

  • Hi All, I just finished my first week on the 12000 a week, With sneak previews and how my jeans feel i reckon I have lost at least 1.5ks!! very excited, anyone else still doing it? have success? Sophie
  • Instead of starting at the grocery list, start at the meals. Divide your daily calories up into meals, pick some great recipes or ones you know and love and put them in a meal plan. (While meal plans might seem repetitive, it doesn't really feel like it. If you have vegie stir fry every Monday night, there is actually…
  • Hello everyone :) I'm back. I've had a rough couple of weeks full of self-doubt, self-loathing, laziness, anxiety and feeling the weight (literally and metaphorically) of the pressure I was putting myself under. I commttied to too much, gym, running regime, swimming, dancing, push ups, dvds, I didn't eat nearly enough. I…
  • ok ok I'm in. I swore I was going to keep up with everyone in the 'Too Chubby for Twenties' group so I will get into this later tonight after I finish work (it's thursday 12,30pm in Australia) I don't know how it all works so bare with me. eeeek push ups! what are the benefits of them any way? Mrs Obama ams? abs?
  • Mid month refresh! Re-add your goals if you're still in the challenge! meagalayne: To reach 135lbs, complete my 10k race, and be able to do 5 full regular push-ups - 0.8lbs to go! inskydiamonds: use the WiiFit at least 5 times a week for at least half hour sessions. Increase the amount of good fats I'm eating and decrease…
  • Good to hear I am not the only one!! :) It makes me stronger to say no! It's bad enough that my boyfriend has the metabolism of a 12 year old boy and can consume a whole block of chocolate in front of me. (which he did btw, last night, in bed!) But then to get to work and there is crispy pastry waiting on desk, it's too…
  • I'm already on the list but I thought I would update I lost 1 whole kilo last week!!! so happy!!! BUT - then it was the long weekend and I stupidly rewarded myself with food and of course drinks! I am working extra hard this week to make sure the scale doesn't go back up. eeek \ on another note - anybody find the younger…
  • Spot on, Juliet is a pill, and a generic form of Dianne. I am not sure if the brands are the same in the states though. I'm from Australia. It's the best thing for me so far.
  • Great idea guys. :) miss_amy: To reach a 25lb total loss. - 9.4lbs away from goal! :) meagalayne: To reach 135lbs (maybe a bit ambitious), complete my 10k race, and be able to do 10 (!!) push-ups H_82: To lose at least 10 lbs KristyF08: 12lbs away from goal weight!!! meggonkgonk: Reach 165lbs, run in 1st 5K race…
  • I too had this EXACT experience with the stupid rod. I got it taken out after 18months because It was making me so depressed. I ate to feel better and I seriously think it contributed to my weight gain. I have had a whole range of contraception before the Rod and while each of them add their differing problems the rod was…
  • alocedavison - I could not have said it better. nom nom nomm nom.
  • WOW. well done!!!! diggin the sweet threads. :)
  • I sweat alot too! Lets me no that I am def working out. I bought some gym pants from Target that advertise to 'suck up' the sweat. They are just tight black leggings really, but it avoids the sweaty crotch look. My partner exercises with a 'sham-wow' (you know that towel on the infomercials??) and it helps with the extra…
  • this is SO reassuring. I fluctuate a kilo sometimes two during the week. thanks for posting this! Bump!
  • What prompted me to loose weight was from looking at the females (and males too) in my family and knowing that I was going to travel their exact path. A normal metabolism in their teens, and an average weight, able to get fit with exercise but as soon as they hit 20 and had kids it was size 16 plus till death. They never…
  • I am so happy you made this! Count me in! My new Wii Fit today told me I was not my age of 22, but actually 40. Oh dear. Def a chubby twenty that needs some motivation, support and friends on MFP! Very excited for our own group! Sophie
  • Hi Guys well I did mine and the majority of it - I walked. I might have to repeat week 1 I think, just to build up my confidence a bit. :) Very proud of everyone else who got out there and did it. Well done! we can all do it we just need to be properly motivated!!
  • I'm in! My posts will be a bit early due to my Sydney location, but I'm def in! Have the app on my iphone but just a bit intimidated to give it a go. :)
  • I never have been able to do it. I think because I don't fully wake up in the morning, I hazely convince myself of anything. - It's too cold, I clearly didn't sleep well (even if I slept perfectly well), my hair needs to be washed instead. I ended realising that my work isn't as far from my home as I first thought. It's…
  • Yes I realise that :) I just didn't realise they had so many Calories and I was eating 2 a day! I now maintain a healthy avocado intake. hahaha.
  • Even descovering how much Calories were in the foods that I thought were really healthy. Like Avocado! I knew it had 'good fat' in it, but dismissed it completely as 'healthy' and used to have one or two for afternoon tea. Little did I know It had a meals worth of Calories in it! MFP has certainly taught me to throw away…