Why did you choose to loose weight?



  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    kitten8u wrote: »
    I've been over weight my whole life and have always wanted to do something about it, I've tried before and now I'm trying again. I hope to loose the weight so I can wear a bikini for once in my life and get a nice wedding dress, but why have you chosen to loose weight?

    @kitten8u welcome to MFP forums.

    In my case it was after I stopped trying to lose weight that I lost and didn't regain it plus more.

    I only focused on how to manage my joint and muscle pain by my way of eating.
  • sandyification
    sandyification Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for sharing your stories you all! My reasons for wanting to lose weight are:
    1. Feel more confident about my body
    2. Look better in clothes
    3. Embrace a more healthy & active lifestyle
  • johnnylakis
    johnnylakis Posts: 812 Member
    I was tired of being overweight and sick all the time
  • My clothes stopped fitting and I just didn't feel like me any more.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Because I decided that life was too short to not like the way I look, so I got to work on changing it.
  • Myaaka
    Myaaka Posts: 25 Member
    I lost 40 lbs last year but then got pregnant with my daughter and gained 90 lbs during the pregnancy!! I lost 55 so far but want to lose the other 35 plus an additional 30 to get to my final goal. The weight affects my movements in playing with my baby girl and really affects my relationship with my spouse. I know I really need to lose this weight and I'm ready now!!
  • JennaMatthews07
    JennaMatthews07 Posts: 14 Member
    This might get long, but that's alright. So, I have always been very shy, and have never had a lot of friends. Growing up, I was fairly outgoing, and I was confident. I wasn't super afraid to talk in front of a class. Moving in to intermediate school, I lost some friends, but I gained some great ones. I was fairly confident, and didn't really give a crap about what people said. I started changing, and I gained weight, but I grew taller, to 5' 9". That is not very normal for a seventh grader. I wasn't confident, and I still am not. I feel like there is something wrong with me, but there isn't. I barely talk at all, and I have very few friends. I feel like losing weight will make me more confident, and feel better about myself. I'm. It doing this for anyone else, but myself. I chose to live a vegetarian, hopefully one day vegan life. So far I've lost a few pounds, but I really have not noticed it.
  • BuffMom84
    BuffMom84 Posts: 180 Member
    The other day I wanted to paint my toenails but I struggled because my belly was in the way!!
    I used this website to lose weight before a few years ago and it worked, but I slacked off after I reached my goal weight. No excuses. I don't have a specific reason to lose weight (a wedding or anything like that). I just want to feel better and of course look better.
  • edixon127
    edixon127 Posts: 103 Member
    I'm going on a cruise next July with my boyfriend and both of our families. That was pretty good motivation-- I'd like to be able to wear a bathing suit and feel confident for once!
  • rvnmedic6869
    rvnmedic6869 Posts: 2 Member
    I just turned 69 and my blood pressure was getting a tad too high. My goal is to lose ten lbs and then lose some more. I'm very active, doing cardio on tmill and strength training with free weights. I find that I needed to track calories and exercise and this site is helping me maintain discipline.
  • kitten8u
    kitten8u Posts: 19 Member
    Wow some great stories and fantastic reasons! keep up the good work everyone!