Rho97070 Member


  • Guys are funny . . . By that I mean, they are sometimes simply oblivious (not that I am ever oblivious ;-) Today, I had planned to work on my garage clean up project. Coat on, hand on the door knob, my BF asks where something in the kitchen belongs. So I answer. As I close the door, I feel it tugging in the other…
  • Dogs like Henry get snatched up in a hurry. He's on his way to his new home now with the sister of a friend where he'll be loved forever <3
  • Pip or anyone in the Pacific NW Do you have room . . . Would you be interested in adopting a 4 year old service dog whose owner just passed away and needs a new home? His name is Henry and he's in Portland.
  • Heather in UK I'm so sorry for what you had to go through with breast cancer. Thank you for sharing. Gosh, that had to be tough. But, wow! Look at you now :smiley: turning 70. Weight down. Strength up - walking, jogging and dancing. Impressive! Very inspiring! You look fabulous (your sons and DH, not bad either - hehe. But…
  • Sensational Sunday Greetings! Reinventing Rhonda - Day 21 (yesterday) I'm a morning person. So I decided that rather than doing my personal updates at the end of the day, I'd do them in the mornings for the day previous . . . Yesterday, I planned my meals for the day starting with a large protein enriched breakfast. Then…
  • Michele in NC Rho – boy, I didn’t realize how active you were! How wonderful you’re getting the new transmission. . .[/quote] I've was pretty active all of my life. And trim, too. But I broke my left foot in four places a few years back while playing basketball with one of my sons. Ortho docs wanted to fuse a number of…
  • Good morning/afternoon (or evening) and happy weekend! I hadn't been eating as healthily as intended over the last week or so due to multiple stresses. But happy to report that my weight loss that began earlier in the month has remained stable. Also happy to report BF is doing great after having TURP last Thursday.…
  • Heather Thanks for the book's title - I'll check it out. Machka Your photos at the mountain top in BC, all brilliant! So too the story of how you and your DH got together. And it was me who asked about low cal snacks :smile: thank you for the suggestions! Lanette My sinuses have been acting up this morning as well. It's…
  • Reinventing Rhonda - Day 19 Very busy day. Didn't count distance, but got in a lot of physical activity and walking. I'm not too concerned at this point with exercise. Although I'm trying to get some in each day, my primary focus now is to adjusting my eating habits. The total calories and amount of protein I've been…
  • G' day, lovelies :smiley: It's a cool day in the Pacific NW. Perfect for catching up on a lot of stuff including the last ten/twelve pages of posts :-) First off, thank you to those that held my hand some over the last couple of days. <3 There were several moments where I just felt "this is too much" - there was one moment…
  • 🙏 Prayers for Josephine 🙏
  • Reinventing Rhonda - Day 18 * Kept fats to a minimum and got in lots of walking today. * BF's procedure went well. He's home and resting comfortably, for now. * Was on a wait list to see dermatologist to get me in earlier than planned. Saw the dermo doc, had a couple of skin tags removed and punch biopsy for questionable…
  • Reinventing Rhonda - Day 17 I've been on a roller-coaster between DGD's (darling grand-daughter's) four birthday celebrations that began last Thursday and ended this evening and trying to remedy my broken car situation. Between festivities, I've been researching replacement transmissions for my broken Volvo and looking at…
  • Hey ladies ~ remember me mentioning the tank tops with the shelf bras from J Jill that I like to wear? Well, they're on sale 30% off with promo code "FALL30". Some colors are $20.30 and others $13.99. These are the lowest prices I have ever seen! I bought five new ones :) And there's no shipping cost if you use the…
  • I’m up and almost out the door to walk. Tummy felling much better. Happy Tuesday everyone :)
  • Reinventing Rhonda - Day 16 * Two 1 mile walks today. * Zero fats today, but over sugar limit from sipping 7-up. Tummy troubles that began late last week still haven't subsided entirely :/ I'm exhausted from running to the girls' room and all the excitement over car issues. Ahhhh, sweet slumber, I'm ready. Rather than…
  • Kim Lots of good info and insights from folks on a similar path and from some who have "been-there-done-that" regarding the concerns and challenges you mentioned. My personal experience would be too long to post. That being said, it was tougher for me to afford monthly insurance premiums and cover my housing expense while…
  • CharlieAnn31 Welcome! We do seem to be a chatty group :wink: Congrats on losing the weight through WW!!! I'd love to be a size 10 again, but ending up in the hospital, yikes, no thanks. Very scary : :/ Are you needing to take an iron supplement now? Beth in Buffalo I threw out the sugar I formally used for baking and found…
  • M in Oz Machka, you've demonstrated in this forum what a resourceful and self-determined that you are. Yet there's a smidgen of doubt about completing your Masters? Huh, what??? Do not believe that tiny voice! :wink:
  • drkatiebug Cute photo of you and your grand-daughter. One can see the resemblance in your smiles :smiley: KJ (Kelly) Thank you for the kind words <3 Barbara I dislike vacuuming also. It hurts my shoulder. I dislike the sound of the vacuum. We have a lot of rugs - I dislike having to move them, then move them again, and…
  • Machka9 That site was very informative, thank you. I hadn't seen that one before. I agree with what you wrote about all the multiple things that go into someone's positive recovery, i.e. fitness, natural desire to learn and do things, friends, etc. and love - lots of love. My son was fortunate to have the same things and…
  • Sharon LglSec Welcome :smile: Snowflake1968 HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! :smiley: Pip Was that a black lab in the photo yours? Beth near Buffalo Re: it sounds like you've got a good handle on the subject of your parents :wink: KK - KetoneKaren I sure hope what's happening is figured out and they're able to administer the help…
  • Woo-hoo! Connie! Woo-hoo!
  • Beth near Buffalo I agree with you on the topic of inheritances and expectations. But for the sake of knowledge, I want to suggest that you dig a little deeper about parents not wanting to go into assisted living so as to enable them to leave something to their offspring. I'm not an attorney and may not have this entirely…
  • It really is. He was an amazing kid and is even more amazing as a man. Everyone loves him (that's not just me/mom speaking). He never complains about anything (unlike me) and emanates love and humbleness. He still visits local hospitals visiting patients that have undergone tragedy, relating his story and giving them hope,…
  • Reinventing Rhonda - Day 13 (yesterday) Didn't walk, didn't log food, and didn't check in here. Dealt with my car breaking down along the freeway, getting it home, and researching what it's going to take to replace its transmission - a lot of moo-la :# I wanted ice cream sooo bad :o but settled for watermelon. Body…
  • Allie My apologies for the fopaux. NYKaren Thank goodness you're okay! dandi1986 Congrats on dropping below 200! Yea! :smile: Barbara Sadly, the nearest animal shelter is an hour's drive one-way :'( M in Oz Good article on TBI that you posted. I already use some of those compensatory strategies, lol! Have to :# lest I may…
  • Mid-day break :smiley: KK = Karen in Virginia I'm sending well wishes for the daughter of your partner's coworker. That's gotta be tough on all :/ Thanks for the tip about inserting photos inside the spoiler brackets. I though I had done that, but obviously not :s Oh, and thank you for the words of encouragement re: going…
  • Thanks everyone For tips on how to add photos :smiley: Yvonne in TX The bra incident: not so bad, really. Thankfully the shot I made was at the end of the game. Flying tissues distracted the other team. The buzzer rang. We won! Sharon Looks (and sounds) like you're having a great time! I'm sooooo envious!!! Are there still…