rikkejohnsenrij Member


  • I have 2 kids whom I pick up from sports at different times wednesday evening. They are both starving, so I need to serve them something quick. The youngest get some scrables egg, some vegetables in snacksizes, and some ryebread. The eldest usually gets microwaved left overs, and I grab some salad with random protein. I…
  • I often find that the 500 is a little low too. I am almost never below 10000 steps though so I cheat and eats 500-800 on my fasting days. I've just prelogged my food today, and will end up at around 800 ...because my son has been baking cake in kindergarten and expects me to have a piece. <3 But that's ok..I have 1,5 hour…
  • "You need at least 250 grams of protein /day to lose weight"....from a weightloss/health program I tried out once (for free)
  • 1: I change to training pants as soon as I get home. 2: I tell my husband if/when I plan to excercise a day before. He's nice/cruel enough to nag me until I go, if I start making excuses
  • Falafels....lots and lots of falafels :)
  • My lunchbox is usually a salad (50-100 g of pointed cabbage, 50 grams of corn, 50 grams of peas, 50 grams of green soy beans 5 grams of oliveoil with chili :) and about 100 grams of whatever protein I have (eggs, tuna, leftover meat from dinner).
  • I would log all my "on the job" biking for a week or so, and see how many calories that is (use an app for that). If that matches what you'd get for selecting very active, I'd use that. If what you burn is way higher than that, I would factor that in when setting a goal.
  • If you're contagious, dont go to the gym, thats just rude to other people. Except for that I think it depends on the illness. If you feel like you can exercise (without taking pills before hand) I dont see why not. My colds/headaches often get better if I go for a walk even if I cannot do lifting or running
  • I've never like gravies/sauces or mayo/ketchup/dressings (all those things most people pour over their otherwise delicious food). So my whole life people have been telling me that I have weird eating habits...they still focus on this and tell me it's weird. I LIKE boiled potatoes..and salad that tastes like salad
  • I dont think it was IF. I've done 5:2 for quite a while, without affecting my period. (I've also done weirder/stricter diets several years ago). I think you have to be very extreme to affect your period in only a week, so I would definetely seek a doctor, as you always should when something like that happens
  • we had chicken soup with tiny meatballs and tiny dumplings (i think thats what it's called in English)...old fashioned but a favourite for everyone
  • [/quote]Is there chocolate in any of that? >:) [/quote]Boiled Raisin Cake is killer-good with chocolate icing, and whether chocolate turns up in the Oatmeal-Everything cookies depends on whether there was any chocolate in my kitchen when I made them. But I can make up a pan (or three) of Triple Threat Chocolate Chip…
  • I usually eat a piece of ryebread with boiled egg, and a small wholegrain bun with some ham/chicken etc on it. I get 450ish calories and about 20 grams of protein..and feel full until lunch 4 hours later. I fast the day before, and prefer old fashioned food, instead of all the modern "high protein, low carb" things many…
  • I applied but havent heard anything...is MFP's message system making problems?
  • If you use tha app, and go to "Nutrition" you can see calories pr day, week or month. Both total and average
  • I bank calories naturally, as I do sort of 5:2...so monday and wednesday I have about 800 calories extra, and I exercise a lot most thursdays so I also have a lot extra calories from that
  • added to salad/ sandwiches marinated and used for shawarma noodle salad
  • The healthiest diet is the one you can stick to. Try logging everyting, and make small adjustments to make it fit your calories and your life I'm a busy mother of 2, so I decided early on, that a "real diet" was a no-go, as I dont want to make too many different meals for dinner. I also want to keep on doing social stuff a…
  • I found that an easy way to excercise without it feeling like a chore, is to put on a good audiobook, and go for a walk. I have made an agreement with myself only to listen to the books while walking (or running, or riding my bike) and since I really love the books, it's a nice incentive to get moving
  • Sounds familiar :) As I have a husband who prefers fatty, cheesy stuff and two kids who doesn't like the same things I wish it was easy to toughen up, but that might not fix everything right away. I usually ask the family for input when i make the meal plan for the week...and often add their ideas. If they dont like the…
  • I ahve done 5:2 for some time...and I'm counting calories as well :) From I what I read, the reason they recommend no counting calories is that you're supposed to get a healthy relationsship with food after a while so you'll naturally eat less. Not sure how long "after a while" is, but the first time I did 5:2 for three…
  • Really? between my last two body tests (about a month in between them) I had lost 1,5 kg, 1 kg of fat and gained 300 g of muscle. I do 5:2 and it seems to work fine.
  • I hope this is trolling cause 8 hours is no where near fasting.... Also fasting is kinda pointless and unsustainable imo[/quote] Why is it unsustainable? I've been doing 5:2 since new year, and I find it suits my life perfectly...not for the cleansing and other stuff, but because it is a nice way to "bank" calories for the…
  • I cook, I make the meatplan...if my family want to complain, they can take over the cooking. (I do try to serve something for everyone at least once a week)...anyway, for inspiration, here's our plan for this week: monday: Rye bread with eggs and cut ham/sausage etc tuesday: Pasta with broccoli and pine seeds Wednesday:…
  • I sucked at running, and hated it too...but as a busy mom, it's a nice excersise because I can do it when i want (have the time). I am using the C25K app - and doing all days 2 times before moving on, as I have a tendency to get injured if I go too fast. I listen to audio books while running, and I'm actually enjoying it…
  • I dont eat out too often. (1-2 a month) so when I do, I just bank up calories before and eat it all :) in 2 weeks we are going out for lobster, steak and chocolate mousse( pre ordered menu)..I'll hopefully manage to walk 8-10 km before that and have 700 cals left over from my normal calories that day as well - leaving me…
  • I work in a similar place. I have a tin of Ricola bon bon's at my desk. It's a herbflavored bon bon that leaves a toothpaste kind of flavour in the mouth, which (for me at least) removes the need for normal sweets.... I have about 5 each day, instead of the candy/cake I used to eat
  • I'm going out / having guests 2 days a week on average, and yes, those days I get a lot more than my 1300 calories. I do 5:2 to balance it out I dont have a lot to lose, and this had made me able to get a slow, steady loss with noone noticing that I'm "dieting" I'm quite sure, that I can ea like I do no for the next…