ladyannique2017 Member


  • Thank you for the study. First it was a comparison of overall death rates among the elderly and didn't actually measure who died of the flu, but rather who died period of anything at all. A death rate of +4.6% among unvaccinated elderly with a margin of error that goes from 0.7% to 8.9% is not what I would consider to be…
  • Food deserts in general are not a myth. Yes, it's a myth that all poor urban areas are food deserts, but that doesn't mean food deserts don't exist. I've lived in a few. One was a poor urban area in the Midwest. Yes you can look at a street map and see there is a grocery store within walking distance, but street maps do…
  • I do my exercise in the evenings (7-9pm) and then shower and fall into bed. I find if I am active, I don't get bored. I get the munchies when bored big time.
  • I don't personally get the flu shot. I don't see the point. It's like a game of Russian roulette but with a moving target. You don't know whether the 3 strains in the vaccine will be one of the half a million possible strains that come around that winter. Too the effectiveness is only 50% or so for the 3 strains it…
  • You've got some good advice here. Only thing I would add is take a second look at your diet. I find I get bloated if I don't eat my probiotic yogurt daily. Also, I do eat bread, potatoes, pasta, rice as well as vegetables. I find if I just eat green vegetables I get really bloated and gassy. Too, any kind of grain based…
  • I think there is a genetic component to body type/weight. There are people who are predisposed to be slim and willowy and others that are predisposed to be stocky and muscular. Thats why there is such a wide range of "normal" BMIs. I don't think that genes can cause obesity though because that is an extreme, just like…
  • Erg hate autocorrect. Cantered should be centered.
  • I agree with ninerbuff on how there are instructors who have no clue about proper form for punches and kicks. I tried a couple cardio kickboxing classes because I thought it might up my speed and agility and was shocked at how they would just fling their fists and feet about snapping their elbow or knee joints and no core…
  • To do any of these things you need $$$$$ or a friend with $$$$$. People living at or below the poverty line don't have the luxury of being able to move, buy stuff, or pay for delivery charges.
  • Yeah, it's prohibited because the organic growers association negotiated an agreement with the USDA that there would be no GMOs that could be certified organic. If GMOs had been accepted like all the other plant breeding techniques, there'd only be organic vs conventional.
  • It's a great link you posted, shows communication and respect between neighbor farmers that grow for the different markets can go a long way.
  • I thought this was going to be about horse riding.... :(
  • I'd have Chicken breast - 100g Baby potatoes- 100g Carrots- 50g Broccoli-50g Because I'd want room for dessert! (Usually assorted fruit and berries with plain yogurt) I'm on 1400cals a day, maintaining weight.
  • Hazelnuts are my all time favorite. Followed by sesame seeds.
  • I sort of agree that the US laws on contamination do need to be updated. I think the GMO companies do have a right to sue and recover damages if their patented plant is intentionally planted/stolen. However, it should cut both ways. If a farmers conventional/organic nonGMO crop is contaminated by GMO pollen or plants, then…
  • This is a great article on mutagenesis vs. GMOs (transgenic). It says that the unknowns from mutagenesis are higher than with GE but the dangers from both are "trivial." Also says that the environment of the plant; the climate and day to day growing, has more impact on its genome than either mutagenesis or GE.…
  • I don't really get PMS. I do get really bad cramps but I just pop some pills and crack on. I think TOM is the worst because I'm in a white gi at the dojo and I have moments where I don't know if I'm especially sweaty or if I've sprung a leak.
  • Hi, I'm 2nd Kyu Aikido. Been doing it for 8yrs. I started with Tae Kwon Do karate as a kid, got as far as green belt but didn't like it as much as Aikido. Glad to see some other martial artists on here. :D
  • Yuck. I hate fish. They make good pets though.
  • I love jasmine tea.
  • Assuming you've waited a few days for responses and got nothing. I would leave the groups and just keep looking for a group until you find one where you do get responses. Being ignored can be very demotivating.