rachjolly Member


  • Sorry your going through that. It’s so tough to get back out of the rabbit hole. Try and remember you don’t need to do everything at once. Maybe try and take a stroll to grab 1 of your meals or a coffee each day. That way you’re getting out the house. You could fill out your journal at a cafe maybe? Don’t overwhelm…
  • SW (January 1st) - 233.4 Total loss January - 11.4lbs Total loss February - 2lbs GW for March - 214lbs February 28th - 220 March 1st - 219.2 March 2nd - 219.4 March 3rd - 219.6 March 6th - 220.4 March 8th - 217.4 March 9th - 217 March 10th - 217 March 14th - 218.2 March 15th - 217.2 March 16th - 215.8 March 17th - 215…
  • SW (January 1st) - 233.4 Total loss January - 11.4lbs Total loss February - 2lbs GW for March - 214lbs February 28th - 220 March 1st - 219.2 March 2nd - 219.4 March 3rd - 219.6 March 6th - 220.4 March 8th - 217.4 March 9th - 217 March 10th - 217 March 14th - 218.2 March 15th - 217.2 March 16th - 215.8 March 17th - 215…
  • Hi Andi 👋 you’re making some nice progress so far. Looking forward to seeing your journey 💪
  • Well done everyone! That’s such a fantastic result. Especially in March when the rest of the world has given up on their New Years resolutions ❤️💪
  • SW (January 1st) - 233.4 Total loss January - 11.4lbs Total loss February - 2lbs GW for March - 214lbs February 28th - 220 March 1st - 219.2 March 2nd - 219.4 March 3rd - 219.6 March 6th - 220.4 March 8th - 217.4 March 9th - 217 March 10th - 217 March 14th - 218.2 March 15th - 217.2 March 16th - 215.8 March 17th - 215…
  • SW (January 1st) - 233.4 PW March 12th) - 218.6 CW (March 19th - 216.4 Happy with that, although I really over indulged yesterday because it was Mother’s Day. Going to have to work hard this week to maintain I think 🙏
  • I feel so happy for you! And thank you for sharing because it’s really motivating to read. 👑 ❤️
  • SW (January 1st) - 233.4 Total loss January - 11.4lbs Total loss February - 2lbs GW for March - 214lbs February 28th - 220 March 1st - 219.2 March 2nd - 219.4 March 3rd - 219.6 March 6th - 220.4 March 8th - 217.4 March 9th - 217 March 10th - 217 March 14th - 218.2 March 15th - 217.2 March 16th - 215.8 March 17th - 215…
  • That’s a fantastic loss! I can’t wait to get to Onederland. Also, I know it’s not the healthiest thing but a chocolate bar from your husband every Friday night is so cute 🥹
  • SW (January 1st) - 233.4 Total loss January - 11.4lbs Total loss February - 2lbs GW for March - 214lbs February 28th - 220 March 1st - 219.2 March 2nd - 219.4 March 3rd - 219.6 March 6th - 220.4 March 8th - 217.4 March 9th - 217 March 10th - 217 March 14th - 218.2 March 15th - 217.2 March 16th - 215.8 March 17th - 215.8 🙌
  • SW (January 1st) - 233.4 Total loss January - 11.4lbs Total loss February - 2lbs GW for March - 214lbs February 28th - 220 March 1st - 219.2 March 2nd - 219.4 March 3rd - 219.6 March 6th - 220.4 March 8th - 217.4 March 9th - 217 March 10th - 217 March 14th - 218.2 March 15th - 217.2 March 16th - 215.8 😳 I stepped on the…
  • Wow Eddie, you’re already doing so well. Slow and steady wins the race. I’m a binge eater also. I found that eliminating alcohol helped me. It wasn’t so much a calorie thing but a will power thing. Nothing goes better with a cold beer than a giant bag of crisps or a pizza 🫣 Looking forward to seeing your journey 💪
  • SW (January 1st) - 233.4 Total loss January - 11.4lbs Total loss February - 2lbs GW for March - 214lbs February 28th - 220 March 1st - 219.2 March 2nd - 219.4 March 3rd - 219.6 March 6th - 220.4 March 8th - 217.4 March 9th - 217 March 10th - 217 March 14th - 218.2 March 15th - 217.2 Back to lucky number 17 again. Going to…
  • Hi Andi! Looking forward to seeing your progress. I like this group because we’re all slow and steady. Hope it helps you as much as it’s helped me ❤️
  • SW (January 1st) - 233.4 Total loss January - 11.4lbs Total loss February - 2lbs GW for March - 214lbs February 28th - 220 March 1st - 219.2 March 2nd - 219.4 March 3rd - 219.6 March 6th - 220.4 March 8th - 217.4 March 9th - 217 March 10th - 217 March 14th - 218.2 Had a SUPER unhealthy weekend. Actually so relieved that…
  • SW (January 1st) - 233.4 PW March 5th) - 220 CW (March 12th) - 218.6 Yay, moved out of the 220’s. Let’s hope you’re can stay under 🙏
  • SW (January 1st) - 233.4 Total loss January - 11.4lbs Total loss February - 2lbs GW for March - 214lbs February 28th - 220 March 1st - 219.2 March 2nd - 219.4 March 3rd - 219.6 March 6th - 220.4 March 8th - 217.4 March 9th - 217 March 10th - 217 Holding steady. Let’s hope I can make it through Friday night without going…
  • SW (January 1st) - 233.4 Total loss January - 11.4lbs Total loss February - 2lbs GW for March - 214lbs February 28th - 220 March 1st - 219.2 March 2nd - 219.4 March 3rd - 219.6 March 6th - 220.4 March 8th - 217.4 March 9th - 217 Yay, didn’t go up. Found a few new low calorie recipes to try out this week. It’s so much…
  • @HASWLRS @jm216 Both of you are killing it this month so far. What am I going to do when you’re both out of the 200 club 😭
  • I’ve had an off the scale victory today… bought some jeans in November online. Tried them on an couldn’t get them past my hips. Thought I’d give them a go today and see if I was any closer to getting them on. Got them on with buttons and zip done up! I don’t feel any slimmer so it’s definitely motivating to see a result…
  • SW (January 1st) - 233.4 Total loss January - 11.4lbs Total loss February - 2lbs GW for March - 214lbs February 28th - 220 March 1st - 219.2 March 2nd - 219.4 March 3rd - 219.6 March 6th - 220.4 March 8th - 217.4 Well that was a nice surprise this morning. Couldn’t weigh yesterday as I had builders in the bathroom and I…
  • Oh she is so beautiful! I would love to have a doggo of my own one day but it’s not the right time for me now. I bet it will feel so good to have a buddy with you on your walks again. I had a golden retriever when I was a kid. He was the sweetest gentle giant ever. Love the name too 🥰🥰
  • SW (January 1st) - 233.4 PW (February 26th) - 220.2 CW (March 5th) - 220 Thank for all the congrats on last weeks loss, I just saw it now ❤️ Sorry for the late weigh in, I went down to the coast this weekend and didn’t have any scales. Back to being good this week 😊
  • SW (January 1st) - 233.4 Total loss January - 11.4lbs Total loss February - 2lbs GW for March - 214lbs February 28th - 220 March 1st - 219.2 March 2nd - 219.4 March 3rd - 219.6 March 6th - 220.4 Ok, not as bad as I thought it would be. Weekend away and my TOTM. Bad to be good 💪
  • SW (January 1st) - 233.4 Total loss January - 11.4lbs Total loss February - 2lbs GW for March - 214lbs February 28th - 220 March 1st - 219.2 March 2nd - 219.4 March 3rd - 219.6 Not sure why it’s creeping up as I’ve been good on calories and walking loads 🤔 oh well. I just reallly don’t want to go back in 220’s. I’m going…
  • SW (January 1st) - 233.4 Total loss January - 11.4lbs Total loss February - 2lbs GW for March - 214lbs February 28th - 220 March 1st - 219.2 March 2nd - 219.4 Really happy that yesterday wasn’t a fluke and I’ve stayed under 220 😊 Thanks for the support Jill. You did amazing last month! Here’s to a successful March 💪❤️
  • SW (January 1st) - 233.4 Total loss January - 11.4lbs Total loss February - 2lbs GW for March - 214lbs February 28th - 220 March 1st - 219.2 Finally broke the 220 barrier!!! I’ve been dancing around there all month. Extra happy because that’s officially my first stone off 🥰
  • SW (January 1st) - 233.4 Total loss January - 11.4lbs GW for February - 214 January 31st - 222 February 1st - 221.4 February 2nd - 220.6 February 3rd - 221 February 5th - 224.8 February 6th - 223.8 February 7th - 221.8 February 8th - 221.4 February 9th - 221.2 February 10th - 220.6 February 11th - ❌ February 12th - 221.6…
  • Happy Birthday 🥳 for the 16th