dmc4blessings Member


  • I live outside Nashville
  • I will look into that one
  • Thanks!!! I will take your advice.
  • I was given a carb amount not to exceed 174. I was freaked and thought I should be eating no more then 50. I do eat more then 50 each day.
  • Thanks! I think Im doing everything right for my weight loss itself. I track all calories and eat as much healthy foods as I can to get my nutrients each day.. The only thing I need to change and it seems most people are telling me this, is to allow myself to eat some of the foods I like and miss. Just don't eat 3-4…
  • Ok, thanks so much. New to posting here.
  • I defiantly am in a deficit pertaining to calories. I used to eat fast food and dining out food most days of the week, with little to no exercise, other then work. Now I eat no more then 1400 calories a day and I walk at a decent pace for 45 minutes 6 days a week. Hopefully I will keep losing weight with such a drastic…
  • I appreciate all the feedback. I have tried eating healthy in the past, only to fail. Im now starting to educate myself on eating healthy and how the body works. Im now learning that I can eat that specific treat in moderation. I think in the beginning, when you aren't sure of how this whole thing works, you tend to think,…
  • Can someone please tell me how to respond to an individuals comment. Im just commenting to everyone at the bottom of the feed. I would like to be able to comment directly to the person. What do I click to respond under their specific comment. Lots of great responses to me!
  • I do eat brown rice a couple times a week. I really miss my reg pasta as a side. I just can't get past the taste of whole wheat pastas. I have tried multiple brands.
  • Thank u guys!!!! Im feeling encouraged by you. I so desperately want to lose weight, as Im sure everyone else does, so, I appreciate all your feedback
  • I do eat a lot of meat, eggs every morning for breakfast, lots of fruits and veg. Good bit of fiber each day. I don't eat any bad food whatsoever, No sweets, fast food, or dining out food and I only eat the amount of carbs I am given with the program and even with them, I try to limit. So far my weight loss is going down…
  • My daily calorie target is 1390. I hope Im posting in the feed correctly. I don't see a link on each persons comment that I can post to. Im just posting after the last comment posted
  • Thanks guys! I guess by the end of the day, I look at my calories left and I have like, over 400 left out of my 1400. I start thinking I will mess up my weight loss, so I'm looking in the pantry for food (healthy of course) just to eat calories. I would rather skip the food sometimes. I also, think I am eating foods with…
  • I do love counting calories. I feel more in control of how much I'm eating daily. Sometimes when you think you're eating within a normal calorie range each day, you're actually eating more. Its been a positive experience for me, so far.