Meal prep idea's picky eater


I need some help with idea's to take to lunch for work and possibly make for dinner..
I thought of maybe making salads for lunch?

My husband and son probably won't eat what i will be eating.. should i maybe do protein shakes for dinner?

My typical day right now:
Banana, Yogurt, small bag of popcorn, ham and cheese sandwich, and whatever for dinner.

I need help modifying..


  • oXGetFitBabeXo
    oXGetFitBabeXo Posts: 341 Member
    I think an open mind will make you less picky. Even just challenging the idea "I'm so picky" tends to open you up for new foods.

    So i'm not saying i'm completely picky and i do eat dinner as a family but i feel like every time i lose weight i gain it back plus more like i need some type of guideline or something to follow until i find my ways.

  • FL_Hiker
    FL_Hiker Posts: 919 Member
    edited June 2018
    This is my family's weekly meal plan. We still incorporate foods my Husband loves, like Friday night date night pizza... but I make a HUGE Italian salad based off what Olive Garden uses and it's delicious, and I only eat one slice of pizza. For dessert I have a fiber one brownie or healthy ice cream! And the leftovers roll over into Saturday date night with another big salad. The lentil soup night and spaghetti night sauce freezes really nice and I only have to make it once a month or so, it heats up tasting very fresh. I've lost 12 lbs eating this (5'5 female 131 lbs), still losing, and I feel great! Our bank account is much happier too. Feel free to friend me as well if you want to check out my diary. I'd love to send you the recipes, they are amazing, easy and it's a nice variety so I never get bored. My average weekly macros have also been good too and I wasn't even trying. When the seasons change I will change our menu.

    Weekly meal plan

    Monday: tacos or fajita bowl

    Tuesday: chicken veggie stir fry

    Wednesday: Fish fry

    Thursday: spaghetti meat sauce, Garlic bread, salad

    Friday: pizza & salad

    Saturday: pizza & salad

    Sunday: spicy sausage lentil soup & quesadillas
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I think an open mind will make you less picky. Even just challenging the idea "I'm so picky" tends to open you up for new foods.

    So i'm not saying i'm completely picky and i do eat dinner as a family but i feel like every time i lose weight i gain it back plus more like i need some type of guideline or something to follow until i find my ways.
    Aha! You're not so picky. That's great news! Now on to the real problem - regain after weightloss. Why do you think you regain? I know I regained because I couldn't stick to the guidelines of the diet I felt I had to follow in order to lose weight and not regain. Yes, reality was exactly the opposite of what I believed. After I found out that it's really "all about calories" and I can eat whatever I want, I have no problems maintaining a healthy weight. Could it be that you're up against something similar? I don't for a moment think that you have no idea what constitutes a healthy diet, that you haven't heard about "five a day", "lean proteins", "complex carbs", and "the plate model" (not tectonics, lol). But if you really haven't, now is the time to google it.
  • oXGetFitBabeXo
    oXGetFitBabeXo Posts: 341 Member
    Sounds more balanced maybe instead of the second slice of pizza i should be moving over to the salad.. perhaps adding more salads to my dinner will lessen the cravings of a second helping!

  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,383 Member
    I find it tricky not to overeat at dinnertime too. Here are my tricks:

    - Make sure my plate is loaded with a big portion of veggies
    - Drink lots of water with my food
    - As soon as I'm finished my one plate of food, I go for a nice long walk to digest and shift my thinking away from eating more. When I get home after that, I have a shower and brush my teeth. Completely gets rid of the urge to eat or snack more.
  • oXGetFitBabeXo
    oXGetFitBabeXo Posts: 341 Member
    toxikon wrote: »
    I find it tricky not to overeat at dinnertime too.

    Dinner time is a huge struggle especially since my husband is a big eater and doesn't seem to care if it's healthy or not...

  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    toxikon wrote: »
    I find it tricky not to overeat at dinnertime too.

    Dinner time is a huge struggle especially since my husband is a big eater and doesn't seem to care if it's healthy or not...

    If he doesn't really care what he eats, only that he eats it in big quantities, that seems like a situation it would be fairly easy to navigate. Just cook whatever you'd like and make sure there is enough for him to have enough.

    Keep in mind that when if you're cooking multiple dishes, family members can have different serving sizes to fit their calorie needs. So, for example, when my husband and I make falafel, he might have six patties on a whole pita and add more hummus while I'm having three patties on half a pita and only half as much hummus as he has. If I'm feeling hungrier, I'll add something like a salad with lower calorie dressing so I can eat more. We're having the same meal, but the calorie count is going to be very different.
  • FL_Hiker
    FL_Hiker Posts: 919 Member
    edited June 2018
    Sounds more balanced maybe instead of the second slice of pizza i should be moving over to the salad.. perhaps adding more salads to my dinner will lessen the cravings of a second helping!

    For sure! And I do add things to my salad which are tempting and taste good to me, parm cheese, crotons, cucumbers!! I use low fat ranch, put it in a little bowl on the side and just dip my veggies. It looks beautiful once it's all put together... lo and behold my hubby now goes for the salad first and also is eating less pizza! We used to order two large pizzas, now we just order one medium. I honestly do have to ignore my husbands eating habits most of the time, he will sit down with a tub of full calorie ice cream and go to town. I've tried to make healthy switches like halotop and chilly cow to help him with his weight loss as well, and he so far enjoys the changes.
  • Cbean08
    Cbean08 Posts: 1,092 Member
    If you're regaining weight, then you're eating too much. It's not the types of food, it's just the amount.

    Remember, then when you lose weight, you also need to make the commitment to eat at maintenance when you are done. You cannot go back to how you ate when you were gaining because then you gain again. It's a cycle that you'll forever be in unless you change.

    So portion control. You can eat what you want, just make the calories work for your allowance.
  • rikkejohnsenrij
    rikkejohnsenrij Posts: 510 Member
    I cook, I make the meatplan...if my family want to complain, they can take over the cooking. (I do try to serve something for everyone at least once a week)...anyway, for inspiration, here's our plan for this week:

    Rye bread with eggs and cut ham/sausage etc

    Pasta with broccoli and pine seeds

    buttermilk desert with muesli and strawberries

    salad with crabcakes

    friday and saturday: going to friends to eat, so I have no idea

    Pulled pork