

  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Heather, glad your husband's doing OK, looks like a wonderful pre-birthday celebration, and you look lovely! Nice to see you with both your sons...
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Heather ~ Great photos of the birthday party...you and your sons look so happy! :)
  • Rho97070
    Rho97070 Posts: 84 Member
    Sensational Sunday Greetings!

    Reinventing Rhonda - Day 21 (yesterday)
    I'm a morning person. So I decided that rather than doing my personal updates at the end of the day, I'd do them in the mornings for the day previous . . .

    Yesterday, I planned my meals for the day starting with a large protein enriched breakfast. Then completely cleaned the bedroom including the windows and the carpet: BF helped :smile: I had planned to work on cleaning stuff from my garage, but BF had to deal with a difficult client. When that happens, he gets me engaged in verbal processing over how to proceed. I don't particularly like the process since it takes time away from my plans, but feel good that he's able to confide in me and give voice to his problems; many men can't or won't. At the end of the day, I came under my limit for fats, carbs and sugar. Yea! I still need to up my fiber though.

    My biggest aim for September was to focus primarily on eating whole plant based foods that are low in fat, carbs and sugar. Its a work in progress that needs further discipline.
    Health sub-goals:
    1. establish a regular sleep pattern, (i.e. 10pm to 6am sleep) - Successful 5 out of 7 nights on average.
    2. measure my body weight and glucose each morning - Yes to weigh in; zero glu testing.
    3. measure, weigh and track everything I eat, everyday - Estimated success 99% of the time.
    Personal goals:
    1. meditate 10 min each a.m. and visualize/plan future 10 minutes each p.m. - 4 out of 7 days on average.
    2. clean out the garage of excess stuff - sorely behind where I hoped I'd be at this point.
    3. scan/digitize important papers (so I'm near paperless) - Going very well. Hope to be done by month end.

    With nine days left in the month, I'll push myself hard to make the health goals routine. I will also push hard on personal goal #1. I know morning meditation helps me to be focused and calmer throughout the day and that planning/visualizing in the evening sets up my brain to achieve what I want in the future :wink:
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @coastalgosgal thank you !
    @Rho97070 ok I'll look for the personal message.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @trucker743 thank you for telling us about when your husband died.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @lhscapil thank you
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    after 3 days, just skimming.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @Rho97070 i thought you had sent you had sent a private message. I didn't see any. maybe some misunderstanding.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    good, pleasant renter
    my friend G.
    pleasant evening out yesterday
    was able to cancel outing in late afternoon, thank goodness.

    accompished in last 24 hours
    work calls and mails
    rental stuff
    little sketch
    food shopping
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Rho97070 wrote: »
    Good morning/afternoon (or evening) and happy weekend!

    I hadn't been eating as healthily as intended over the last week or so due to multiple stresses. But happy to report that my weight loss that began earlier in the month has remained stable. Also happy to report BF is doing great after having TURP last Thursday.

    Yesterday, I stopped by my mechanic's shop. While there, my new transmission was delivered by the shipper. Seeing it brought tears to my eyes. I like being physically active and I like car camping. I own a couple of cars, but this the only one that allows for mine and BF's bikes being quickly/easily piled into the back (for a day ride); the only one with a roof rack for my kayak; the only one I went to the trouble of getting a Thule cargo carrier for and the only one wide and long enough for the two of us to sleep in if rains while camping. I can't recall being so excited about the arrival of an inanimate object. :smiley: And looking forward to doing all those activities next year is great motivation for me to get in shape!!!

    Allie Lhasas and Shih Tzu (similar features) are both intelligent, sweet, loving dogs. I wasn't sure which one was your Chester. We had a red haired Lhasa when my boys were in their teens. We named her named her Allie :-) It's incredibly tough letting a loved one go . . . <3

    Rebecca You are very fortunate to have a son whose home he shares with you. How has your DH been since the liver transplant?
    My dream would be to live in a warmer climate (the Yucatan or in Panama, perhaps) for a few years before settling down in an RV traveling and/or living on my eldest son's rural 17.5 acres - off the grid. Although I have lived outside of the US on my own, I have reservations about doing so at the age I am now. My dream is rather dependent on BF "getting on-board" and his profession allows him to work into advancing years, so, we'll see.

    Sharon <3 Relating the how you spent the last remaining time with your DH brought tears to my eyes. <3 Thank you for sharing.

    SuziQ I have tried alternatives to sugar and didn't find one that I liked much, so at the beginning of this month I gave up all sugars. About five days later I no longer felt like I was jonesing for some sweetness. But I had not cleaned out my cupboards, and last week I succumbed. This morning, I cleaned out all my cupboards :wink: I don't know about you, but I've been pre-T2D for a while so it will behoove me to lessen high sugar veggies as well.

    M in Oz Good to hear you're back on the bike, both figuratively and literally :smiley:

    Lisa in AR Until ten years ago, like you, I've lived a rather peripatetic life. There can be many advantages to "settling" in one place even with less pay. I'm much calmer and satisfied with my life now :smile: Your job sounds like it could be very fulfilling! Best wishes!

    AZTeri Wow!!! 34.55 miles! Very impressive :smiley:

    Book reading Since the boom in computer and internet usage, my reading is more research and fact based than before. I'm a bit behind in reading current materials for leisure. I'm about half-way through The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan and recommend it to anyone with interest in diet, nutrition and the US agricultural system.

    Languages I attended a French immersion school from 12-14 and had three years of Spanish in high school. Living in Spain b.c. (before children ;-) I taught English for two years. During my four years in Europe and North Africa, I picked up some Arabic and Greek also. Being able to speak anything but English now is just about nil. I don't recall who in the group mentioned DUOLINGO, but I'll definitely be looking into it since an upcoming winter aim is to refresh my Spanish speaking skills. I've read/heard that learning/speaking a foreign language is one of the best ways to keep one's mind sharp into advancing years

    Newbies Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! :smile:


    Rho, every single day I am reminded of how fortunate I am. My eldest son and I have a close relationship. I was pretty protective, as he was growing up, with the bulk of his learned behaviors ( age 2-4 yrs old), happened in Japan. Protective meaning he was always at my side. My one fear was that he would get lost in a crowd, be pushed on a train, and be lost forever. When we arrived back stateside, his language speaking skills were impacted by his time in Japan. Many years of speech therapy until grade 4. So class mates listened to how he spoke, not what he said. Growing up, he was friends with the "lost kids", kids that wore black, "the invisibles". He didn't have to prove himself, and he wore his heart on his sleeve, still does. I think he will always be a sensitive sort, my gentle giant. There is a childlike innocence about him, and his hobbies of Legos, and toys reflect that.
    Our time in our RV was great! I miss that Winnebago! Here's a pic.💖
    Right now I am such a homebody! Love to not travel. Today we have to travel to Seattle airport, to drop off eldest son. He's traveling to San Diego, with a bunch of his squadron to put together a helicopter.👍
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    For 5 years that dang RV was are primary vehicle. Need milk, everyone get in the RV! Let's go out to dinner, everyone get in the RV!!!💖
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,311 Member
    Annie/Delaware: (((Hugs))) Hoping your uncle has a skilful surgeon on Monday.
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Went in the pool but really don’t have time to start stringing popcorn as I have to leave for church in about 45 minutes.

    Rebecca – if I were to tell Vince “you have 4 lunches to plan and $10 to do it” I know that he’d choose nothing but junk food which is usually cheaper.

    Welcome everyone new! There’s no time like the present, so come on in!

    Rho – boy, I didn’t realize how active you were! How wonderful you’re getting the new transmission. I love Michael Pollen’s works. I’ve read and reread them

    Started working on the diamond dotz for Colby. I was trying to avoid having to mat the picture, but I don’t think it can be helped. The good part is that this helps keep me busy at night, meaning not eating….lol

    Michele in NC

    Awe, well mine doesn't do much better. He chooses ravioli cans, Mac & cheese frozen meals, but he does eat a salad a couple of times a week. Today he ate chips, cheese and salsa as we watch the Rugby World Cup, and in a bit he'll heat up two of the lasagna squares. He is a snacker, but he picked some grapes out, so that's good.👍