Addiction : When you deprive yourself of something and to a high degree makes you emotionally and physically ill. Could you go a month without eating that Snickers bar?
" There's no such thing as cocaine withdrawal. You're just craving it because you're denying yourself it".
Food weight I's a thing too. How many bowel movements did you have?You got all that *kitten* in ya.
Nope. Not sure how vitamins would help that.
Since forever.
Thats what I just said. Processed Sugar and oils are in many ways the same.I didn't know she, did drugs but I think it all contrubuted to her death. Are you sayibg it was just the drugs? Millions die of diet induced heart failure, not drugs. The Japanese? I read somewhere that they have, experienced, the biggest percent…
Drugs are plants. Just hyper concentrated. Much like sugar and processed foods. They have similar effects. Forget Carrie though, there are milions who die from heart attacks in their 50s who don't do drugs.
Unfortunately, there are no long term studies to prove this moderation thing has no significant detrimental effects , so on what basis are people justifying this moderation thing? . But I do know that every time you eat overly processed foods ,you damage your endothelial cells, which contribute to heart disease. Cite me…
Psuedoscience ? Only If over hundreds of cited peer reviewed clinical data is. Again, I don't see how preaching optimum health is fear mongering. Though, America in it's current condition, could do with a little fear. Just because he, and others are teaching something so contrary to many peoples lifestyle, doesn't make it…
Carrie Fisher didn't have her heart attack until later; it's long term.
I just don't know many people who are moderate. Most people don't even eat enough vegetables and fruits. Im not interested in merely slowing disease, rather, nutritional excellence.
You can't get everything for free. Lol
The glycemic index. The American public.
Also I'm talking about health, not weight. You can be 5'10 150lbs and still have any diseases.
The mammals in the study did not have hyperglycemia. Every time you eat the 'antithesis ' foods, you rev up those genes and hormones. Moderation kills. Btw, what's moderation? It's very subjective, and will change depending on who you talk to. People are terrible at being moderate if our health crisis is any indication.
You absolutely need to get your sodium under control for optimum health. I think your sodium problem is a symptom of a larger problem. I can bet many of the foods you're, eating are packaged and processed right? I checked mine for a day and it wasnt even over 500 . I can share that if you're interested.
Fear mongering? More of a wake up call. We have a health epidemic in this country. Trillions wasted in diet related health care. 99.9% of it preventable. It'll get worse In the coming decades. That's not fear mongering, that's reality.
It's great at building biceps, Aging and cancer.
I have a very all or nothing personality. I can't have any of that stuff in my house or I'll eat it. I have had far more success setting that boundary in the past year than I have had with moderation. My taste buds can't handle how jazzed up most foods are now.
- It also oxidizes when you cook it, releasing cancer causing free radicals. All processed foods are bad news. You'd have to eat 20 olives for one tsblespoon of olive oil. It still wouldn't be the, same either because the olives have fiber…
From what?
It is possible to train yourself off of calorie dense foods. I remember I was on a clean streak for a month; I went to the movies ,got popcorn and thought the amount of salt was utterly repulsive lol. You start tasting the natural flavors in foods. Cut out oils. Limit meat to two pieces a week. Eat veggies with every meal…
I think your current diet is great. Lots of nutrients . People are telling you more protein based on their preconceived notions. Many doctors believe, and have proven that more than 10% protein( animal protein) can be detrimental. I'd add just a little more fats though. Maybe an cup of walnuts, which is a TON of more…
Many of those studies are funded by the egg Industry. In short, they take people with all ready dramitic levels of cholesterol ,add eggs, and then claim it doesn't raise cholesterol.
The ones at McDonald's are because they are drenched in oil. Cook yours at home. Baked. No oil. Ketchup. Seasoning if you want. Just cut them into wedges bake, 15 minutes, flip, 15 more. It's very good. Not even 200 calories.
If you can't go even 30 days without dying over not getting a doughnut, there's a problem.
I'm very skeptical of vitamins. Many studies reinforce this. The healthiest longest living people on earth did not and do not take a magic pill.