jenna_nicolo Member


  • I'm 5'8" and currently 130 lbs, exclusively wear American Eagle brand denim; just like the fit best. I own pairs (the oldest probably being 8 years old) sizing between 2 and 8. Right now I'm wearing size 4 in my jeans and 6 in my shorts.
  • I take supplemental caffeine since I don't like coffee or tea too much. Definitely produces those two effects. Crystal Light also makes some of their on-the-go pouches with caffeine now; they're not a bad mid-afternoon pick me up.
  • This is probably the best advice. I would assume a well-balanced diet would be enough but we don't know your medical history. Many physicians suggest these days that you begin taking a prenatal vitamin as soon as you start trying to conceive to make sure you're getting things like folic acid and other micros during the…
  • The famous Berger Cookie from my hometown Baltimore, Maryland. A shortbread cookie coated in the most ridiculous amount of dark chocolate fudge you've ever seen. Many thanks to our German roots!
  • It looks to be about twice the price of Metamucil with the same goal in mind. I can't vouch for this but I do take Meta sometimes to get things going (to put it nicely), and not sure if it's placebo effect but I guess it does help me feel less hungry before lunch, too.
  • If you're looking to tone up, I would make protein your primary focus (i.e. try to hit it every day) and worry about fats next. For Keto, the standard target is typically 20g net carbs or less, this is usually 5-10% of your calorie goal. For LCHF, you could probably get away with 50ish g net carbs or less, or up to 20% of…
  • Ugh, it can be frustrating. My mother, sister, and I all have "cankles." None of us are overweight but it seems like on everyone else's calves the Achilles tendon is visible, however not us. Even on the lower end of my normal BMI range, I can't see them. We're all built differently and sometimes body composition is just…
  • Expect some water weight gain as your glycogen stores refill, other than that all Keto did was help keep you in a calorie deficit - if you can add the carbs back feeling as satiated as before and staying within maintenance, why not add them back?
  • I lost 30lbs between keto and LCHF last year, and am maintaining now still eating that way. I always hit my protein goals without trying which I like and I personally eat less without feeling hungry. Sometimes it can be a little difficult to find "vessels" for your food without starches like bread, potatoes, rice, pasta,…
  • Roadtripping with some girlfriends this weekend, I need to pack, clean, and weigh out lots of snacks tonight cause I leave early in the morning. Excited!! Have a good weekend everyone :smiley:
  • Agreed. I used to eat a lot of salty things, a lot of super sweet sugary things, and I guess I just wasn't as sensitive to those tastes. Not that I don't still have stuff like that occasionally but when I do I'm finding I don't overeat it or mindlessly munch like I used to. I'm trying to really taste and savor my food.…
  • A salted hard boiled egg will keep me full for hours. I also like crunchy stuff to snack on, carrot sticks with hummus, apple chips, pretzel rods. When I meal prep my work lunches for the week I pre-measure out snacks at the same time, that way I just have to grab my lunch and a snackbag or two and run out the door in the…
  • Washington, D.C! We have the utmost craziest weather in the Metro area. Winters are icy cold, summers are desert hot, and only about 2 weeks of Spring and Fall a piece! Whatever the weather, there is so much to do both indoors and out.
  • If you know you're doing it and why you're doing that, you've already got significant insight into the problem. When your stress is high and you feel cravings kick in, or a rush of anxiety you feel food will be able to calm, you may need to consciously redirect your focus away from food. It's just a habit, and like most…
  • I didn't have success on Keto but I'm sustaining a LCHF diet since around Thanksgiving of last year; this happens with quite a few people that Keto is too aggressive and you may decide to readjust your macros, which is fine. Most importantly, eat the way you want to in way you can sustain long term. I happen to not find…
  • This^ This is definitely my greatest challenge. I've been bulimic since around 14 (now 23) and there was only a single year where I was significantly underweight in that time frame. The rest of the time I've been solidly inside the normal BMI range, and even 5lbs overweight in Fall 2017 when I was working to stop purging…
  • Maybe I was projecting my subconscious potato stigma from years of fad diets... my bad :) I'm learning to love them again and seriously enjoy a hot baked potato when I have one (sour cream and chives on top, of course).
  • Can't stand raw veggies, steamed is not bad though, and honestly food brands are doing some pretty creative things to veggies these days. Broccoli cheddar Tots, mashed cauliflower, zucchini fries... I love those new twists on traditionally carb heavy, low-nutrition food. And it usually means I can eat a LOT more than the…
  • I would be a cactus without Crystal Light, I'm really not a fan of plain water either. I'm getting through my 32oz bottle about 3 times at work now and it's only 30 calories added to my log. Well worth it to me; and it might be for you, too!
  • Crystal Light is my saving grace. Most people don't understand this because it's such an uncommon thing, but I also can't drink plain water on an empty stomach/first thing in the morning and there are a few other situations in which it makes me nauseated. The Crystal Light is 10 calories a packet and it's helped me SO much…
  • A cold brew with a splash of skim milk and a Splenda. The best part of waking up...
  • What a quack doctor - folks must be careful sometimes as often doctors partner up with single-service providers (like weight loss clinics) or even a specific pharmaceutical company (as what happened with the brand Alli) in order to get kick-backs or promotion. 8lbs/month is amazing progress, 2lbs a week is the top end of…
  • No one here is going to recommend using them for vanity reasons, of course... You're not going to physically see a difference anyway. Sorry hon, just buy an awesome new bikini and rock it anyway!
  • TOM? I use Diurex if I'm feeling particularly bloated around that time. Thankfully it's not every month but just when non-routine food intake or activities sync up with my TOM - it can get very uncomfortable. They're pretty cheap too, like $10 for ~50ct.
  • ^ Same here. Splenda all the way. I either get an unsweetened ice coffee in the summer or an americano in the winter and I add a packet of Splenda. Sometimes when I'm at home I add almond milk but it's rare.