mnmilnes Member


  • Awesome! As evidence of your statement you also are the winner of the $20 - 2 week prize! Great job!
  • Great! Adam and I also discovered a new trail just off Observatory Road, next to the Goethe Link Observatory, located within the Fred and Dorothy Meyer Nature Preserve. The Nature Preserve lies on 68 acres, and is characterized by DNR as steep slopes/ridges/valleys. According to reports many Cerulean Warblers (possibly the…
  • When do you work Sarah?
  • We would definitely try to schedule it when everyone has the most availability :smile: Wouldn't want anyone missing it. It should definitely be a family event as well. Maybe we can rent a shelter house, have a healthy pitch in lunch, and then take to the trails!
  • Thanks Lisa! These tips are excellent reminders!
  • Hiking! McCormick's Creek is my fave, and I know the Daiga's really enjoy Brown County. Our community should do an outing to one of these parks when the weather improves! Even Jimmy Nash Park here in town has a nice trail. Who's interested?
  • Very helpful! Thank you both :) I'm starting to discover a couple things. First, if I make myself have the protein and wait a couple minutes before I get the treat I am much more self-controlled. Also, I've noticed since I had cut sweets out for a while that when I did have them again I ate until I had a specific feeling.…
  • That is awesome! I like how this discussion is about strength, and you conclude with STANDING in faith. Standing in faith requires strength. This reminds of the many times the Apostle Paul compares living a life for Christ to the physical training, strength, and endurance of an Athlete. One of the ways we are preparing to…
  • I ask because that is an area I'm working to overcome. I find when I start limiting my sugar I start obsessing over the next time I can have it. I'm working on it, but am starting to think I may be one of those people who should not eat it.
  • Does honey have the same addictive components as table sugar?
  • Getting out of bed, and picking up kids with no pain grabbed my attention!
  • I love this!
  • Yum! Thanks for being so loyal in keeping up with nutrition advice and answering questions.
  • This lines up well with what I learned from my dietician when I had gestational diabetes. Sugar in the morning would throw your sugars off course for the rest of the day.
  • Great info Lisa! It is definitely helpful to be carb conscious even if someone is a little less restricted with carbohydrate servings. If I'm not watching and limiting carbs I can catch myself eating too many processed foods and desserts, then spending the rest of the day hungry and cranky. It's not to say we can never…
    in Carbs Comment by mnmilnes February 2017
  • That is awesome Kayla! You're right, we're in this together ♡
  • I'm tacking 1 Corinthians 10:31 on everything
  • That's awesome Lisa, I believe you made up a very tasty quiche!
  • I love this Daren ♡ It is most definitely for me!
  • Thanks Laura! We do something similar. I put chicken breasts in the crockpot on low all day with taco seasoning and a jar of salsa. When it's dinner time I shred the chicken and throw chicken and cheese into tortillas, grill them a couple minutes and top them with veggies and low calorie sour cream. High protein, high…
  • Good stuff Jared! You're right about making the most of this opportunity to retrain ourselves to live sustainably. I also like your reminder to reach out. Doing this together is so much better than alone.
  • Haha! Yes, you are definitely correct when you say the crown is going to have to come off at some point! I think removing our crown in submission is what truly makes us royal♡ You have great ideas!
  • Good for you Lisa! Hannah is such a sweetheart! Tomorrow Adam is taking the kiddos to see their Great Grandma (while I catch a breather and finish a birthday cake order....pray I may overcome the buttercream frosting temptation!) so I took them shopping for a gift to bring along. We walked past the Valentine's Day cookies,…
  • This is awesome Daren! Very encouraging ♡ I'm learning there is worship in restraint. The word says we're sinning when we know what to do and we don't do it. When I walk away from the cupcake because I know I've had all I need, giving it to God, I honor Him. We chose to draw near to Him when we honor Him, and He promises…
  • Thanks Lisa! I'll shoot for that today! What about fruit? Should there be any room for fruit on our plate?