newdawn1974 Member


  • Lions in the wild
  • not dumb at all, I had the same question myself. I thought the body was like a bank account, every dollar you save counts. Then I realized that the body is lazy and adapt to the stimulus, so if you give it a little stress, it will adapt to be able to cope with this amount of stress. So you will get enough chest muscles to…
  • Is there a crossfit box in your vicinity? Go check it out, everyone does the same work out at the same time, limited group and you get to write scores at the end of the work-out with everyone's names on the board, so you end up knowing the people that usually go at the same time as you do, and some folks tag along for…
  • I think it would first hurt your wallet :-) Out of curiosity, would you plan be to go that route to meet a short-term objective or would this be a long term plan? One thing I could think of is developing some kind of digestive intolerance to it but this is not backed-up by anything. Other thing is getting bored of the…
  • White eggs (3/4 cup), 1 egg, both scrambled then if I work out 2 toasts with butter, if no work out some almonds. Gets me around 500 cal.
  • Thanks Edavis27 for the lead on Jefit, will check this out!
  • Bumping this thread as I have the same question, a few months later. If there is still no direct integration with MFP, anyone could recommend a good app for strength training? I assume stronglifts that was suggested is limited to the 5x5 program, but not sure. I started to track calories and macro in MFP, but not on the…
  • BTW, I have beef, eggs, whey protein, greek yogurt and chicken on a daily basis (well not everything everyday but you see the point). I was just having beans and tuna as staple foods for a cut (based on the advise from the 4h body... I know, I know, I was just curious). Only recently did I logged macros and did not realize…
  • Someone else (trainer at my gym), trying to meet the 86% 1RM, no deload but added CF and running and calorie deficit as caliper said I went from 13% to 15% BF. Lifts that are still going up: deadlift, OHP, bench , biceps curls Lifts that are plateau-ing: squat, bent over row, pull-up, dips (for the last 2 I do not have a…
  • Ah, ah, ah, yes probably overthinking this instead of counting calories. Just started a few days ago, just that is going to help avoiding extremes and get a better picture. Thanks for the responses. Btw, who is Sheldon???
  • Compound moves in super set, 4x6 to 8 reps of 85% 1rm, 3xweek (went down to 2x once I added CF 2xweek+running roughly at the same time I started switching to legumes and lean prot as staplefood) superset1: squat-bench-pullup (bodyweight) superset2: deadlift-overhead press superset3: bent over row-dips (bodyweight)-biceps…
  • Whatever happens in the thread stays in the thread right?
  • 8% is already super impressive. Care to share your plan calorie/macro-wise and training-wise? One thing I was curious, if you lift (which looks likely), is what would be your ratio 1xRM/BW on your usual lifts during your cut? Do you feel any side effect to the sub 10% BF?
  • Ah! ok then, that would make sense that it was suggested for a weight loss regimen if those are `free`calories (or at least a portion of it). Would you reckon this holds true also for the carbs portion of the legume or just for the protein portion? Reason I am asking is that I treaded oatmeal+whole milk for beans as I was…
  • Very impressive, whatever you do, keep doing it! Out of curiousity, what is your lifting regimen and what your progression's been like ?
  • Personnal experience, I found the smith machine easier on the lower back and good to train flexibility of ankles in various positions (easier to put weigth on heels and mobilise glutes), but I sense also less taxing on core. Again, personnal experience, but my barbell squats have improved since I started to use the smith…
  • Thanks for the answer. Either way I guess I am fine with those legumes as I have plenty of other sources of protein. Where I am lost, is if those protein are NOT digested, what happens to them?