sirjamerie Member


  • Today my right split was finally flat again. It's not perfect but it's not as painful as it used to be and it's definitely progress. I've been moving my body more but finding it hard to stay sloowww at it. Exercise intolerance is an actual real thing that I have and that came with my mitochondrial dysfunction. There's a…
  • My resilience and determination. Just because I'm tired of it doesn't mean I'm quitting. There's many many ups and downs in life but I keep going and push through.
  • 😍 one day I'll get there too!
  • After a bad sunburn(couldn't wear a shirt because of the pain, let alone a bra) I felt like completely giving up. Then I watched a video on YouTube about how you're worth losing the weight and how the effort and pain is so worth it in the end when you can move much easier. You clothing fits better. You feel better in your…
  • I was able to swim a full 30 minutes. Last time I wasn't even in the water that long, let alone doing laps. I'm pretty sure tonight and tomorrow I won't be able to do anything from fatigue but I did it and I'm super happy I got so far. Hoping next week I'll be able to swim more/longer :)
  • Added you as a friend! Try eating every two-3 hours. Also, have you tried an eating schedule? With what and when to eat?
  • So uhm. On Sunday I did a YouTube video 3000 steps in 26? Minutes. And about⅔ of the way I realized 3000 steps a day used to be my goal and I found it hard to get even that. Mind you, this was a few years ago. But my health has improved so much, even with the weight gain. I just got my new fitness tracker and I'm hoping to…
  • Add me! Looking for motivation via NSV of others and myself :)
  • My normal jeans became my fat pants and I'm going to throw them in the dryer soon to shrink them a little 🙌 They still fit when I'm sitting but when I'm walking I'm constantly pulling them up so I think it's time. Wish me luck(I'm secretly still terrified they won't fit me after)
  • Sooo still here! Also remember when 30 seconds of non stop jumping jacks where amazing? Well, today I did 30 sec knee highs and 30 seconds of "butt kicks" and this time I didn't do the slow, easier version. I was full on jumping from one foot to another! I still have a lot of issues with my calf and I definitely won't be…
  • For years I've wanted to get my splits flat. I've been working on it for 35 days today and I just got my calls touching the floor today. The first step is a calf touch, the second is calfs resting on the ground, then thighs touching the ground, after that it's thighs resting and then your basically there. Also hoping to…
  • In my personal experience, scars will keep improving and changing even after having them for 6 years. My scar isnt from skin surgery but iw was super deep, through the bone deep, on my leg. It keeps shrinking, thinning and changing into better skin all the time. So there's hope! I didn't do anything specific like scar…
  • Wow! I'd love to accomplish this! How many calories do you eat?
  • Amazing! You can definitely see a difference but also you look so very toned!
  • 😱 super awesome! Well done!
  • I went swimming. It was only for 30 minutes but I didn't die and the muscles that hurt the most where my fingers/hands and then don't get much resistance/strength training outside of the pool anyways. But, that means that my "normal" non-swimming workouts have paid of because I was in the water and not every muscle in my…
  • I'd love some more body positive friends! In fact, "this time" I started I finally felt like I had accepted the weight and the way I looked. I was totally okay with it. I still knew it wasn't too healthy soooo one day the switch happened. Please feel free to add me!
  • Evening. If I didn't have to take medicine in the morning, I'd probably skip breakfast. But now I eat a light breakfast, a little more for lunch and leave most of it for dinner and night time snacks. Dinner is always with the family so I have less influence on what I eat. Night time is when the family is at home and I'm a…
  • I think it really depends. If you're actually deficient in something, you need o take it. If you have a chronic illness and having supplements helps, take them. If you take a multi vitamin and don't feel a difference when you don't for a month, why continue taking it? All bodies are different and all diets are different.…
  • It might sound a little strange buttt... Accepting myself. Not hating my body anymore. Finally accepting that this is me and I can love my body and want it to be smaller. I can love myself at a bigger size. I just have so many bad examples around me of people that hate their weight no matter how thick/thin they are. I…
  • Thank you! It's very encouraging! As for my NSV this time, my hands are getting their shape back. My fingers are always chubby looking even when I'm in my healthy weight range, but it seems like I lost the fat on the back of my hands. Ever since I first noticed a few hours ago I can't stop staring at them 😂 I feel like the…
  • Add me as a friend! I'm going from 111kg to hopefully 65. But for now I'm only looking at 96.4kg bc it will get me down in the obese type 1 instead of type 3. Baby steps. Search the plateau of latent potential! If you change 1% for the better each day, at the end of the year you will be 36 times better than now. I'm…
  • Saturday didn't go well. I didn't exercise except for a little walk and I'm not going to start about the food. But I didn't quit. Today I could weigh myself or exactly track my intake since I've been away, but tonight I'm back home and back at going my workout. And I'm proud to say that today I did a full 30 seconds no…
  • Thank you! It definitely is, although it hasn't quite landed yet. I'm finally feeling good enough to do some actual exercising that isn't it stretching. It's been terrifying but I'm sure I will be able to do normal workouts soon enough!
  • I moved form obese category 3 to 2! I can definitely feel the change already!
  • It's called a plateau. Unfortunately it happens during weightloss. Make sure you keep at it, keep counting calories and keep exercising. One day the scale will change again!
  • Keep at it! Look up: the plateau of latent potential on YouTube/Google/anywhere. One day you will get over that plateau and then you will start to feel/look/notice a whole lot of changes!
  • Add me! This is my 7th day in, and I've been getting a workout done every day so far! I'd love a more "living" feed
  • Tomorrow is my day 7. It feels different this time, like I'm mentally finally "ready" to lose weight. I haven't been playing around with the calories everyday, I'm just going slow. I'm not going to start at 1200 and not be able to make it last for a week. I'm finally in it for the long run and it feels good taking back…
  • Today I didn't eat any bread. It totally works better for me. Not only does my body like the lack of gluten and the stomach ache I don't get from not eating them, i eat less and with a better nutritional value when I don't eat bread.