cambridgestylist Member


  • About 10 years ago, long before I found MFP, I did a strict 1200 calorie diet for about a year. I'm not short or petite in any way, and I'll admit it was very hard at times. I just thought 1200 was the number anyone would eat on a diet. I basically lived on Lean Cuisene, frozen vegetables, hard boiled eggs and peanut…
  • I like the no food is bad food approach. I really like that if I want to I can get a ginormous Chipotle burrito if I really want to, but then I have to weigh it against being able to eat a lot more of healthier stuff and it loses it's appeal.
  • I have found it helpful to set a goal on how much water I drink.. After I drink my morning coffee I switch to water for most of the day. Then I have some caffeine-free Diet Coke as a little treat at night. Works for me.
  • Being able to walk my dog three miles without stopping. I used to do it all the time, unfortunately my weight gain caused some back pain issues. It's getting better everyday, but I'm still a little ways away from being able to do it.
  • Most bread ( I eat pita bread instead), breakfast cereals and Dunkin Donuts muffins. I don't really miss any of it, and I only cut those things because there is other stuff I would rather eat for the calories. I'm not low carbing. I cut out regular ice cream, I have absolutely no self control around it! :) I also switched…
  • Thank you. I will likely change my weekly goals if it gets down to 1200 a day before exercise.
  • Just an update. For the hell of it I double checked my settings. It all looked good so I didn't change anything but hit update anyway. I lost a hundred calories a day! So I guess I will have to keep up with checking in on my settings every once in a while. For whatever reason, I didn't get any sort of pop-up notification.
  • Regular ice cream and cookies are my weakness. There is no way I can have just a little ice cream and be satisfied. I treat myself to a Skinny Cow (or two!) every night. Having a little treat daily helps keep me in check eta: Skinny Cows are ice cream, but having it pre-portioned is psychologically easier for me than…
  • I'll just have to continue to increase my exercise and change my as I goals as I go along so I can eat more. :smile: I really am so thankful for MFP. I was already gaining weight, then I started taking a medication that increases hunger and sometimes slows metabolism. I basically exploded in a period of two months. When I…
  • I like pita bread. It's lower calories than regular bread and you only need half a pita to make a sandwich.
  • I've lost 18 pounds so far and nothing has changed. I'm losing, so it must still be the right goal. It's good to hear both sides. If I don't get a pop up in the next twenty pounds, or if I stall for more than a few weeks, I will recheck my settings. So far the 1440 goal has been totally doable. In the past when I tried to…
  • Thanks guys! I'm glad to hear that the program will reset on it's own. The less I have to think about, the better.
  • When I tried low carb in the past I didn't feel good on it. It just wasn't for me. I did have a boyfriend who lost 50 pounds on Atkins and kept it off for a while. Following the MFP plan and having a balanced diet has worked really well for me so far. I have cut out a lot of refined carbs and table sugar, only because it…
  • Depression, agoraphobia, too much ice cream, and then starting a metabolism destroying, hunger inducing medication.
  • Eggs! I snack on hardboiled eggs and have eggs at breakfast. Soup is a quick, cheap low-calorie lunch, and there is a huge variety to pick from. Veggie burgers are great for a quick lunch or dinner option. I'm having one tonight! :)
  • Personally, I need snacks to get through my day. Sometimes it works out I that ate more calories in snacks than I did in meals! I try to keep it to something that is just enough to keep me going, like a hardboiled egg, a half an avocado or a protein smoothie. It definitely helps and I manage to stay under my calories for…
  • I love steamed vegetables, but not without a pat of butter and sometimes a shake of parmesan cheese. How you dress them can be a big difference in palatability.
  • I log my weight on Fridays, but I check it every couple of days to make sure I'm going in the right direction. Weighing everyday works for some people but it would make me too obsessive.
  • Coffee itself has almost no calories. Cream and sugar do. I count cream but not coffee.
  • I deal with debilitating depression at times, I have to say working on my diet has made it a lot better. Having stable blood sugar might have something to do with it, but doing something good for myself and seeing successes are definitely helping. About six weeks ago I went to the doctor and found out that I had put on…
  • I have a Charge 2 and I really like it. I have been unsuccessful in getting it to link to MFP, but I kind of like it better that way. I just go by the MFP recommendations and log my exercise manually. It's working so far.
  • I did WW in the past with success, just when I was thinking about going back I found MFP and I have to say I like it a lot better. I feel like WW is too focused on low-fat. With MFP I have been eating a little over the recommended daily allowance for fat and I am losing weight steadily without feeling like I'm starving all…
  • I just got a Charge 2 and I love it.
  • I think I figured out what I was doing wrong. In order to get a good walk in I have to walk slower than my natural stride I just walked my dog for an hour at a pace of 2.5 and my legs weren't cramping up. This pace is slow enough for me that I had to remain mindful through the whole walk, it's not a terrible thing to deal…
  • I use a scale to measure my meats and cups/spoons for everything else. It works for me and it's not too hard to do.
  • Thanks for replying. I did check to see if the medication could be the cause, out of about a million side effects, cramping is not one of them. So that is out. As far as sodium goes, I actually go over on my sodium intake pretty much everyday as I eat soup for my lunch. I might just be really out of shape. I hope it…
  • I eat soup for lunch everyday. It's low on the calories, satisfying and there is a huge variety easily available.
  • Thank you! I lost a lot of weight on Weight Watchers a long time ago, and I always used my activity points. I don't know why the extra calories make me nervous!