🥰
  • My blog is It’s the free version so long URL! 😂 I started it on 12/16/18 and haven’t posted since 12/31/18 but will be starting again this week! Would love comments and such as that helps me with accountability! And 5 kids?!? Wow! One is exhausting enough so I cannot even imagine 5! I applaud…
  • OP, I have been looking into NS myself and will probably try it out for April and May. I've just lost my baby weight (90 lbs gained during first pregnancy because I traveled for 6 months for work) and now just have about 40 more lbs to go until I hit my goal weight. I'm hoping that NS will help with at least 20 of those…
  • Is there a reason you are eating vegan, other than for weight loss? If it's because you don't like meat, then ignore. But if you do like meat then I would add in lean protein like chicken breast and fish at least once or twice a day. And research shows that eating yogurt a few times a day an help. I do the 80 calorie Greek…
  • It's Sunday weigh in! I was 188.8!! Before thanksgiving I was about 192, then hit 196 after thanksgiving and am finally back under again! Yay! Also, I joined a gym on Thursday and am looking forward to getting in shape! Hoping to weigh in at 179.8 by the 22nd as that's my husbands work holiday party and I gotta buy a new…
  • Hey everyone! So sorry I haven't been on here the last few weeks. Had a family emergency and then went to a different state for 2 weeks and it's been crazy! Anyways, I'm fully back on track after all that horrible (and very delicious) thanksgiving feast full of calories and goodness!! As of today I'm down to 189.6!! My…
  • Hey everyone. So Saturday's are my weigh-ins. I was 196 last Saturday and was 194.6 today. I am really depressed though because yesterday I was 192.6. I'm having a really hard time today because of that. I actually ate under my calories yesterday, probably by too much. I didn't work out yesterday which was the first day in…
  • Hey everyone! My weigh in was yesterday. I was down 3.6 lbs for that week and 3 inches!! So happy! Just been extra careful counting and logging calories and working out almost each day. I'm doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and walking about 1-1.5 miles each day. It's rough since I have an 8 month old but I just ask…
  • I'm actually still doing it. I lost 3.6 lbs and 3 inches this week and I only did level 1 six times. Today I did level 1 & 2 back to back. It was great. I don't do the jumping jacks though cause of my knees but I can do most everything else. It's a great workout just have to be careful. And it's only 20 min and I get a big…
  • Hi everyone! My name is Dani. My daughter is 7.5 months old now and I'm dying to get the rest of the baby weight off plus extra! SW: 255 day before she was born CW: 198.6 GW: 175 for Dec 31st!! But I'd be happy with 181 if I had to haha
  • Yes to all above. I will def log more consistently. I wasn't sure if maybe I wasn't eating enough since I'm breastfeeding full time. I'm trying hard to eat enough so my milk supply doesn't go down. But also low enough to lose weight. I'll try the logging and weighing more often. Thanks everyone
  • Oh thanks about pic. Yeah that was a couple months ago. Still my favorite pic of me and my angel. :smiley:
  • Mostly weighing foods and inputting it on MFP. Not every day but mostly. Hard to do consistently with a baby. But I'm careful of what I'm eating. I don't keep any breads or sweets in the house and I don't eat out except for when hubby and I go on a date which is so rare! Haha!!
  • I lost 40 lbs last year but then got pregnant with my daughter and gained 90 lbs during the pregnancy!! I lost 55 so far but want to lose the other 35 plus an additional 30 to get to my final goal. The weight affects my movements in playing with my baby girl and really affects my relationship with my spouse. I know I…
  • Hi Renae!! I'm also doing the 30 Day Shred!! I just finished day 4 on level 1. It's crazy! I couldn't walk the first 3 days! Haha! Glad that parts over. Now I'm just focusing on doing them the best I can and can't wait until Saturday when I weigh in and measure to see what I've lost!! You can totally add me if you want and…
  • Hi there! I understand the need to lose baby weight. I have a 7.5 month old and she is crawling quickly all over the place!! I'm still 65 lbs over weight (35 from the pregnancy) and hoping to lose at least half that before her first birthday on March 4, 2017!! I'd love for you to add me! I'm totally down for extra…
  • Oh also if you need additional motivation you can always bet on yourself to lose weight at DietBet. I just joined and it's really cool. Def motivates me to lose weight since I'm betting on it. I could lose a lot of money if I don't lose weight or could make good money if I do lose weight. It's intense and really cool!!
  • Hi there! I have a 7.5 month old little girl and still have 35 lbs baby weight plus 30 lbs other weight to lose!! Please add me! I'd love to have support. I'm new to the community but used MFP for years now