topher347 Member


  • I'm thinking not logging the exercise is probably the best thing to stick with. I feel like I'd be off too much trying to estimate calories for lifting one way or another. At this point I do still seem to be slowly losing at 1800, so I'll stick with that until I feel it needs to go down, or I hit a point where I'm…
  • I do share it, and eat different size portions when I do eat it. Sounds like if I was to change method at all, I would want to weigh the whole batch after cooking and letting it cool so the moisture had evened out. Maybe I will try that the next time and see if it comes out to a big enough difference to make it worthwhile.
  • I appreciate the feedback! I am definitely trying to keep some amount of variety. I've always been a pretty simple/picky eater, so am trying to branch into some new things, but some like veggies I've still stuck with the classics for the most part. I do try not to go too crazy on the powder and shakes for protein, tempting…
  • Caught my mistake, my diary wasn't set to public, but is now. Any critique or advice on it would be very welcome.
  • Sounds like a good starting point then. I don't drink myself no so worries there, but I don't mind too much if I go a bit over on protein. I do try to be pretty consistent day to day as much as possible though.
  • Based on that site result "Intakes of up to 151 grams/day may provide additional benefit, based on limited evidence." Which would be easier to fit than the current 178 I'm on. So if I used bodyweight of 138 x .4 = 55 (per Tom's advice,) I could just fill in the rest as carbs?
  • I could always use more on my friends list, it isn't very active at the moment. I log everyday so I'm always on there at some point!
  • I log everyday if you want to add me. Mind you it doesn't have a whole lot of variety to it as I bring the same lunch to work everyday, lol. I do try to stay consistent with not missing any days though, and log my strength training as well.
  • I just started doing 16:8 and really like it so far. I do it in combination with keeping track out calories, and doing cardio and weightlifting 5 days a week. I find it also really help me keep my calories down simply because I get full restricting all the eating within those house. I'll have days when I log my food and…
  • Thanks for the link, according to the measurements I took it put me at 20.15, so I still have a ways to go, but I'm making progress. I'll have to post up the current before and after face pictures I have, it's already a pretty noticeable difference from where I started.
  • That's one problem is I don't really have a set goal weight in mind. Probably more of a goal for body fat being somewhere around 12-15% or so. Just a loose estimate, but I've seen several people say that's usually the range they start really having definition in abs which is kind of what I'm going for. The calculator I…
  • According to the days I've logged on MFP so far I get about 150-160 g of protein a day, so I could up it a bit still to get to 1 g/lb.
  • This is one thing I have been thinking about since I do use general measurements for most of my food, I only measure some things that I can do with a scoop or measuring cup, but I know even that wouldn't be as accurate as an actual food scale. I do lift 2-3 days a week, since I alternate with cardio days. Just haven't been…
  • Thank you, I'm going to try reaching out to a few people in there. Hopefully I can find a good match!
  • Feel free to add me, my diary is public as well!