Big gain after my broken leg and ankle :(

It's been 3 months since I have broken my leg and ankle after falling down the stairs. I had surgery and am now left with a metal plate and 6 screws. I couldn't go to work and barely left the house for 8 weeks. I've been to physio and I'm slowly getting back to normal. My healthy eating and exercise has been non existent. I have been walking without crutches for 2 weeks, still in a bit of pain and not been able to exercise at all apart from light walking and a bit of leg strengthening. My weight has definitely paid the price. I'm back up to 16 stone 8lbs. A figure I never wanted to see on the scales again. I'm starting back to healthy eating on Monday. I really need some motivation. I need to get back down to 14 stone as soon as possible then I will be back to the lightest weight I have been in the past 9 years. Then I will set more goals.

I have my cousins hen party on April, her wedding September, and my best friend has just got engaged and has asked me to be maid of honour.

I have a very long way to go, I know I can do it I just need a kick start. Any advice is much appreciated.

I've been advised to go to weight watchers or slimming world. Has anyone done this before?

Hope all is well :)

L x


  • katyotta
    katyotta Posts: 13 Member
    I broke my foot 2 years ago. I'll send you a friend request. I think ww is a good plan. I usually follow a calorie counting exchange plan when I diet. It can become second nature after a few weeks. Ww has nice recipes on site and in books. Good luck!
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I had ankle replacement surgery about 2.5 years ago. Gained almost 30 lbs :-( .

    As soon as my PT allowed it, I started swimming-- paddling at first, but then building up to real lap swimming. REALLY helped me get back into regular exercise, and helped a LOT with my surgery recovery
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    I'm sorry to hear about your accident! I've fallen down stairs twice myself, but never hurt myself badly though I have had knee surgery from a separate accident (I'm quite accident prone).

    My advice? Take it a day at a time. Sometimes I take it a meal at a time. Realize that this isn't a diet, this is a lifestyle change, and the weight isn't going to come off overnight.

    If you can't exercise right now just focus on your eating habits. Make small sustainable changes. Don't try to drastically change everything overnight. I started out just logging everything consistently and after about a week of that I began to try to cut back.

    Find what works for you. Some people practice intermittent fasting, some people find eating several smaller meals a day works better for them, some people find they can't moderate certain foods so they avoid them, some people do keto, some eat everything in moderation, etc.

    You may have to adjust things as you go along as you find what works for you and what doesn't work for you and that's okay.

    At the most basic level, weight loss is about consuming fewer calories than you burn. Calories in less than calories out. Any plan you choose whether it's using MFP to count calories or weight watchers or slimming world is just a format of that.

    Lastly, be kind to yourself. We all have bad days. We all sometimes eat more than we should or make bad choices. Don't let that defeat you. Just keep going because you haven't failed until you've given up and you haven't given up until you stop trying.
  • Bellatrix89uk
    Bellatrix89uk Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you all for taking the time to message me. It's amazing how much better I feel now. Thanks