Just not that hungry



  • dmc4blessings
    dmc4blessings Posts: 19 Member
    Can someone please tell me how to respond to an individuals comment. Im just commenting to everyone at the bottom of the feed. I would like to be able to comment directly to the person. What do I click to respond under their specific comment. Lots of great responses to me!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Can someone please tell me how to respond to an individuals comment. Im just commenting to everyone at the bottom of the feed. I would like to be able to comment directly to the person. What do I click to respond under their specific comment. Lots of great responses to me!

    Click on QUOTE below their post (it's blue). Then their quote shows up in your reply box.
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
    Can someone please tell me how to respond to an individuals comment. Im just commenting to everyone at the bottom of the feed. I would like to be able to comment directly to the person. What do I click to respond under their specific comment. Lots of great responses to me!

    Hit the quote button on their reply.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    crb426 wrote: »
    I do eat a lot of meat, eggs every morning for breakfast, lots of fruits and veg. Good bit of fiber each day. I don't eat any bad food whatsoever, No sweets, fast food, or dining out food and I only eat the amount of carbs I am given with the program and even with them, I try to limit. So far my weight loss is going down (for now).

    There's no, such thing as; a bad or unhealthy food as long as you don't have, a(n) medical, ethical or religious reason for not, consuming something; everything in moderation's healthy!

    Of course there are "unhealthy foods". There are foods that have little to no nutritional value. You can become malnourished even if you are extremely overweight if you eat nothing but garbage.

    Now, in terms of losing weight, you can eat this junk and still lose weight-if you eat them in moderation. You might not feel or look so great, but only calories matter in terms of weight loss.

    Broccoli would make me unhealthy too if it made up 100% of my diet. It would make me extremely malnourished and deficient in many things.

    "healthy" is more than just what you put in your mouth. Mental health is so important, and negative food associations don't promote good mental health imo!
  • crb426
    crb426 Posts: 661 Member
    edited March 2017
    TeaBea wrote: »

    We all need to find a balance. Labels of unhealthy & "bad" foods aren't helpful. I don't need to feel guilty because I had an ice cream bar.
    I don't see anything wrong in calling a food "unhealthy" if it is lacking nutritional substance. You can eat "unhealthy" foods like ice cream bars because you are balancing it with other better choices in terms of nutritional items throughout the day.

    Unfortunately, some people just don't know the difference between what kinds of foods are packed with nutrition and what kinds are not. They don't have the education/experience, which is possibly why many are here and struggling. Explaining that some foods are "unhealthy" can be helpful to those who do not know the difference. It's not meant to shame or make you "feel guilty".
  • dmc4blessings
    dmc4blessings Posts: 19 Member
    edited March 2017
    I appreciate all the feedback. I have tried eating healthy in the past, only to fail. Im now starting to educate myself on eating healthy and how the body works. Im now learning that I can eat that specific treat in moderation. I think in the beginning, when you aren't sure of how this whole thing works, you tend to think, If you eat this one bad food, you are messing up your eating healthy and therefore your weight loss. I just need to chill, stop being paranoid that everything that isn't a fruit, veg, or lean meat, is unhealthy. I need to tell myself, I can eat that small serving of reg pasta with my meal as a side or that small piece of cake or brownie as an occasional treat. I have been thinking, I have to stay completly away from all the non whole wheat foods, like white rice, white potatoes, reg pasta. Sometimes it takes others to help you get a little better understanding on the whole weight loss issue.

  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    I do eat a lot of meat, eggs every morning for breakfast, lots of fruits and veg. Good bit of fiber each day. I don't eat any bad food whatsoever, No sweets, fast food, or dining out food and I only eat the amount of carbs I am given with the program and even with them, I try to limit. So far my weight loss is going down (for now).
    There is no such thing as "good" food or "bad food" (unless you have a medical condition), only good/bad food habits.

    And carbs aren't bad.

    Calories are king for weight loss.

  • ccsernica
    ccsernica Posts: 1,040 Member
    edited March 2017
    Nah. Most days I can still eat all the food if I were to let myself.

    Edit: In fact, since I can't run if I have more than just a little food in my stomach, my hunger is what determines the timing for my daily run. If I'm getting hungry and I want my afternoon/evening meal, it must be time to run!
  • seekps
    seekps Posts: 3 Member
    This pretty new to me and I'm having trouble trying to figure out what to eat with carbs that aren't full of sugar? Any suggestions?
  • seekps
    seekps Posts: 3 Member
    I see fruit has more carbs. Some things seem to have a good carb count and way to many calories for an evening meal. It's hard trying to fill the carb count when your not hungry after eight cups of water throughout the day.
  • DeficitDuchess
    DeficitDuchess Posts: 3,099 Member
    crb426 wrote: »
    I do eat a lot of meat, eggs every morning for breakfast, lots of fruits and veg. Good bit of fiber each day. I don't eat any bad food whatsoever, No sweets, fast food, or dining out food and I only eat the amount of carbs I am given with the program and even with them, I try to limit. So far my weight loss is going down (for now).

    There's no, such thing as; a bad or unhealthy food as long as you don't have, a(n) medical, ethical or religious reason for not, consuming something; everything in moderation's healthy!

    Of course there are "unhealthy foods". There are foods that have little to no nutritional value. You can become malnourished even if you are extremely overweight if you eat nothing but garbage.

    Now, in terms of losing weight, you can eat this junk and still lose weight-if you eat them in moderation. You might not feel or look so great, but only calories matter in terms of weight loss.

    In order for 1 to succeed indefinitely this, has to be a lifestyle change instead; of a temporary diet! Unless this person's certain that, they'll be able to live the rest of their lives without; ever taking a bite or sip of something that isn't nutritionally dense, they'll most likely regain all of; the weight again plus extra! So what situation's most unhealthy, having a treat that fits into; your goals or banishing them, until you've a; desperate craving & binge with, them often enough; to regress?
  • dmc4blessings
    dmc4blessings Posts: 19 Member
    TeaBea wrote: »
    Can someone please tell me how to respond to an individuals comment. Im just commenting to everyone at the bottom of the feed. I would like to be able to comment directly to the person. What do I click to respond under their specific comment. Lots of great responses to me!

    Click on QUOTE below their post (it's blue). Then their quote shows up in your reply box.

    Ok, thanks so much. New to posting here.
  • dmc4blessings
    dmc4blessings Posts: 19 Member
    Can someone please tell me how to respond to an individuals comment. Im just commenting to everyone at the bottom of the feed. I would like to be able to comment directly to the person. What do I click to respond under their specific comment. Lots of great responses to me!

    Hit the quote button on their reply.

    thank u!
  • dmc4blessings
    dmc4blessings Posts: 19 Member
    TeaBea wrote: »
    Thanks guys! I guess by the end of the day, I look at my calories left and I have like, over 400 left out of my 1400. I start thinking I will mess up my weight loss, so I'm looking in the pantry for food (healthy of course) just to eat calories. I would rather skip the food sometimes. I also, think I am eating foods with really low calories. I eat tones of vegetables, That don't add up to nothing and then like 4-5 ounces of chicken and that to me doesn't add up to a lot of calories. Then Im like what else can I eat. Its a pain.

    You can eat lots of different things .........

    Vegetables and chicken are great (albeit typical) "diet" foods. You don't have to be that restrictive. You don't have to eat just "diet" foods. After all, losing weight is just the first step. Do you see yourself maintaining your weight on just "diet" foods?

    Eat regular foods too. Not in the same portions (of course). I eat rice & pasta......but I measure portions. I eat potatoes and popcorn.....but I measure portions. Most days I will leave enough calories for a treat. Then I have ONE serving and log it. This will help me when I get to maintenance.

    Thanks! I think Im doing everything right for my weight loss itself. I track all calories and eat as much healthy foods as I can to get my nutrients each day.. The only thing I need to change and it seems most people are telling me this, is to allow myself to eat some of the foods I like and miss. Just don't eat 3-4 portion sizes of it and all the time and to try to keep it in my calorie range as much as I can and keep in mind, I won't kill my weight loss permanently. Im sure this will eventually help me with maintenance because I agree, I can't imagine doing it the way I have been forever. Meaning no cheat days.
  • dmc4blessings
    dmc4blessings Posts: 19 Member
    I do eat a lot of meat, eggs every morning for breakfast, lots of fruits and veg. Good bit of fiber each day. I don't eat any bad food whatsoever, No sweets, fast food, or dining out food and I only eat the amount of carbs I am given with the program and even with them, I try to limit. So far my weight loss is going down (for now).
    There is no such thing as "good" food or "bad food" (unless you have a medical condition), only good/bad food habits.

    And carbs aren't bad.

    Calories are king for weight loss.

    I was given a carb amount not to exceed 174. I was freaked and thought I should be eating no more then 50. I do eat more then 50 each day.
  • amyepdx
    amyepdx Posts: 750 Member
    crb426 wrote: »
    TeaBea wrote: »

    We all need to find a balance. Labels of unhealthy & "bad" foods aren't helpful. I don't need to feel guilty because I had an ice cream bar.
    I don't see anything wrong in calling a food "unhealthy" if it is lacking nutritional substance. You can eat "unhealthy" foods like ice cream bars because you are balancing it with other better choices in terms of nutritional items throughout the day.

    Unfortunately, some people just don't know the difference between what kinds of foods are packed with nutrition and what kinds are not. They don't have the education/experience, which is possibly why many are here and struggling. Explaining that some foods are "unhealthy" can be helpful to those who do not know the difference. It's not meant to shame or make you "feel guilty".

    Please explain what specifically is unhealthy about a 1/2 cup 200 calorie serving of ice cream?
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    Can someone please tell me how to respond to an individuals comment. Im just commenting to everyone at the bottom of the feed. I would like to be able to comment directly to the person. What do I click to respond under their specific comment. Lots of great responses to me!

    You push the "quote" button and respond to it.
  • crb426
    crb426 Posts: 661 Member
    To give you a simpler (and more extreme) example, if you were trying to help a child who was dying of malnutrition and starvation due to famine, would you offer them a stick of celery? No. That would be a catastrophically unhealthy choice for them. A big pouch of peanut butter, on the other hand, which would not be a healthy choice for me, could save that kid's life. Context counts.

    Yes, but peanut butter is packed with nutrition. I wouldn't consider peanut butter "unhealthy".

    I agree that there are no BAD foods. It has been stated and restated many times on these boards. But there are unhealthy foods. Adding nutrition in supplementary foods does not suddenly make the original unhealthy food good for you. It just helps you balance your diet to accommodate those foods.