doubleap77 Member


  • Trying to gain weight when everyone else is trying to lose is a weird place to be. I found that I needed to do the exact opposite of what normal recommendations were. Especially eating at night. While I was on my dirty bulk, I would pound peanut-butter-and-protein milkshakes about an hour before bed. Thus, I’d put in about…
  • I am in and out of the gym in an hour, but I am set up for maintenance more than building at this point. I work on a modified version of 5/3/1 with supersets/circuits of antagonist movements after the big lift of the day. I rather enjoy the usage of different angles in a single workout, but maybe that is just me.
  • As of last month, when we happily paid off the last of the principle on the house, we are debt free. We paid the house off in chunks when we got good bonuses or other investments had ripened. It took just a little over ten years. We live in the VERY low cost of living Midwest, so that helped us keep housing and living…
  • First, in bold above, please understand that a vast majority of people are not judging you. In fact, many of those same people would be happy to help you, especially when you are just starting. Otherwise, many people go to the gym with a focus on their own workouts, not yours. That being said, I know where you are coming…
  • Maybe it was just my guy, but that was pretty much therapy for me: venting and feedback. It can be expensive, but you’ll probably get better advice.
  • Unusual heavy metal combinations are awesome. Vodka! +1 for owning Motorsheen’s nonsense.
  • I had a pretty good year in 2018, all things considered. Continued beyond the newbie gains and managed to eke out 15-20% gains on most major lifts. I am looking to maintain a similar, albeit slower rate of gain in lifts this coming year while maintaining/slightly gaining weight. Specifically, I’d like to bench my body…
  • There’s not a whole lot of positive storylines to come out of that anthology... That being said, they drew from a wide array of western archetypes and mostly pulled them off. Depressing? Maybe. But I think they approached it with a fantastic realism that existed in the Old West. It didn’t take much to kill you then and…
  • +1 for the Angel Tree! The kids and I shopped for a few this year, and they loved it. It was gratifying to see them excited about being kind to other kids this season. On topic: The bonuses for company performance were drop dead gorgeous this year. Nowhere else has ever given me such opportunity to be influential and have…
  • I am embarrassed that this is my local news station.
  • First of all, +1 for the Kalmah reference. Love the Finns. Second, my tastes tend to run melodic and technical, but for workouts I usually like something with a pretty heavy drum line. Power metal of various kinds works for heavy lifting days. Some anthemic heavy metal from back in the day works, too. AC/DC anyone?
  • Buy yourself a pair of your own bowling shoes and this problem goes away.
  • This is cruel...
  • Ready to start seeing flames? Metallica did Turn the Page better than Seger. Also, Children of Bodom: Oops, I Did It Again
  • Apologies for the double post, two separate thoughts. I finished a self-published book (a friend of a friend of my sister’s) and the results were... uneven. I wished a heavier editing hand had helped guide the writer more, or recommended scrapping it and starting over... At the risk of derailing this thread, what is…
  • I absolutely love the ridiculousness of that book. I highly recommend it to anyone with a weird curiosity.
  • If you want to try some interesting guitar work, check out Angel Vivaldi. He does a lot of instrumental tracks that are guitar-heavy. There’s still a lot of good technical guitarwork being done in the trenches of heavy metal. The soaring guitar solos of the arena rock era are few and far between, unfortunately.
  • It has been too long since I posted here. I really have not gotten enough reading done outside of work. A friend of my sister wrote a book and “self-published.” I got a copy and just started.
  • I see nothing wrong with the original. I have the original shirt and the redux with a baby.
  • There are so many thing wrong with this picture... WHY IS HE IN BARE FEET???
  • Speaking as someone who has started from your place (30, underweight, undereating), it is nice to see this success story. Nice work, and I hope it continues to inspire those of us who want to gain.
  • Holy thread necro, Batman! On topic, the idea of vacations away from my spouse makes me uncomfortable. I have done so, and so has she, but they never quite felt right. For me, I missed out on doing things together, and I enjoyed our vacations together much more.
  • Swap the genders and this is me. Going through divorce with a 6 year old boy (mini-me) and a 4 year old girl. I’d been married to my wife since we were 19. It’s tough figuring out how to be a single adult when I’ve essentially never been on my own for my entire adult life. For all the hard days, though, I do have the…
  • The smell of the air just before a snowstorm, especially if that happens to be the first snow of the season. The smell of chili rellenos cooking. And, not a favorite smell, but a unique one I will always have: new baby smell. It clings to you like you hope that baby always will.
    in Smells Comment by doubleap77 March 2018
  • I have to echo Deadman up there: My wife is overweight and has been for our entire relationship. I don’t love her any less for her size. Looking to the future, however, I would love to see her lose some weight so that we could enjoy long lives together. Obesity has comorbidities with a ton of diseases, and potentially…
  • I get the quarterly Victoria’s Secret catalogue delivered to my address. This would not be such a bad thing were it not addressed to my mom... who lives three states away. *shudder*
  • I was one of the “cool” kids that joined up when it was only for college students. It was fun for a little while, until they insisted on real names and ages. When Facebook demanded a birthdate, I put in 1/1/200x, whatever the year was... And I got banned for botting. Apparently no one was supposed to lie. So, I haven’t had…
  • I usually don’t read thrillers, so this was a sugnificant change in tone for me. It took me a little while to catch up to the plot and setting, but I was quite happy to have read it. I think Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy will be on my list shortly.
  • I’ve found myself with a lot more free time (bittersweet). Just finished The Spy Who Came in From the Cold by John Le Carre. Currently reading Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein. Up next is Midnight’s Children by Salman Rushdie.
  • My super blue blood moon got eclipsed by cloud cover this morning. Such is life in the Midwest.