
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited September 2019
    @Machka9 eucalyptus is prevalent in cough drops and maybe in some essential oils. Teatrea is not big here. I slacked off on appointment making last week and that's not great. I'm sorry about your cancer stuff a few years ago. my sister had advanced ovarian cancer about 2 years ago but is in total remission now.

    @KJLaMore I relate to almost everything you wrote about running. I don't like to be a wet blanket, but with my recent experience I would never recommend to someone over 50 w knee and or ankle issues to upgrade to runs.

    @Trucker743 congratulations on the GD's wedding, and sorry about the other one. I saw 4 GPs (one on vacation, a replacement one and the two regular ones) before one gave me a oft-required prescription to see a specialist. August is slow as mollasses everywhere. In the country the MRI place was simply closed for 3 weeks and here it was better but all nearly closed the end of the week of august 15th even in the city. They send you for an x-ray first (sometimes) then MRI and THEN the specialist, and meanwhile 3-4 weeks have gone by. Annoying.
    I'm not sure what to do.I get mixed suggestions. I've read many times that meniscus tear is most often degenerative when at not very young (me) age. Don't you think the ICEis just in the beginning? I used it in the beginning but am not sure if I should keep using it. Online stuff tends to say to use it for the 1st days but it's not getting better.'m not at all used to this kind of body thing.I have had digestive issues that really made me feel ill and I had to stop cause I felt miserable, but now I don't feel that miserable but I feel it's not getting better at all and possibly is getting worse. I've tried switching browsers it doesn't help. It was even worse this morning on other browsers. Awesome SV!!!

    @auntiebk so that's at least 2people w out microwaves. I hate the feel of earplugs and have never warn them but if I start going to concerts regularly I will probably change my thoughts. I think the vibration thing was just a personal hunch and feeling with some slim science to point us gently in that direction with a question mark. But who knows. Meditation was considered "out there" 30 years ago and now it's rather mainstream with mindfulness classes in universities and hospitals throughout the world. I don't know if I have osteoporosis. I want to ask that it get checked but I'm full on with the knee thing now.

    A friend gave me a number for a great knee surgeon, in the great knee clinic but I don't think I need surgery. I don't know if he does mainly that.my friend had flipped meniscus or something and couldn't walk and had surgery and he (50 or 52or so) rides at least 1h round trip to work at a good pace and swims, etc. very active. Bibimap:this was a frozen one w veggies and little pieces of red meat that tasted good quality but I'm not a meat connaisseur. I often tell my self I will go easy on the rice in such a dish but rarely do.

    Microfiber underwear
    anyone know shoggi underwear? I just discovered them and they are great. I wear simple style underwear (no underwire and try to avoid padding, shaped cups, etc ) and with my rounder older body the past style wasn't swinging it that well. I had read about these before hiking.They are VERY low weight, since made of microfibre. One person was saying she could hike w 2 changes of underwear rather than 1 due to the ultra low weight. Some of the bras come w pads that you can take out (which I do). Not rock-bottom prices nor highest prices.Mid-range for bras and a little pricey, but not exorbitant, compared to simplest cotton underpants.

    @LuciBThinner the switch in advisors would be a godsend. My mom was particularly aware of race things and on the right side of the conversation very early on so we were aware, but I lived in my teens in a working class town (in the north). so many people said edgy things that even they (even if still racist) wouldn't generally say anymore. when I first came here I heard mocking "mildly racist" jokes (term coined by now notorious Louis CK). I heard the last racist joke maybe 3-4 years ago, an ex-school-teacher made one at dinner table. I calmly and lovingly said, that's not good jokes, in a kind of light way, while everyone else was silent- probably thinking it not appropriate but not wanting to make big waves. Here, many people are big into diplomacy, more than honesty. there is this online thing I think by Harvard where you test your bias's (age, gender, race, etc). It's an uncomfortable eye opener.

    @barbiecat lol about the scale joke
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    Michele One of my dogs is borderline kidney issues. We're due for more bloodwork to see if his numbers have changed. Good luck with your furkid. 💜
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Janet ~ So sorry the dyes made you ill. Hope you feel lots better today.

    Julie ~ Thanks for mentioning the microfiber bras. I absolutely hate wearing one and would love to have one that feels like you are wearing nothing.

    I think Fall allergies have hit here. May be the pine straw that is beginning to fall already. Hate the constantly running nose.

    Carol in GA
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    I went for 1 x ray, 2 MRIs, several appointments w GPs, got an appointment with a recommended busy physio next week. He was free tomorrow evening but the admin help person is coming tomorrow then and it's 48h cancellation policy. Called a knee surgeon about appointment but probably it' not the right specialist. He has lots of diplomas. I'll ask the secretary if she calls me back. the doctor gave me a prescription for a type knee band/brace but there are many choices in this type and who knows. I was thinking to wait for specialist suggestions but I'm afraid it will be too long. My back hurts some from lack of exercise.

    Working in 3 schools. here's stories :

    School 1 Tuesday all-day teacher's seminar at another school where I have half time contract. We used to not be included and now we are so that's good. We(I)have been fighting for about 4 years to get invited. The director formally didn't invited us and said we couldn't go. The I found a published vote from 2012 by inside governing body saying all teachers could go. I went in July and he sent his vice-director (or what ever it's called) and she asked me to leave. I showed her a copy of the vote and she said that didn't count and asked me to leave in the mean time. I said (very peacefully and very quietly) that while waiting we should respect the vote and she can write to me if she would like to explain a different vote.She slightly threatened me when I didn't leave, she said I was not nice and she hoped I didn't need hours for a meeting or something. I actually recorded it. One is not allowed to record or used recorded materials legally but I knew that was going to happen and wanted to be sure of what was said. I knew I had the newly elected governing body behind me. I stayed quietly for 2h and then had to leave.We got invited for the 1st time in 4 years, 2 weeks later. It's just a meeting but it's important to know the preoccupations and discussion points and it's pretty horrible (probably slightly illegal, but not easy to take to court) to be one of the very few people to be explicitly not invited for 4 years. I am on quite a friendly basis w many people and get on pretty well w most people there and was able to contribute slightly, w my little grain of sand. I somehow ran into the director privately in the hallway and he asked if I learned a lot.(kind of a mocking question).I said "I try" laughing and he laughed. The pedagogical director who is not always my friend, and tends to smile to one's face and say things behind some people's back, (and I heard about mine) smiled and greeted me and asked about my vacation. The "vice-director" however was not friendly. She said hello but didn't great me more nor want to speak to me, clearly. (it was a long lunch buffet w plenty of time to greet one and other).

    School 2
    In another school where the director is, by most counts, great, i had an appointment to argue (again) for certain prep, testing hours paid for our little team of PT teachers in a non-core subject. I was pretty sure I would win as I had much documentation but had to be firm and tough. The assistant pedagogical director said "you don't understand we can't pay you all x for x...etc..." and I said, "you don't understand, and explained the conditions, etc..." the pedagogical director joined us and said, "this has nothing to do with that...and even gave slightly fictional information in favour of her argument..." I didn't call her on the fiction, but I said "yes it does". What was good was that I was pretty sure that I am held in decent esteem by these two. I work quite a lot. We agreed we didn't agree and were meeting to talk it out, and sort of each raised the tone slightly (her first, me second) and then they agreed to what I had been saying and which they seemed to agree to for months and we all smiled and said goodbye, see you next week and then they gave some suggestions and asked me to mail it all to them. Our little team has considerably bigger classes than most for our pay and some supplementary work, and I had documentation to back me up. I didn't say a word to the other teacher concerned this time, so he could stay serene, and not know about the issue.

    School 3
    Then in the third school I met with the DRH cause I'm on an internal phycho-social risks assessment committee (with outside company that does core work and we give our input etc. I couldn't go so met the DRH to give my input in my area (teachers, in a school) sorely missing. He agreed and then I sent and got a mail that it would be included. BUT IN FACT the new proposal is formulated vaguely. and some formulations are completely transformed. They quickly planned a final meeting on a day I can't be there at. (which I told them) so no representatives of teachers at a schooL. Basically they have a massive amount of illegal contracts and we want them legal. The director, who is suave, friendly to all, and political, is against this (I heard elsewhere from very reliable source). I foolishly thought the DRH (who has been slippery for years) was honest on Monday, since I was feeling open and trusting after summer, but I think not. What a pain.

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member

    good weather
    natural-feeling underwear I like
    got appointment w recommended reasonable physio


    got certain hours paid
    sent out mails about that
    organised meeting for next Monday and did related work for that.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    I occasionally get translation requests, in my specialty area. I got one a week ago and it sounded like it was going to be complicated so I gave very firm conditions which In never do, said they have to pay 1/2 in advance for me to reserve the time to do it. I didn't hear right back so assumed it was a no-go. Meanwhile another person, a past bigwig in one school asked me to do a translation too.I said ok. Then the other got back to me and said ok.

  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Banana and oranges- My Moms family is very racist especially towards me for not being fully white. Their from up North yes the racist jokes then a look at me saying “We don’t mean you” was very hurtful.For a long time I was glad I had virtilgo as my skin got whiter hoping they would accept me.As an adult who they still hate I miss my beautiful dark brown skin with dirty gold blonde hair y hazel eyes look. One God took revenge lol her son had mixed race grandkids she was the meanest to me. Called me dirty skinned to ugly to wanna be white. Now her granddaughter is mixed she has to bite her tongue 👅 more because Cousin called me said his wife was being attacked I told him stand up for her choose Mom or wife y kid! He chose his kid of course!!! Wife too! So his Mom was forced to fall into line so she hates me even more. I feel saving her grandkid from all to most of her hate was a win win. She has to fake smile,give gifts 🎁, y do activities with them with mustered up enthusiasm! Win win she needs to learn I say. Lol 😂 finding out I choose Native American y Spanish names for my kids with husband glaring watching her bite her tongue pretending to be nice 👍 a win win after that Csection my MIL staring at her ice cold like ready to pounce lol 😂 (Love my MIL she a protector type ). Asking questions waiting for them to be translated...Aunt trying to talk nice but a slip or two met with MIL quick comebacks lol 😂 was priceless! 1.”Oh good he’s not brown like Amber was!” Aunt
    MIL- At least he doesn’t look like your ugly Aunt.
    2.Why does he have a cross at the bed corner thought I told you I don’t like it when you do that!
    MIL- It’s to keep Satans like you away

    Lol 😂 MIL helped me hang more crosses in the house we have the same taste to superstitions. She even cracked an egg 🥚. I did a Jewish blessing. Lol hubby looks at us like we’re nuts as we tell him don’t do that it’s bad luck!

    Amber Tx
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited September 2019
    Lynda: I am so sorry you’ve been though shingles at all, let alone 3 times. I hope you never have them again. I’m going to tell DH about your repeated shingles. He hates needles, but this is worth a bit of pain. Unfortunately, he tells me to leave it alone. He’s been told to take the shots by two doctors—his regular doctor and his MS doctor. :flowerforyou:

    Yvonne in TX: Thank you for the information on World Suicide Prevention Day and World Mental Health Day. :heart:

    Mary from MN: I love your comment on muscle v fat. You are absolutely right that muscle takes less space than an equivalent weight of fat. :star:

    Rebecca: Where did you find the portion sized lasagna pans? They’re a great idea!!! :star:

    Dandi: It appears that you are off to a very good start. WTG!!! In my own weight loss journey I had times when I lost weight and other times when I was on a plateau. If/when you hit a plateau keep on doing exactly what you are doing now. The weight will eventually drop. :star:

    Barbara: Congratulations on your productive day. WTG!!! :bigsmile:

    Marianne: I’m so happy for your having kicked cancer to the curb. WTG!!! I do my food posting on my phone. There is a section called nutrition and it will tell you about your percent of carbohydrates, fat & protein. :star:

    Heather: Therefore I Am is an excellent title. :bigsmile:

    Allie: Congrats on 47 pounds down! WTG!!! :star:

    Machka: The trees across from us on the island are still green, but fall weather patterns are evident. We have light fog this morning. Being inside the house feels cozy. I’ll enjoy hearing about your spring weather. :smiley:

    Barbie: DH & I talk about wills but haven’t actually done them yet. We have mental pictures of what we want to do, but getting off of our backsides would be a great idea. :embarassed:

    I am a member of two groups, one is for the city and the other is my horse riding group. Unfortunately for me, the monthly meetings for these two groups are Tuesday & Wednesday of the same week. Last night the city meeting went on for a good long while. DH was asleep when I got home. Tonight is the horse group meeting. I need to summon some energy to get there & participate.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,597 Member
    Katla - We have done our wills, but DH is very resistant to LPA. I really want to get it done. If he is out for the count I have no access to his money for specialised care etc. He has a lot of savings accounts and is quite private about them. We do have a list with the wills, but need to update them.
    Now I have my new laptop I will print out all the info and forms and hope he agrees. I would ask his younger daughter to be the other signatory. Of course, I will reciprocate. My near miss with the road accident last winter concentrated my mind. I could have ended up in a vegetative state. Ugh.
    Aka Machka's husband, you never know when the axe might fall.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Rho97070
    Rho97070 Posts: 84 Member
    Good morning m'dears :smiley:

    Rebecca Whidbey What a brilliant idea to put lasagna into those small pans for individual portions!

    Michele in NC As mentioned I've got lots of fitness DVDs but don't use them. I'm finishing up on purging my home of unused stuff then moving on to the garage where the DVDs are. We'll be in touch ;)

    Amber Tx Amber, caring for family often takes up a lot of a woman's time and energy. But please don't put off caring for yourself, seeing a GYN to check out the pain you're having. If something serious is going on it's best to address it sooner than later to avoid complications. <3 P.S. Loved your guacamole recipe - I'm going to try it tonight, though I'll substitute the seasoning package stuff for Ms. Dash Chipotle blend. PP.SS. Your home looks nice. How do you post photos with the "edit" button so folks can choose whether to see pics, rather than them automatically taking up an entire page?????

    Love Heather UK What are "zoodles"?

    M in Oz What is the course you're taking? Are you attending for fun or going for a degree?

    Barbie in NW WA Kudos to you on the dog walks :) BF and I are dog lovers. We'd love to have one but being big people (I'm 5'8" 200# and he's 6'5" 225#) in an small apartment wouldn't work too well for us or the dog. But when we win the lottery . . . . Until then, we get our "fix" by visiting the local dog parks, hehe :smiley:

    Today, it's cool and cloudy here.
    I'm gunna keep under my limits today (including fat :-)
    Working on clearing out old paper files today.
    Out the door now for my daily walk!


    Rho (south of PDX)

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,057 Member
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    Machka ... if Noah had been really wise, he would have swatted those two flies ... :D ... just sayin'

    LyndaBSS ... is your dog on any kind of arthritis/anti-inflammatory medication? Our Zeke had deteriorating, arthritic hips as he aged and the Vet prescribed a common medication ... Carprofen. We had blood work drawn before starting this med and his kidneys were very normal. After several months on the medication, his kidney numbers took a hit and we discontinued the med. Labs were drawn again before a needed surgery and his kidney numbers had returned to normal.

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,775 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Janetr: I’m sorry that your bone scan was so unpleasant. I hope you won’t have to go through that again. :flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,775 Member
    Janetr, Lisa, Beth: I
    weigh daily so that I can track the trends. Also, seeing a rise on the scale is an incentive to be more proactive in what I eat, exercise, etc.
    I used to dread weekly weigh-ins, but daily weigh-ins have removed that dread, as I can identify from my log what I was doing to cause the rise. I use the Happy Scale app to track trends.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    Beth No, Jack's never been on a med other than Nexguard and Heartguard. That's an interesting experience you had. Glad you connected the dots.