

  • missparisienne
    Hi! I'm 24 years old and I'm new to this but i am currently 173lb and i'd like to loose 8 pounds by the end of october so i can be 165lb.
  • TheNewStacie
    TheNewStacie Posts: 187 Member
    Ok so weigh-in with the trainer this morning was better than wednesday's. Monday I had been down to 199.8, and then wednesday was back up to 204, this morning was 203.2 so let's hope we keep this going downward. I was surprised it was down too since Saturday was a looong night of drinking, which I never do, but hey when the kids away the parents will play. So here's to keeping my cardio goal, and starting off on the right foot this month. Today is my longer day with work and school but once I get home it's time to go jogging/running and do as much as I can.
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    Happy Monday, everyone! :ohwell: haha

    How was everyone's weekend?! I had a great one! Got some really great news on Friday, so my friends and I had a bit of a celebration. :drinker: haha. I still stayed within my calories and had a blast! Saturday I woke up to find that I lost 2lbs since my last weigh in! I was so excited! haha I'm so close to almost 20lbs gone! and a few more to 25! Then I'll be 25% done with this weight loss journey. I can't believe how fast time is going. So far, my journey hasn't been too hard. Routine is key- track those calories & work out when you can! Don't kill yourself, cuz then you wont wanna do it anymore. That's my mantra anyway. Baby steps. :)
  • smalltowngirl504
    Hello everyone!! I am hoping to join you , I am 25 year old mother of 3.... ( thats my excuse for being overweight ;) ) LOL but anyways..

    My October Goal..Is to be down to 146 and stay there!!.. Also To eat better, Stop bored eating!!

    I was 152 this AM, I am usually 150 first thing in the morning...

    I am 5'0 and my goal is 130, Id like to be smaller but for now I am keeping it at 130!!!!

    I hope that I can join you here and you can keep me motivated and I can do the same for you

    WAY TO GO MISS_AMY!!!:flowerforyou:
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    Amy - That's great! I think baby steps are the way to keep this working.
  • hippiechel
    hippiechel Posts: 170 Member
    lolahippie: to lose 10 lbs by halloween and to fit into my halloween costume!
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    Amy - That's great! I think baby steps are the way to keep this working.

    Thanks! I definitely agree. Doing too much too fast causes burnout. I especially know that- whenever I started diets in the past I would kill myself in the gym or working out at home. And then I wondered why I didn't wanna do it the next day! lol. Now I find things I like to do and stick to those for now. Once those get too easy I kick it up a notch. :)

    How's everyone doing?!? Still on track with your goals???
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Sort of on track! I did a bunch of push-ups yesterday but most of them were on my knee since my upper body just isn't feeling the full push-up yet... I swear I'm going to do 10 if it friggen kills me! Running is going amazing - I ran 3.75 miles today (6km) and it felt great! Weight loss is seriously hurting but that's alright - I know I'll get it down eventually. Just have to keep working at it!

    Hope everyone else is doing great. I have a feeling that loads of people are dropping out of this challenge so perhaps in a week we'll have to cut down our list of goals! I'll keep you guys posted over the next few days on my progress and on Monday when I have my weigh-in and then my first 5km race!! Lots of exciting stuff :bigsmile:

    Amy - How are you holding up? Looks like you are staying strong and still working really hard. Super happy for ya!

    Meag :heart:
  • spellbinder25
    spellbinder25 Posts: 331 Member
    Hello Everyone!!

    This is my first post on any site (apart from the one where I posted my goals in this thread) and hope I'm able to take advantage of the support system that you all have here.

    I've lost weight earlier but never have been able to maintain it. So my goal is not just to lose but also not to gain again. I started my journey again 2 weeks back and it has been pretty good so far. But now I'm down with a cold & though motivated to go to the gym, won't be going since I don't want to spread the germs. Hopefully, I'll be back on track soon. Didn't know I'd miss the gym so soon!!

    Please help me stay motivated and I'll try my best to keep all of you motivated :)
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    miss_amy: To reach a 25lb total loss. - 7.4lbs away from goal! :)
    meagalayne: To reach 135lbs (maybe a bit ambitious), complete my 10k race, and be able to do 10 (!!) push-ups
    H_82: To lose at least 10 lbs
    KristyF08: 12lbs away from goal weight!!!
    meggonkgonk: Reach 165lbs, run in 1st 5K race
    cshaffer213: Reach a total of 20 lbs weight loss (@ 8lbs today)
    aprildauer: To lose 10lbs.
    MTDork87: To complete the 30 Day Shred and get to 130 (7 lbs away)
    inskydiamonds: start going to the gym at least once a week
    sophieg77: to lose 3ks! (7lbs i think)
    Luckie712: To lose at least 10 pounds and stick with Slim in 6
    BioQueen: To be down to 165 by the end of October
    Allie7383: To begin and stick with the TurboFire schedule for Oct (and beyond), and get into the 160's (about 5lbs to go!)
    TheNewStacie: Get all 5 cardio days in every week, Lose at least 5 lbs
    Leela30: Lose those stubborn 10 lbs
    Tabika05: To fit into my sexy jeans by Christmas!
    Jmmtaylor- To lose at least 8 pounds!! (will be 15 total so far)
    TheKitsune6- To lose at least 15 pounds
    Lauratx22- To lose 10 pounds..-2lbs...8 more to go now!
    efmalcolm- Lose 10 pounds this first month!
    runner915- To be down to 163 by Halloween and to run the Halloween 5k in 26:00
    AshleyLEldred: To lose an additional 10 lbs. Be down below the 270 range. I also want to hit the gym a minimum of 4 times per week.
    clothes_of_sand- lose 7 pounds (to put me down at 140 even) and be ready to move to level 3 of the 30 day shred.
    ashleighk2010- To lose 10lbs (a total of 20 in two months) and be around 155. And CLIMB A MOUNTAIN. =]
    orange_avocado- Lose 5lbs and burn 1350 calories each week.
    lblocker23- to reach my goal weight of 128 lbs by December 25th
    emmyworthy- By the end of October I want to be under 200lbs!!!! -Oct 1- down to 215 only 15lbs left to shift before end of the month=]
    ameliafellenz- my goal is to lose 8 pounds this month
    coatadaycarrie- To get down to 145 by Halloween
    muzikenergy - 10lbs by Halloween, gym at least 4 days a week!
    spellbinder25 - Lose 8 lbs by end of October, exercise 5 days a week and eat healthy (= avoid desserts)!
    iwannaheartlife - Lose 10lbs by Halloween and exercise 5 days a week!!! Good Luck!!!
    kgprncss01- 10lbs by halloween sounds awesome! I would love to get one of those cute costumes!
    Steph_135 - Reach 180 lbs by Halloween!
    happy_jax - To lose the 0.8kg I put on while on holiday and once more reach my goal weight. Develop a 'New lifestyle!'
    foxygrl441- to get under 200
    abbracadabra - to lose 10lbs by the end of October and be under 200lbs
    Uconncoed- to lose 10 pounds - making my weight 162
    Lostalykat- To lose 5lbs- And make it to the AM gym class

    So unfortunately I got kicked off the list some how :( I was unable to look to see where I was before but basically I started Weighing 172, and now I weight 171.3. Not a huge drop but it is something! I also made it to the 5:30 am workout class today and I feel great! I want to get to 167 for halloween!! Woohoo!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Lostalykat- To lose 5lbs- And make it to the AM gym class

    So unfortunately I got kicked off the list some how :( I was unable to look to see where I was before but basically I started Weighing 172, and now I weight 171.3. Not a huge drop but it is something! I also made it to the 5:30 am workout class today and I feel great! I want to get to 167 for halloween!! Woohoo!

    Strange! I promise I didn't kick ya off :wink: You are MORE than welcome here heheh

    Not a massive loss but still a loss and I'm sure a welcome one :bigsmile: Totally insane for getting up that early to work out though. What sort of class was it? I definitely would be needing a protein shake made with coffee after that one...

    Wtg, lostalykat!
  • tabika05
    tabika05 Posts: 34 Member
    Hello All!!~ Congrats to those who have lost and are on track and hugs to those who are having troubles.

    Last week I finally joined two dance classes to help me stay HAPPY when I workout. I've danced my entire life but got lazy over the summer. It was a huge wake-up call since two of the ladies in the class were moms and HOT HOT HOT!!! Motivation!

    I do have a question. I work nights and days and my schedule is insane! I started gaining weight when I began working nights. It may be a coincidence but I doubt it. Does anyone else work nights? What do you do to keep on track?


    XOXOXO to all my fitness sisters

  • tabika05
    tabika05 Posts: 34 Member
    I have that video. It kicks your butt and afterwards you feel FABULOUS! :happy:

    (the No More Trouble Zones...forgot to hit quote)
  • sophieg77
    I'm already on the list but I thought I would update

    I lost 1 whole kilo last week!!! so happy!!!


    - then it was the long weekend and I stupidly rewarded myself with food and of course drinks!

    I am working extra hard this week to make sure the scale doesn't go back up. eeek \

    on another note - anybody find the younger you are the more people sabotage you?

    The girls at work know I am trying to lose weight, but no matter how much I tell them - they still drop in with chocolate biscuits or doughnuts or even the full fat coffee - when everyday I order the skinny flat white in front of them. I'm not angry with them at all, i know they probably just don't want to face me talking about weight because then they might have to face their own issues.
    still... grrrr!

    anyway that's my whinge for today. goodluck everyone for the second week of October!!
  • emmyworthy
    emmyworthy Posts: 119 Member
    anybody find the younger you are the more people sabotage you?

    Completely agree with you sophie!!

    Because I am in my final year of university everyone keeps harassing me into nights out where loads of alcohol will be flowing!! I still enjoy going out without drinking but as soon as everyone else becomes a little tipsy they try and force drinks on you even though they know how well you've been doing. They normally say "But you've been so good, one drink won't hurt!"

    They are only trying to make me feel involved, but it's hard that they don't really get it!

    I have to be at least a UK size 12 for my graduation!!!

    How's everyone else doing??

  • Lithuria
    Lithuria Posts: 132
    Can you add me? My October goal is to loose another 4 under normal circumstances I would have said more but we have a couple of family occasions coming up and I don't want to dissapoint myself after I inevitably over indulge lol.

    Emmyworthy, as someone who has been out of uni for 3 years now and still gets dragged out on studentesque drinking binges periodically by my old uni mates, I'd say the best thing to do is order your own drink of say, diet coke, and then when they ask tell them you got some vodka in there or something, or just don't tell them what you're drinking at all, just don't talk about it. Hopefully (though I don't know your drinking buddies) if you don't draw attention to it, they won't be too bothered.
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    Hey everyone!
    Just thought I would check in. On Monday I had my late day, I ate awesome and I hit the gym for 30 Mins. BUT... dun dun dun.... i ate pizza and icecream yesterday. I feel bad about it but I have to be accountable and just get right back to it. I packed healthy food today and I am going to get my bootttahhh to the gym tonight when I get home. I hope you guys are staying on track.
    Happy hump day!
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    on another note - anybody find the younger you are the more people sabotage you?

    i totally agree! i feel that now that a lot of my friends know i'm losing weight it's as if they're trying harder to get me to give into temptation. haha. jerks. :) i think it's partly jealousy to be honest. i try to keep my weight loss to myself unless people ask. a lot of people don't like hearing about others' successes as strange as that is. i must say though, my friends are usually very supportive. Its the drinks that they try to kill me with! haha. Many of my friends associate fun with alcohol, so if I'm not drinking, they think I'm not having fun. I actually have more fun sober cuz I get to make fun of their drunk butts! haha ;)

    meag- i'm doing great! having a really good week so far. i'm hoping for that 2lb loss this week! :)

    welcome all newbies!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Quick update (because I'm running late)...

    I had a really great, motivating morning at the gym today! I went to an aerobics class but it actually turned out to be a spinning + weights class (nice advertising, Premier). I have never done spinning before, and it was very *very* hard for someone who NEVER cycles, but I was pouring sweat within 5 mins and had a great workout. 30 mins of spinning + 20 mins of hand weights (upper body) and I was done. Then I figured, I'm here, may as well push myself!!

    So I decided to run just 1 mile - and see if I could do it in under 10 mins! And I did - 9:54, exactly. My fastest mile yet. I'm really proud of myself today!! :bigsmile:

    Hope you guys are all hitting little milestones too - It certainly helps to keep you motivated. Great to hear from everyone else!

    Amy - You're an all star. Seriously.
    UCONNCOED - Everyday can't be perfect but today's a new day - start fresh and eat as healthy as you can :) And get lots and lots of water!!
    Lithuria - Great idea! Setting attainable, reasonable goals is a great way to keep yourself from being discouraged. When you set goals that you know you can't really meet, it's easier to get off track. Welcome to the group!

    -Meag :heart:
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    CONGRATS!!!! 10 min mile is AWESOME!!!

    Everyone is doing so well!!!