Mike1804 Member


  • 1/2c plain greek yogurt, aprox 1-1.5 tablespoon of PBFit (or any powdered peanut butter), a pinch of splenda ....
  • I've been saving room in my calorie allocation for my new evening snack obsession ... 1/2c plain greek yogurt with 1T of PBFit (powdered peanut butter) and a little sweetener. YUM!
  • Post workout - Breakfast. Zone eating, 4 block meal (protein/carb/fat)
  • <5 rounds> Deadlift x10 KB unilateral Snatch + rear lunge x5ea side KB unilateral Thrusters x5ea side KB unilateral swing x5ea side KB Goblet squat x10 Toes to bar x5 <48:00>
  • Like Nike says... Just do it. The majority of gym attendees know the struggle. We’ve ALL been there. No biggie
  • Honestly, You would be better off with a single size serving of nuts. I’ve tried the protein bar thing in the past and the problem is the sugar. For me, anything with sugar makes me even more hungry in 20 minutes. I now carry nuts with me everywhere I go, just in case i getbthe hankering between meals. The fat in nuts is…
  • From personal experience..., diet, calorie intake, rest days and sleep affect my strength and motivation in the gym.
  • I have to admit, Ive struggled at times as well. I was never the 6-15 a night person, but more the 2-3. It really snuck up on me without really noticing over the past 1-2 years. I never really thought of it until About 6 months ago I saw my recycle bin one night sitting at the end of my driveway with multiple empty…
  • I did Orange Theory for about 1.5 years and loved certain aspects of the group fitness concept. The thing I liked the most was the workouts are figured out for me, so I don’t have to figure out what I’m doing day to day. I walk through the door and I’m instructed on what to do, and it’s done. Also, for some reason I seemed…
  • Love PB2! I just discovered you can mix it in plain yogurt and a little sweetener .... amazing dessert
    in Fat!! Comment by Mike1804 January 2019
  • Fat has 2x the caloric value (9cal/g) than carbs and protein (4cal/g). So by eating more fat, you’re going to max out your calorie allowance faster. Like stated in previous comments, as long as you stay below your allowance, it doesn’t matter much what the macros figure out to be...
    in Fat!! Comment by Mike1804 January 2019
  • I’ve played around with my diet over the past couple years and there’s one thing I’ve learned... When I cut back on carbs I have a really hard time working out in the morning (mostly CrossFit, kettlebells, and rowing). I usually workout at 530a, so I have zero time to eat. I grab an 8oz glass of water and a cup of coffee…
  • I’m also eating the zone. I was first introduced to the zone plan about 5 years ago by my personal trainer. I ended up losing about 35 pounds over the course of 4 months. Right after I lost all that weight I was in a motorcycle accident and had a long recovery. After which, I got sloppy with my diet, and I loved beer ....…
  • Love this. Thankfully, enjoy the gym more than my job... so I need this for work :)
  • My former trainer got me hooked on Dymatize Elite Whey
  • Tried it... not for me. I applaud anyone that can make it a permanent lifestyle.
  • Only the creamer if I use it. Otherwise, nope
  • ahhh the lactic acid soreness. You know you worked hard when that happens. When I was just starting, day 2 recovery was rough, day 3 was the worst, then day 4 was like it never happened. Keep going at it, and you won’t get sore anymore. ;)
  • It’s a moving target..... I really think that our bodies are so complex and dynamic, that not one theory of weight loss/management will work for everyone in the same manner, all the time. The real trick is figuring out the combo that works for your own body. I’ve lost 30lbs in the last 2 years.... the last 6 months I lost…
  • I work a whole different set of muscles when running outside...I feel it's more effective. I definitely like it more, when push comes to shove I consider the tread better than nothing
  • Unfortunately, you can't control the events in your life, but you CAN control how you perceive and react to them. When encountering these setbacks- whatever they may be, choose to take control of your own path and turn it to a positive. It's ok to have a bad day or two- we all have them. But after that... go DO something.…
  • Once you start with the routine and you feel those endorphins after each workout, you’ll become addicted. I’ve been working out regularly since 2013 and five years later, I still can’t wait for my morning workouts! Don’t HOPE.... DO! Excellent work in taking the first step!
  • Today was a quick one... duration 33:55 .15 tread run (75% effort) Then... < 3 rounds > Barbell Squats 10,8,8 KB unilateral clean & jerk x5 R/L ea side KB double racked alternating lunges x10 KB racked/OH waiters carry x100ft R/L ea side KB swing (american) x10 [repeat] Then... .15 tread sprint (100% effort)
  • It’s the perfect pre-workout for my 5:30a workouts. Of course, that’s after a big glass of water... Couldn’t live without it
  • I’ve cut back my drinking to one day a week (Saturday, 3 drinks). Stopped beer altogether... and I love beer. My sleep has improved (which makes my 5:30am gym sessions easier) and makes it easier to stay on my eating discipline. So overall, I feel like it’s made a positive improvement. I don’t feel like I could lose weight…
    in Alcohol Comment by Mike1804 January 2019
  • Make sure you are getting enough green veggies during meals. Because they aren’t calorically dense and have lots of fiber, you can load up on them during meals allowing you to feel full for a longer period of time. Also try to keep snack-time balanced with protein, veggie, and some healthy fats. For me it also helps to…
  • I’ve been a religious FITIV user for 3 years. For me, everything transfers over perfectly. FITIV writes to Apple health, MFP reads that data from Apple health database and displays it on your dashboard.