Looking for friends

I had previously lost a lot of weight just by having an amazing support system on here! I would love to find more people to drag on this journey and to help one another achieve goals! If you are one of these people please add me! We’re in this together!


  • vmtama27
    vmtama27 Posts: 43 Member
    Me too let's do this!!
  • Bopo_Amy
    Bopo_Amy Posts: 19 Member
    Me too let’s do this, friend me.
  • crazycassie
    crazycassie Posts: 12 Member
    Cant rember how to ask u to be friends 😊
  • Sanriohippie
    Sanriohippie Posts: 76 Member
    Same,just added😊
  • Myaaka
    Myaaka Posts: 25 Member
    I sent you a request! I could use a good support system too! Just restarted my journey after way too long neglecting it. Put back on the 60+ lbs I lost 😭😭 Now I’m starting over. But I’m doing it!!
  • Morgan_Adams94
    Morgan_Adams94 Posts: 1 Member
    Same! Sent you requests
  • jbrooks1522
    jbrooks1522 Posts: 4 Member
    Same boat. Haven’t figured out how to send friend requests though. Need help getting motivated to workout after work and not eat bad food for lunch. Just got accepted to be an NCAA football referee. They said I had to lose about 60 lbs by end of August. Help!
  • MissSerenaMarie
    MissSerenaMarie Posts: 15 Member
    Will send you a request!!! More people I know doing the same thing the better 😊
  • ashleyih
    ashleyih Posts: 76 Member
    Add me if you want! I feel like accountability is key!
  • JenHol79
    JenHol79 Posts: 90 Member
    Hi! Feel free to add me. Im back on from about a 6 mo hiatus! One day at a time