

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,037 Member
    Rho97070 wrote: »
    M in Oz (1) Thanks for all the links. (2) You're smart to get your Master's at 53 ;) (3) What is your area of study?

    IT ... my degree, should I successfully get it, is MITS ... Masters of Information Technology Systems.

    I've been focusing on database, knowledge management, and similar courses for the most part. Although the one I'm in now is Human Computer Interaction which is all about user interfaces.

    Meanwhile, I'm home on a Monday trying to recover from this cold/flu. Blech. It would be lovely to breathe out of both nostrils again and to get rid of the massive sinus headache.

    So far today I've slept (nearly 12 hours on and off, waking to blow my nose and cough), and I made it out to my chair in the dining room with my laptop and view over the bay.

    M in Oz

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    CharlieAnn- welcome. That cancer scare must have really been scary. I know it would scare me straight

    Michele in NC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,037 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Meanwhile, I'm home on a Monday trying to recover from this cold/flu. Blech. It would be lovely to breathe out of both nostrils again and to get rid of the massive sinus headache.

    So far today I've slept (nearly 12 hours on and off, waking to blow my nose and cough), and I made it out to my chair in the dining room with my laptop and view over the bay.

    I tried to clean a bit. I do that when I'm sick or when anyone around me is sick. I start madly disinfecting everything.

    It all started when I moved a vase to another surface and I realised there was ... dust.

    I've managed to clean "my spot" ... my dining room table and immediate surrounding area. But then I ran out of steam and now I've got my lemon-ginger tea with honey. I need to tackle all this when I'm healthy!! But at least I got a little bit of it done.

    M in Oz
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,240 Member
    edited September 2019
    Reading back this morning.

    Machka: I prefer those beautiful glass bowls to crystal. I have some inherited crystal, but also some more modern colourful glassware. Hope you are feeling better soon. Blocked sinuses Bleugh! I'm a great advocate of cleaning 'spots' when I'm decluttering.
    DrKatiebug: the family resemblance is striking. You are looking fine!
    Heather UK: At least the cricket season will soon be over.
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,297 Member
    Up early for DH to get some exercise in before the cricket. I managed to finish all mine as I put my trash tv on my tablet! >:)
    MUST do some writing today it's been ages with all the new laptop and tablet familiarisation.
    Tree man coming later in the afternoon.

    My elder son has gone incommunicado about coming down next weekend. I will not be surprised if he doesn't come.
    My cleaner is also not replying to texts. She is normally very good.

    Oh well, no more procrastination!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,341 Member
    CharlieAnn31 -that hospital stay does sound scary. Low iron levels can impact so many things. Take it slow and easy and eat right. Years ago I had low iron levels, no reason ever found. I keep an eye on it now.

    Machka - hope you are on the downside of that cold. The one going around here has really been knocking people out. I have escaped it so far and hope to keep it that way. I also clean lots when the germs are flying around.

    After all the talk about Medicare sign up I think I will add it to my goals for September. Seems silly to have to sign up for something you don't need, but since I work for the government I know there are lots of rules to follow that don't make sense.

    Off to get ready to start another work week. Have a good day all.

    Ginny in Ohio
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,386 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Hmmm I'll have to do more research, I did not even know there were insurance brokers.. more googling! and since I am self employed what I have is just the absolute cheapest Affordable Care insurance I could find. So far in 4 years I have only used it twice (bee sting and ear infection) except for the items that are free (pap/mammogram/colonoscopy/TB test). But I might need insurance as I get older, I hope not.

    Kim in N. California

    Kim - since you are on the lower-income side of the scale, you might be eligible for reduced premiums for all of the Medicare fixin's. Wouldn't hurt to ask. We went thru an insurance broker because he handles insurance through many different companies and knew the pros and cons of all of them.

    It can be pretty mind-boggling.

    Up really early in SW WA State! Bet I'm even up before Barbie, lol.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,037 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Morning, afternoon and evening, all,

    Lost three pounds this weekend - pure water weight. Looked at the temp, and it was 106 degrees in the full sunshine, with nearly 50% humidity. We were both soaked to the skin with sweat, but got an awful lot done. I am so blinking tired of SUMMER. One more week (supposedly) of 90s, hot and dry-although it's never really dry here, one of the reasons the plants grow so well. Then we're to have a ten degree drop and we'll be in the 80s the last week of September and rainy. Again, supposedly. Weather here is even more of a crapshoot than it was in Texas.

    Happy Monday!
    Later, y'all,
    Lisa in Arkansas

    If you'd like to package up that weather and send it here, that would be nice. :)

    We've been in winter weather 4.5 months or so and I'm ready for warmth!

    M in Oz
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Kim Lanette's advice is spot on. Just to clarify one thing - "insurance broker" isn't necessarily a special broker for medical insurance. It's like a State Farm agent who would help you with auto, homeowner's, or umbrella insurance. Since you are paying for your own insurance at this point, you may be pleasantly surprised at what you are eligible for as you turn 65. I hope that is the case.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did one segment of the 10MS Butt Lift DVD. Will take the extremepump class in a few. The plan for tomorrow is to do a DVD for the rebounder

    Should be in the 90's today. Talk about weird weather, Wednesday it's predicted to be in the 70's

    Lisa - our cats LOVE my laptop bag. Actually, they love any laptop bag. Even Jess' when she brings it here. And it's not like hers has my smell on it. I may carry it into the house occasionally, that's all

    Michele in NC
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,386 Member
    Lisa - 106f would be in the danger zone for many here in the Pacific Northwest. In fact, much above 80f is pushing it. B)B) Good job on a productive weekend!!

    - do you ever get super hot weather during your summer months there? Glad to hear you are writing your experiences with DH's injury. If nothing else, it will be interesting to pull them out and reflect on them in 5 or 10 years. You'll be amazed at what you had to do to hold everything together. <3

    - Volvos have a great reputation, but we don't see that many around here in our little community. I've been a perennial Subaru owner since the mid 80's and my last 2 have been Foresters. Kind of cramped for my DH (he's 6'1") but great for hauling potting soil, dog crates, plants, etc. Oh, if your BF wants to hang out his housecleaner shingle, I bet he'd have lots of takers! Lucky you! :D

    - so very true about how sweet things taste when we give up sugar, even for a few days. Many folks who give up sugar or foods with high fructose corn syrup substitute stevia or other sweeteners. I've always tried to avoid the "sweet taste" when going off sugar to retrain my taste buds as you mentioned.

    Heather - strange you haven't heard from older son or your housekeeper. When do you leave for your cruise? So happy to hear you are getting your computer/laptop straightened out and will be able to get back to writing.

    Sharon from near Seattle now on vacay in Mexico - I have been craving a shrimp cocktail ever since you posted that photo a couple days ago. When the teleporter is available I'll whip down there and join you for a few hours. B)

    My little Tai Chi group of gals (3 of us total) have decided we are done for now with Tai Chi in the park unless we have a dry spell. One of them is actually taking a class at the college from our instructor, and the other one who has MS and had a hip replacement doesn't do well with doing things in chilly rain for an hour at a time. Hope we get at least one more sunny Friday when he's available this fall.

    And I'm talking with one of the Master Gardener demonstration garden coordinators about getting involved in a new pollinator garden she's putting in at the fairgrounds next year. I really do enjoy doing light work in the gardens in the morning (a little weeding, deadheading, watering) and being dedicated to one garden spot. I did warn her that I won't be shoveling, rototilling, dragging bags of soil, handling a wheelbarrow, etc. :s Superwoman has left the building. I can do it at home once in a while but some of the demo gardens have 2 or 3 hour "work parties" - I'd call them construction projects - that aren't for me. I have Hyssop and Crocosmia that have to be divided which I can donate to the new garden. And would be glad to start Lupines which the bumblebees just love. <3 Not sure if that's what she has in mind.

    Anxious to get back to strength training. Next week I can start again with light weights. Even though I was working on arms with dumbbells and legs with the ankle weights, it really was helping my stomach muscles. No doubt attributable to good posture while doing the workouts. Sitting = stomach "pooching" yikes! :#

    That's the before breakfast report.

    Make it a great week, ladies! <3

    Surprisingly wet and cool SW WA State
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,037 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    Machka[/b] - do you ever get super hot weather during your summer months there? Glad to hear you are writing your experiences with DH's injury. If nothing else, it will be interesting to pull them out and reflect on them in 5 or 10 years. You'll be amazed at what you had to do to hold everything together. <3

    Surprisingly wet and cool SW WA State

    Rarely. The weather in Tassie is quite cool year round. In the summer, we'll get several days in the 20s each month, and the occasional day in the 30s.

    I liked the weather in Victoria much better ... we had a summer there!

    Who knows, maybe this year we'll have a bit more of a summer ... the first year we moved here, it wasn't too bad.

    M in Oz

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member