katyotta Member


  • Hello. I talked calories and lost weight many years ago. But now i have lifestyle changes and lack of discipline. I just started logging in yesterday. Good luck! Stick with it!
  • Yes! The way I've thought of it: A year from now, a year will have passed whether I did something good with it or not.
  • Hope your arm is feeling better! For me this week: Happy - Diet is going okay, started losing slowly. Crappy - I am not yet finished with my online certificate (carreer related) and I'm cramming to finish. Happy - Went to Zumba this weekend. I work full time and have a little kid, so the weekend is the only time I can…
  • Those who wish to sing always find a song.
  • I had a simple fitbit and I like my new Garmin better because it has more features than my fitbit did. I got the Garmin HR vivosmart. My Garmin has a heart rate monitor and measures stairs climbed, which my old fitbit didn't. It has a small touch screen and is like a mini-smart watch integrated with my smartphone (texts,…
  • Life is like a gold mine. Ignore the dirt and keep every bit of gold. (re-worded from a quote of Andrew Carnegie).
  • Happy Crappy Sandwich. Happy Top: I got a new Garmin (after losing my fitbit this summer), and I joined MFP to start tracking. I am thrilled with the news feed and status updates on this site. But I'm a huge fan of message boards so I'm glad this group is here. Crappy: I thawed a pack of chicken breast Tuesday and didn't…
  • The same thing is happening to me. I'm probably overthinking it but this is my theory: If I set 1500 calories in Garmin, it seeks to make my net calories 1500. So if I eat 1600, and exercise 100, then Garmin is happy. But in MFP, I have another setting that says I plan to exercise 30 minutes every day this week. Let's…
  • Hey, I'll send you a friend request!
  • I broke my foot 2 years ago. I'll send you a friend request. I think ww is a good plan. I usually follow a calorie counting exchange plan when I diet. It can become second nature after a few weeks. Ww has nice recipes on site and in books. Good luck!
  • I broke my foot a couple of years ago and it's been a hard recovery. Are you using crutches or a wheelchair? I was using crutches and thought it would be good exercise to do so, but I think it would have been good to have a knee scooter option for shopping and going to work. I was able to get more things done by myself by…
  • I'm in LI and aiming to lose 45 also! I can't figure out how to send a message on this site yet, but if you want to chat sometime, message me and hopefully I'll be able to write back. Best wishes with your goal and happy new year!