ad28517 Member


  • He only had the one nipple...
  • I am also on 1200 calories. What WW used to recommend is tracking your hunger for a few days, so you can see patterns. If you are hungry mid-morning, about 30 min before that hunger usually strikes, have a snack around 100 calories (I prefer herb and garlic Sunkist tuna, but you can have a low-fat yogurt, some almonds, a…
  • 2 # boneless, skinless chicken, 1 package taco seasoning (I use fajita), 1 jar salsa all in crockpot. Shred with forks. Eat with anything - in an omelet, with some veggies as a bowl, in chili, tacos, whatever. Freezes well. My go-to meal is 1c frozen hashbrowns, 1/4 chicken or turkey kielbasa (or similar), and 1 or two…
  • Yeah, some days I am not. I am very inconsistent. I am usually a little under but make up for it a bit on weekends. I think I watch my carbs too closely, so they are way under, and if I make up the calories in low carb (usually higher fat) foods, there isn't a lot of room until I hit 1200. This is an adventure for all of…
  • So 950 x 4 + 1200 x 3 = 7400/week
  • 1400 - 450 = 950
  • An MD of Internal Medicine
  • Oh, if you enjoy the bike at the gym, maybe invest in a *real* bike (or maybe that is what you are already doing?). The weather is getting nice, and I have read that the act of balancing requires different muscles than sitting on a stationary bike. Plus, then you get wind resistance, hills, etc. (and a better view)!
  • I personally like the elliptical machine at the gym; it has a variety of levels and programs based on how motivated I feel that day, and is low-impact (so not bouncy or rough on knees etc.). Plus it incorporates your arms so if your legs get tired, you can use your arms more, or vice versa. I love me a rowing machine as…
  • Maybe some sugar-free gum? If you just want something "sweet", try brushing your teeth...minty fresh and discourages you from eating afterward (since you would have to do it again). Personally, I like my coffee with a hint of non-dairy creamer at night, or Swiss Miss hot chocolate made with water (there's already milk in…
  • My weight seems to trail my diet by a day or two. I can eat badly today, and eat well and work out Thursday, but the scale Friday morning will punish me...
  • I bought a great-smelling shampoo, but it is a little pricey, so I reward myself after a hard workout by using it (Origins, Ginger Up). For bigger goals, I may get a (free) makeover at Ulta/Sephora or a fresh haircut. I also tend to buy small fitness-related items like a weighted vest or a sports bras. I am planning a…
  • I like your suggestions! When I am at a place that I can't control what is served (aka, Christmas), I try to load up my plate with veggies and protein (like turkey). It's harder to cram in the carbs (stuffing, cookies) onto a full plate! Also, if there's healthy appetizers, like a veggie tray, nibbling on that 20 min…
  • I am a single lady, and I understand your plight. My go-to meal is an egg (or two) and a handful of frozen hashbrowns, and a portion of chicken or turkey sausage. I can make it all in one pan, in about 10 minutes, and it is high in protein, reasonably low in carbs, and about 400ish calories. I am terrible at the reheating…
  • I got tired of listening to people, so I went to a doctor. I don't have any health issues, other than being overweight. She put me on 1200 calories/day. If I work out (40 min on level 10 on elliptical usually) I burn roughly 450 calories, but (if I want to) I could go to 1400 on those days. Note that this is *under* what…
  • 5'3 and at 196 I was a size 12; at 176 I am wearing a 10, but could likely make it into an 8. Crazy how much this all varies from person to person!
  • You don't need weights to weight train. I prefer activities that use the body as resistance and don't require all of that equipment (so you can do them anywhere). Think push-ups, squats, lunges, crunches. Focus on form. Once that becomes easy, add weights. If you prefer to be "told what to do", I like 22 min Hard Corps. It…
  • Oh, and I am 5'2 3/4" and currently 173 (down 20# in 2 months). As you all have said, no one thinks I weigh as much as I do, because even at my heaviest I was a size 12. My first goal is 150#, and my coworkers think I am close...nope, but halfway there! Final goal will be more like 140, but we will see how it goes...true…
  • As for late night snacking...brush your teeth! I know it sounds silly, but something about doing that and being all minty fresh and ready for bed deters me from eating so late. Also, I find doing something to keep your hands and mind busy works too. My sister crochets while watching tv. I (sadly) play games on my cell…
  • To your original question, I have lost 20 # and while I can notice small changes, the best indicator was that I put on a pair of jeans that were a size smaller than usual and they slid right on! Also, people who don't see you everyday are more likely to notice the change than people who see the small increments daily. Good…
  • I am 5'3, and my final goal is under 140. I just don't want to take the effort to be less than that. I am not 20 anymore (and I like food).
    in 5ft ladies Comment by ad28517 May 2017
  • My Dr. recommended almond or coconut-based coffee creamers. She balked when I asked if half/half was better than non-dairy creamers. I have yet to look for either. Happy hunting!
  • I started at 196 and am now at 173. I work out 4 times a week for 40 minutes and consume around 1200 calories a day. Seems like we are close to the same many calories are you consuming? Awesome on the water (I suck at that). Maybe try some whole body exercises (as opposed to a bike where you are sitting) or…
  • Seriously...the Fiber One desserts are pretty tasty. Microwave one of the brownies, and you will get the smell and ..80% of the satisfaction with only 10% of the guilt!
  • I am new, but I can post thus far! I started trying to lose on March 2. Starting weight 196 Goal weight <150 Current weight 173.4 This week's successes: choosing a smart lunch This week's challenges: motivation to workout when it is raining outside
  • Definitely not a competition, but as I am much shorter than most of you, my daily calorie allowance is 1200 calories (1800 would be a dream!). As I have lost weight, I have taken some actions to increase the resistance in my workouts (for example, I wear an 8# vest on the elliptical) because (1) I am stronger and (2) I…
  • I am on a Dr. regulated regimen of 90g carbs a day (NOT net, but total carbs)/90 g protein (although I am usually at about 60g) and 1200 calories. I have lost 20 lbs in two months with moderate exercise (4 x week, 40 min), and I have about 20 more lbs to lose. I find that I focus so much on keeping carbs low, (most days…