i sweat like 12 men

sherrilewis Posts: 16
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
So I work out for about an hour at a time doing running/elliptical and I sweat a ton like I am really wet and my hair looks like I just showered. I was wondering if there were any remedies for this or solutions to minimize it. I was thinking maybe certain clothing can minimize the appearance of so much sweat or something along those lines. I was just wondering if anyone could make any suggestions that have worked for them. I would greatly appreciate it :). It is more embarrassing than anything, but it is not too big of a deal. It would just be nice to not look so incredibly horrible after I work out :p. Thank you all!


  • fxst78
    fxst78 Posts: 221 Member
    Don't try and stop it, it is your bodies cooling mechanism, If the machine you are using has a fan, turn it on, or turn the gym fan on if possible, this will assist with cooling you so your body won't need to sweat as much for the cooling effect. Wear lose clothing that is well ventilated and colours that don't show up the sweat as much (black is good) Also use your gym towel to keep yourself a little dryer.
  • I also sweat a lot, I just bring a towel and wear purfume and lots deodarent. I dont care If I sweat, I care If I stink which I make sure I dont.
  • I sweat alot too! Lets me no that I am def working out. I bought some gym pants from Target that advertise to 'suck up' the sweat. They are just tight black leggings really, but it avoids the sweaty crotch look. My partner exercises with a 'sham-wow' (you know that towel on the infomercials??) and it helps with the extra sweat. Goodluck with all the sweaty work outs!
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    ME TOO! My only solutions are A) Wear black (the sweat's less obvious) and B) get the clothes with 'dry weave, it really pulls the moisture in' :laugh: you're at the gym for cryin' out loud. Everyone else is sweaty and self conscious too. Embrace it. It just means you're doing it right!

  • MsLisaB
    MsLisaB Posts: 256
    I sweat bucket loads as well. I've found the Nike Dri-fit clothing works really well and generally doesn't make you look too sweaty. Dark colours are also a good idea. In general though, I've learnt to live with it. Most people will just look at you and think you must be working really hard to sweat so much :wink:
  • So glad to that someone else sweats like the back of a toilet seat besides myself. LOL ;p
    I sweat horribly and am always so self concious about it. But at least Im home and no one but my hubby can see me :)
    One thing i did was install a small a.c. unit in our workout room, my machine has fan as well. I did buy Danskiin workout tops at walmart which are nice and help w/ soak up the sweat. But my hubby says its great to sweat....dont ask me why but Keep sweating girl! :)
  • Lol my hubby looks at me like I have a disease haha :p but not for serious.. all in fun... he just doesn't sweat like I do. He also doesn't work out like I do either :). I just work out in Old Navy racerback tanks and sweat in them like nothing else. I do hard cardio for 50 mins to an hour either running on the treadmill or elliptical. I am in need of some new work out clothes and am thinking I should invest in a couple of the air wick kind of sweat absorbing clothes to minimize the drenched look. I fortunately don't sweat in the crotch lands, but just my shirt and my hair. I am not too concerned about it, but I just feel like I am definitely sweating more than most of the people working out at any given time and I am a girl :p haha. Anyways, thanks everyone for sharing your sweat woes as well :) I am glad I am not the only girl with some serious sweat glands!! haha :) I think i will check out target's work out gear :)
  • I agree with some of the other comments. Believe me I sweat buckets too! It loioks as if it is raining where I stand. How I've decided to handle the issue is either wear black or buy the moister wicking fabrics that are out there. I also wear a sweat band (very 80s) and keep a towel with me to wipe up my moisture. Or you could change your idea about how you view sweat. Don't you think a nicely built man with a sheen of sweat looks rather sexy? (I'm not talking about body odor--that can be handled with some of the deodorands out there. There are also ulta antiprespirants out there that, when used at continually at night , can reduce sweat. (I suppose you could also apply these in other places--forehead, arms, legs...but I digress). if these don't work, I guess you could choose to exercise in the privacy of your domain. If a man can look sexy with a sheen of sweat, then a woman can too. :smile:
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