

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,386 Member
    Machka - the good thing is that now you are (hopefully) immunized and it won't happen again! :)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,037 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    Machka - the good thing is that now you are (hopefully) immunized and it won't happen again! :)

    Yes, and when I check on the shingles vax, I will double check whether my GP thinks I should get the second measles vax which has just been rolled out to the GPs for people my age. There might be some blood test where they can tell whether I need it or not. If what I had wasn't measles, it was much too much like it for my comfort and I definitely don't want to get measles!

    As I'm sure you know ... we'd rather not have any more skin things!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :)Lanette, If you come to wake me up at 3 AM, be sure you are dressed in warm clothes and sturdy shoes because we will be going out to walk the dogs for their before breakfast walk (this morning it lasted 40 minutes).
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,625 Member
    yesterdays stats

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 7.21min, 12.9amph, 136mhr, 1.58mi= 76c
    apple watch- 61c
    0 RUNNER- 45min, 105ahr, 117mhr, 10.13min mi, lvl4-7, 9h, 108c, 38l, 4.44mi= 309c
    apple watch- 242c
    arm/chinup assist- 5.10min, 123mhr, 4sts of 10ea, 70#assist= 34c
    apple watch= 38c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 5.28min, 16.4amph, 1.49mi= 52c
    apple watch- 44c
    jog wrk 2 sta- 5.07min, 10.07min mi, 143mhr, .50mi= 64c
    apple watch- 56c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 22.34min, 140mhr, 6.9amph, 2.59mi= 203c
    apple watch- 138c

    total cal 814
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    edited September 2019
    Did a DVD for the rebounder today. Rummikub tonight so the plan for tomorrow is to do Cathe Friedrich’s Fitness Cross Fire DVD. I usually take the water class on Wednesdays or Fridays, but on the Tuesdays we have Rummikub I take it on Friday.

    This one instructor always does the Electric Slide in the water, you know, 4 to the right, 4 to the left. To me who has a short attention span, this gets boring. But she won’t be here this week which means we don’t have to do it. Yea!

    Exercised then bought gas. Really needed it. Now baking biscuits to freeze for Vince to have at another time. Put the bacon on the tartlets that I’m going to take to Rummikub.

    Rho – so sorry you’re still having trummy troubles. Would ginger help? That usually helps stomach problems

    Debbie VA – happy birthday to your hubby and gs

    The rebounder DVD today was set in the Caribbean. Made me long for St. Kitts.

    Lynette – As for the 7 dwarfs, I’m still missing Doc and Dopey (and Snow White). The lady down in FL where I got them only had those 5 poured. I’ll email her a few weeks before we go to FL and ask her to pour them. Right now I’m working on this big turtle mainly because I was sick and tired of looking at it. I like the colors, only the paint for the brown shell and the green arms/legs/head is hard to distinguish. Why you ask? The way this paint is, the paint is one color but when it’s fired it turns another color. Both the brown and the green are both red paints. He’ll have orange finger nails/toe nails/lips. I do hope he comes out OK. His stomach will be yellow with brown spots. I got the idea when we went to see PJ the last time and we were watching some cartoons. One of the cartoon turtles had the yellow/brown combo and I thought it was something different. Technically, they're illegal, they're copyrighted. But there are bootleg molds out there.

    Carol GA – the dwarfs are about 9” to 10” tall. Although that’s a bit small for around the pool, Snow White is pretty big so I think it’ll look OK

    M – how did you know that you followed a woman with the measles?

    ohhhh...I just found out you can make spaghetti squash in the IP. Am I ever going to have fun with it!

    Michele in NC
  • Rho97070
    Rho97070 Posts: 84 Member
    I’m up and almost out the door to walk. Tummy felling much better.
    Happy Tuesday everyone :)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,037 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    M – how did you know that you followed a woman with the measles?
    Michele in NC

    It was on the news. When they gave her itinerary, my husband and I just stared at each other. After traveling through Victoria and infecting people there, she appeared in Queensland and may have infected people there too.

    M in Oz

  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 957 Member
    Machka - in 2012, I was under some stress. MIL very sick, the mister flying back and forth to Europe every 2 weeks from August to December, me having to travel for work every week to a client that was just plain mean....anyway, these little bumps appeared on my side. They itched a little, but that was about it. I thought it was the clasp on my heart rate monitor rubbing me. The mister came home 2 weeks later and said he thought it was shingles. I went to the doctor and she confirmed, but by then there was nothing to do. I was super lucky that it was probably the most mild case ever. The mister got them in June this year. His skin was so sensitive that no one could get within breathing distance of him without him jumping in pain. I think if someone typically has bad cases of colds, flus, allergies, etc., perhaps vaccinating is the right choice.

    In my case, I didn't think I was sick enough for it to be serious.

    On a side note - you are all a chatty group. It's hard to keep up! :smiley:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Hi all

    Still skimming and finding it hard to keep up.

    I went to see Shrek the Musical at the Opera House last night and it was brilliant! I really enjoyed it, acting and singing superb, and the dragon was amazing.

    Beth - How you getting on with your sugar reduction? I'm trying to cut down on sugar and carbs, but it is not easy as I enjoy them both too much >:) I am trying to eat healthier though and stop eating mindless calories (sugar) I've started logging my food again so I can see where I'm going wrong. It certainly makes me think about what I am putting in my mouth. Unfortunately today I have had a bit of a lapse, I was okay until I started eating and then found I couldn't stop :o:( I don't know why I do this to myself!

    One thing that I am proud of is that I have started the Couch to 5K. I am week 3 now, but may go back to week 2 and keep on that until I find it a little easier. I haven't told anyone before now (and then only to you guys) because I know I am terrible at sticking with things, I start exercising and stop after a few days, so I am so pleased with myself that I have stuck with this. I'm not that keen on running either so I've really surprised myself. (Maybe it's Sarah Millican's voice telling me when to walk and when to run that is motivating me lol)

    Michele - I love the dwarfs.

    M in Oz Loved the seasons in Tasmania :) and sorry to hear about your rash, it looks quite painful.

    Love to all
    Viv UK <3
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Rebecca - I can only give you the messaging I give myself when sibling or other close relationships are hurtful. What hurts me is not their actions, it's that I expected them to do better, and they didn't. I can't change their actions, I can only change my expectations. I wish I had better advice... I can only tell you when I quit expecting people to behave in a particular way, I quit getting hurt quite so much. And I'm always pleasantly surprised when they act decent! :blush: I'm sorry your relationship with your sister is so fraught with tension and pain.

    Katiebug - you look AWESOME! You've done amazing things, woman...

    Busy day - because I ended up mowing AND helping Corey with the creation of the mudroom. We're about halfway done, so no pictures yet. :) We're getting better at being able to call it quits and live to fight another day in terms of home reno...


    Later, y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    Thank you Lisa!💖. I talked with my eldest sister, we both mourn our sister. Its like she has passed on. Gone is an empathetic feelings toward us. Gone are the days where she would call us on the phone for a nice chat. I get disappointed with myself, in that the same things happen, but yet I am expecting a different result. My middle sister does what she knows. I am learning for my own sanity I need to distance myself from her.
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Skimming through the posts, I see hugs! (((((((GROUP HUGS))))))))))💖

    Actually when I was talking to my eldest sister about the texts, I mentioned that I always thought out Mom would've wanted me to keep trying, (to get her to stop drinking and smoking). As I was talking about it, I laughed because in my head I could hear our Mom saying, "Oh for Pete's sake, what is she doing"! My Mom had a definite tone when she was trying to make a point! So we were able to laugh at that. Oh to be a Norwegian Lutheran strong woman! We are bossy people!
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,904 Member
    klanders30 wrote: »
    Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good

    Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going

    <3 NYKAREN

    Perfect! Needed these reminders!


    Pg 59 done

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,785 Member
    Every time I read about medical bills and insurance in the States I become more and more grateful that I live in Canada. Our healthcare is not perfect and there can be long waits but we don’t go bankrupt trying to get medical care.

    Kim - Hugs to you, those are some tough thoughts to work through.

    Machka - I am at home sick yesterday and today with a cold and sinus congestion. I did try to go to work yesterday but was sent home almost immediately. This is the first job I have ever had where you are expected to stay home and get better rather than come in and power through. What a difference.

    Felicia - When my eldest daughter was expecting they said she wasn’t immune to chicken pox. She was vaccinated as a child and still had a mild case of them. They immunized her again and she still doesn’t show as immune. They told her some people it just doesn’t work. Maybe that is the problem with your son and he will be able to go to EMT school anyway.

    Allie - your comment about enjoying your time since your divorce reminds me of the George Strait song, She let herself go. There have been times in my life I have wished I could do that.
    I hope Tom allows Chester to go soon if that is what is recommended, it must be a terrible choice to make.

    I had a wonderful surprise for my birthday Sunday night (my birthday was actually Friday). Last year for Christmas my youngest and her then fiancé bought me a family photo shoot as a gift. On March 31 we actually had the pictures taken. I received the proofs and loved them but the package to purchase them was way out of range. On Sunday my youngest showed up with a card and told me that the whole family had gotten together to buy the whole package for me. All 145 photos. I will share a couple of the pictures in a separate post. Now I have to decide what to print off!

    Tracey In Edmonton
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    edited September 2019
    Tracey - what an amazing gift - and good on your family for getting together to get it for you! The photos are wonderful... happy belated birthday!
  • Rho97070
    Rho97070 Posts: 84 Member
    Hey ladies ~ remember me mentioning the tank tops with the shelf bras from J Jill that I like to wear? Well, they're on sale 30% off with promo code "FALL30". Some colors are $20.30 and others $13.99. These are the lowest prices I have ever seen! I bought five new ones :) And there's no shipping cost if you use the Shoprunner. I'm not affiliated with either company. I just thought I'd pass the info along since a few of you seemed interested.

    I'm almost 5'8" and their length ends at my thigh crease . . . the gals in photos must be really tall.
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,574 Member
    morning ladies~
    I am up and had my tea..
    well Tom took Chester to the vet for blood work and more fluids..I fear for our sweet baby the end is near...
    he has fought the good fight and Tom has clearly done all that is possible .. and we will find out from the bloodwork this afternoon the outcome, then it is Toms decision ...
    it just breaks my heart...
    on a lighter note I an going up to the Eastern States Exposition in West Springfield ,Ma.. always fun ,but cant handle huge crowds so hence why im going during the week, as supposed to go with friends but they backed out, so I will be going on my own..
    since getting divorced I quite enjoy being on my own and going and doing things by myself with no one to answer to...

    Allie: I'm sorry to hear about Chester. We went through a similar drill with our terrier Lucy about four years ago, except that I did the IV under the skin at home on our kitchen table. At first it was once every three days, then every other day, and when she got to needing it every day, the vet said that it was time. We took her in, they gave her a mild anesthetic ahead of the shot to put her down, but she didn't survive the anesthetic. They never got to the other dose. She was an old, good dog, but when it's time, it's time. Much love to you during this transition.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Snowflake Wonderful photos!

    Viv Couch to 5K - good for you! and Shrek sounds marvelous.

    Lanette Delayed reactions are common...for example, lots of people don't get an allergic rash to an anitibiotic until 5 or more days after starting it. The appearance of a rash doesn't always give the diagnosis...an allergic rash & a viral rash can look the same!

    We are winding up our schoolday & I am going to Southern States for Carpetmaker, to Kroger for a couple of items, and then to Costco for a dog prescription, rotisserie chicken, and a box of peaches. Then home to mow the lawn.

    Karen in Virginia