2017~~52 Pounds in 52 Weeks Challenge



  • tonypike
    tonypike Posts: 1 Member
    Starting date: 1st May 2017
    Starting weight: 299 (maxed out at 306 2 weeks ago)
    Goal weight: 210
    Current weight: 296
    Total weight lost: -3
    This week's successes: getting back to the gym after 6yr lay off :(
    This week's challenges: staying injury free :smiley: and tracking macros for first time :smile:
    Gym 6 days a week - lift Mon/Wed/Fri - aerobics Tue/Thu/Sat
  • RayvenSkye96
    RayvenSkye96 Posts: 45 Member
    Starting weight: 198 lbs
    Goal weight: 146
    Current weight: 166.4
    Total weight lost: 31.6
    This week's successes: Joined a 12 week challenge group that incorporates some weights. I am excited to learn!
    This week's challenges: Wanted to bake a pan of brownies really badly this week but so far I have been strong... :p
  • ad28517
    ad28517 Posts: 27 Member
    I am new, but I can post thus far! I started trying to lose on March 2.
    Starting weight 196
    Goal weight <150
    Current weight 173.4
    This week's successes: choosing a smart lunch
    This week's challenges: motivation to workout when it is raining outside
  • ad28517
    ad28517 Posts: 27 Member
    Starting weight: 198 lbs

    This week's challenges: Wanted to bake a pan of brownies really badly this week but so far I have been strong... :p

    Seriously...the Fiber One desserts are pretty tasty. Microwave one of the brownies, and you will get the smell and ..80% of the satisfaction with only 10% of the guilt!
  • Cifucanguess
    Cifucanguess Posts: 175 Member
    Starting weight:266
    Starting weight for challenge: 237
    Current weight: 224.2
    Goal weight: 185

    Total weight lost: 41.8

    Midway June 26th (goal 211 lbs):

    This week's successes: Starting back at the gym even though it is just walking the track
    This week's challenges: Not letting this week's weight loss make me lazy and drinking plenty of water
    **update: I did let the weight loss make me lazy, so I'm back to it and logging it in
  • pitegny
    pitegny Posts: 1,006 Member
    Starting weight on January 11th: 289.7
    Current weight: 238.8
    This week's loss: 2.6
    Total weight loss: 50.9

    This week's successes: I did my first 45-minute hike in several years. Another day I rushed up a steep hill to meet a friend and it did not kill me. Before MFP I would have had to stop every few minutes.

    This week's challenges: Need to be better on my sugar intake. Eating several pieces of fruit each day is putting me over my sugar goal pretty consistently. It would be ironic to lose all this weight and throw myself into pre-diabetes.
  • MsArriabella
    MsArriabella Posts: 469 Member
    A little late (mostly because I've been eating poorly this week and don't want to face it :( )

    Starting weight (for this challenge) : 208.6
    Goal weight (for this challenge) : 156
    Current weight : 193.6
    Total weight lost (for this challenge): 15.0
    This week's successes: I've been faithfully tracking and get all of my workouts in
    This week's challenges: Starting to feel burnt out on eating well, need to keep reminding myself it's worth it!!
  • Toxtethogrady
    Toxtethogrady Posts: 68 Member
    How you getting on? What diet/exercise you using?

    A third of the way through I thought it would be useful to find out how you're getting on and what you're doing to lose weight. We might be able to pick up tips off each other?
    I'm four pounds behind schedule, which isn't insurmountable, and is due to too many treat days. I'm using MFP with Slimming World Healthy Extra principles, namely only certain amounts of dairy and wheat type products a day. I have one treat day a week (sometimes!) where I can eat and drink what I want. As I've progressed I've swapped Takeaway for Fakeaway for which I find inspiration from Slimming Eats. I go to the gym 2-3 times a week, nothing too extravagant, just work up a sweat on treadmill or bike. Also love the pool and sauna afterwards.
    One thing I'm really pleased with is that this is taking no willpower and is now embedded in my shopping and cooking.
  • JetWan
    JetWan Posts: 204 Member
    Starting weight: 213.8 lbs
    Goal weight: 165
    Last week weight: 185.8
    Current weight: 185.4
    This week's loss:0.4 pounds
    Total weight lost: 28.4
    This week's successes: Made good choices and didn't gain during my birthday weekend.
    This week's challenges: Need to get back to 10,000+ steps per day & get more sleep.
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    edited May 2017
    How you getting on? What diet/exercise you using?

    A third of the way through I thought it would be useful to find out how you're getting on and what you're doing to lose weight. We might be able to pick up tips off each other?
    I'm four pounds behind schedule, which isn't insurmountable, and is due to too many treat days. I'm using MFP with Slimming World Healthy Extra principles, namely only certain amounts of dairy and wheat type products a day. I have one treat day a week (sometimes!) where I can eat and drink what I want. As I've progressed I've swapped Takeaway for Fakeaway for which I find inspiration from Slimming Eats. I go to the gym 2-3 times a week, nothing too extravagant, just work up a sweat on treadmill or bike. Also love the pool and sauna afterwards.
    One thing I'm really pleased with is that this is taking no willpower and is now embedded in my shopping and cooking.

    A third of the way to my 52 pounds in 52 weeks and I am a little ahead of on track! I expect it will be harder once we are post the halfway mark, but so far so good.

    I have had two vacations during this period. I ate well both times. Both involved lots of food and adult beverages. One was a 5 day cruise and the other was a trip to Key West with fun loving family food and wine lovers. I tried to choose my meals carefully and I was active! Not burpee at 5 a.m. active but always walk everywhere active. I also tried to go into these days a few pounds ahead of schedule, so If I did have a real gain it would not hurt as much psychologically.

    For me diet is critical. I have never been a regular exerciser and I am older (more on this later.) I follow CICO and the daily calorie calculations given from MFP work for me. ( I sometimes check Scooby too.) I am pretty meticulous on tracking. Pretty much everything I eat goes in my log. I weigh food. I weigh liquids - especially my wine, rum and vodka. I check values on the USDA Food Search site so I know I am counting correct calories on whole foods. I often weigh pre made servings - like bread slices. If I need to guess I try to overestimate. I do not eat out often, but when I do I eat what like but try to choose wisely. One naughty dinner will not my life ruin.

    I treat calories like a budget and I work on a cash system, not accrual. If I can I will prelog my day, but it is subject to budget adjustments. For example:
    • Didn't eat that apple I left in my desk drawer at work? Ooooooh maybe I can skip butter on my spinach and have some ice cream tonight.
    I try to pre plan dinners about three or four days out; knowing whats for dinner lets me know how to spend my budget during the day. And I always have salad fixings at home. If I overspend during the day I can fall back on a huge salad for dinner, with a wine vinegar sprinkled on. (It helps that I like salad and the tartness of vinegar.) I eat what I like - I think this is crucial - but I try new things and find that I like a lot. It also helps that I lean to the savory as opposed to the sweet for satisfaction.

    Exercise. I have always treated exercise like a red-headed step child. I have active vacations with things like hiking and swimming, and we have 20 acres we have to perform outdoor maintenance so I am not a complete blob. But no real intentional exercise schedule existed in the past. I live in Florida and when we step outside at 5 in the morning we get a sweat walking to the car. It's the humidity. That's one. Two = I have and have always had big boobs. Even when I was young and thin I had big boobs. It's a curse, especially where exercise is concerned. Three, until recently I was a mom to non adults and the primary bread winner. So my life had been consumed by job and children's lives. (I'm still mom but now they are (legally) adults and a little more on their own.) Four = The last five years or so work got intense, and I got particularly desk bound, and really really sedentary.

    So why did my attitude to exercise improve? Well, my blood pressure became kinda high, I had a hard time on my last waterfall hike, and I was just getting fatigued with the least exertion. I cannot go into my 60s and retire in this shape. I have worked too hard to not be able to continue doing the things I want to do. It is within my control to fix this. I know I was blessed with great genes and I have no excuse for letting myself go.

    I am using MFP to learn and to get some schedules for exercise. I have participated in two groups so far that have really helped me. I was in "The Amazing Race group" this winter. Loved it. Each week we had a nutritional goal and exercises to perform. Now I am enrolled in the "Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." It is only week two of six but I think they are trying to kill me. Killer exercise, but I do my best. And the role-play is nice (but not required.) By participating in these groups it helps me find web sites with exercise plans for my future use, it introduces me to new exercise, and it also motivates me to perform, because I do not want to let my team down.

    As far as logging goes, I do not usually log my exercise, unless I need to eat the calories. If a miracle ever happened and I exercised enough that I was really burning substantial calories I would consider regular logging.

    MFP has been critical to my success because it has created a structure for me that is easy to follow. I have occasional days where it all goes wacky but I don't let those be a stopping point. I pick up the next day and move on. I am doing this!

    TLDR: CICO and learning to exercise
  • Jimb376mfp
    Jimb376mfp Posts: 6,232 Member
    2013 Starting weight 376# (age 65)

    2017 52/52 Challenge, 4/27, week 18
    SW: 231.2
    Goal weight: 186
    Current weight: 214.6
    52/52 Challenge YTD: -16.6

    This week's successes: Lost .8 five weeks in a row with a loss. Ate a can of mixed nuts and still lost

    Next week's challenge: Going out to group breakfast Saturday, need to plan my meal before ordering.
    Try to see IF I can lose a little more than a pound to get my overall average to 1# per week. My avg for18 weeks is -.92#
  • Forest91
    Forest91 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Overall starting weight: 192lbs(June 2014)
    Challenge starting weight: 151lbs
    Goal weight: 99lbs


    Total challenge weight lost: +0.6lbs
    Total overall weight lost: 40.4lbs
  • Taylorcat4
    Taylorcat4 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm just joining this now!

    Starting weight: 207 lbs
    Goal weight: 144
    Last week weight: 205.5
    Current weight: 203.5
    This week's loss:2lbs
    Total weight lost: 3.5
    This week's successes: Made healthy food choices and ate smaller portions.
    This week's challenges: It's hard to break the sugar habit.
  • pitegny
    pitegny Posts: 1,006 Member
    How you getting on? What diet/exercise you using?

    A third of the way through I thought it would be useful to find out how you're getting on and what you're doing to lose weight. We might be able to pick up tips off each other?

    I should meet the challenge goal of 52 pounds within the next two weeks. I set myself a goal of 2 pounds per week and am happy to report that this has been pretty much on target.

    While I have started walking, the results are largely due to using the food diary as a planner and trying to stay right around 1200 calories every day. This is the calorie goal MFP set for me. I was surprised how much food you can fit into 1200 calories if you leave off packaged foods and sugar.

    In the beginning I found that I was so concerned with being under my calorie goal that I was going under too often. Psychologically being under my calorie goal is important to me. I decided to manually raise the goal to 1300, but still aim for and usually make 1200. If I have a few more one day, that doesn't bother me.

    I am eating a relatively balanced diet: a couple of pieces of fruit, four to six portions of vegetables, 100-150 grams of fish, chicken or lean beef, a non-fat yogurt per day, and an ounce of cheese most days. I have 3 oz of red wine most days and I found a chocolate covered cookie that is 119 calories for two. That gives me my sweet. For snacks, other than the two cookies, it is hummus and vegetables or nuts. I occasionally have potatoes and very small portions of quinoa, pasta or rice. I also have the occasional smoothie. One meal is usually either a soup or a large salad with either cheese, shrimp, tuna or chicken. My diary is open to anyone who wants to have a look.

    One thing that helps me to control the calories, is that I cook from scratch, so I control what is in the food. I have found lots of tasty recipes on the internet. My slim husband is happily eating the same food, just more of it and adding starches.

    I weigh everything and love my scale which switches from ounces to grams, which I find much more accurate.

    My secret weapon is a low-calorie dressing that I make with a ratio of 2 tablespoons of 60% fat-free mayonnaise, 1 tsp of whole grain mustard, 1 tsp of white balsamic vinegar, and 1-1½ tablespoons of water, garlic salt and dillweed. (People who are keen on mustard might want to reduce the amount.). I use that on salads, in place of sauces on fish and chicken, and even on baked potatoes. It is tasty enough that I rarely use butter any more.

    I am continuing to enjoy my social life - eating occasionally in restaurants and at friends' homes. I have even had a few weekend trips. What has worked for me is that I plan ahead and lower my calories earlier in the day or even the day before. I refuse seconds and if there is dessert, ask for a small or half portion.

    I know plateaus lie ahead, but for now I am pleased to be on track.
  • MirandaB24
    MirandaB24 Posts: 54 Member
    Week 18: Keeping on, but not seeing big moves on the scale. Not discouraged though.

    SW 273.8
    GW 221
    CW 251.3
    This weeks Loss: 2.4 (over 4 weeks :/ )
    Total Weight Lost 22.5

    Weekly Goal: Just keep going. My weight loss has slowed, but I'm trying to focus on the non-scale victories that I'm having, which are many.

    This Week's Successes: Been sticking to my calorie goal, and getting a fair amount of exercise. The weather has finally gotten better, so I have been getting outside as often as possible. Went for a great hike last weekend, and I'm starting C25K, and another round of 21 day fix.

    This Week's Challenges: Staying motivated when the scale is not moving. I'm having lots of success elsewhere. My clothes are all getting too big, I have tons of energy, I'm craving healthy foods. I'd really love to break 250 lbs in the next week or so. I'm just going to keep on, and I know it will eventually happen. It's a marathon, not a sprint.

    Monthly loss
    January = 12.4
    February= 1.0
    March =6.7
    April =2.4
    May =
    June =
    July =
    August =
    September =
    October =
    November =
    December =
  • Tracey_D
    Tracey_D Posts: 3 Member
    I'm totally joining this!!!

    Starting weight: 158
    Goal weight: 115
    Current weight: 158
    Total weight lost: 0
    This week's successes:
    This week's challenges: The weekend is always my challenge need to stay on track and work out creating a routine is probably going to be what's best for me
  • abbezen
    abbezen Posts: 405 Member
    5/05/17 (Week 18)
    Starting weight: 187.5
    Goal weight: 150
    Last weeks weight: 171

    Current weight: 171
    Total weight lost: 16.5

    This week's successes: Did not gain and hit my calorie and gym goals.
    This week's challenges: I'm so frustrated with this plateau. 4 weeks now I haven't lost anything. I need to break through the 170's. Ughhh
  • Toxtethogrady
    Toxtethogrady Posts: 68 Member
    Starting weight: 231
    Goal weight: 186
    Current weight: 215
    Total weight lost: 16
    Weekly loss: 3.5

    This weeks successes: As I hoped for, a bit of a woosh week, so working nights does have one advantage I suppose.

    This week's challenges: Big, big treat day today so will have to up the exercise to balance it back.

    Thanks to whoever it was that said, "Weight loss is not linear" (I'm sorry I cannot remember who you are) as that little pep talk came just as my motivation was beginning to wane. Firmly back on track now

  • MissMaggieMuffin
    MissMaggieMuffin Posts: 444 Member
    Week: 16

    SW: 206.8
    GW: 170

    4/15/17: 193.8
    4/22/17: 191.6
    4/29/17: 191.6
    5/6/17: 192.4 This week's gain is disappointing but not discouraging. I weigh daily but only record on Saturday. Wouldn't you know it - slight drops all week but on Saturday, scale shows a jump up....sigh!

    Total weight lost: 14.4

    This week's challenges/successes: actually was a good week. A couple of work-related social events with food (of course) but managed to resist temptation and stay on target.