I walk when it is cooler and one day I walked 10,000 steps , but normally 6500+.
Thank you for your comments and I'm 142.
I have stage 3 kidney disease and I am trying to find a guide of sodium, potassium and in my daily fitness and other renal nutrients.
I lost sixty pounds 3 times and this time I got down to 144.6 lbs and I fit into size 18 from wearing a 3x pants. I am 70 years old and sometimes my glucose reading is down to 74, sometimes 81 before lunch and I feel great I am just on 20 units of lantus in the morning and ten at bedtime. I walk as often as I can.
I used to be 5'2" but now I'm 5.0 and I lost 60lbs twice. weigh with my pj,s 149.2 from 230 lbs when I had given birth birath and niow I'm 70
I did not drink enough water aor prepired it off
At my highest weight I was 230 and I lost 60 Pounds at first then we moved and I have lost an addional 40 I am now 152.8 lbs
Not bad for a 69 and half year old.
I walked 1.2 miles around the block took my asthma spray and all my med before I left and then walked as fast as I could 2.5 miles a hour until u0phill then I took my sprays twice more.
In my opinion try adding a few extra calories and then go back to your previous amount. It works for me.
AS a senior citizen I did not lose any wieght till I was in my 60's it has taken me me 8-9 years.
I did not exercise until I was in middle age.
I try to exercise at least 5 and sometimes 6 days a week.
the picture is when I was 63.
my nickname from here going forward is senior citzen
Born 3/25/50
I just walked over 5100 steps in a 2.2 miles walk and went to curves curcuit this morning I am a silver ssneaker.