

  • +1 to that. (Slow and steady) http://shirt.woot.com/offers/winning-the-race (I'm not posting that to sell it, just to illustrate the slow-and-steady part)
  • Amen man, amen! For me personally, what has both worked for me and been easier to do is to make a change ( a single change) and then hold onto that change until it's the new normal. Then , I make another change. rinse and repeat. So far, I've made lots of changes to my lifestyle, but spreading them out this way makes the…
  • awesome job!!! Very inspiring! It's funny how so many of us losing weight notice the non-numerical things :) (I'm putting stress marks on my belt at the tighter holes now, and taking one link out of my watch band)
  • and even the bees need variety, as in nectar from different plants. The big bee die-off a few years back was believed to be due to beekeepers restricting the bees to one plant, thus not enabling the bees to get all the amino acids necessary
  • For me, the weight loss has been a big struggle, until recently when I started cutting back on the refined carbs (added sugar, high fructose corn syrup, white pasta, white bread, etc). I've lost 6 pounds since 1/1/2013 (27 days), with less effort that I would've thought possible. Before you go full paleo, you might want to…
    in PALEO? Comment by jjbnfo January 2013
  • Add one more to the # of people who like the elmo pants. I wonder how baggy they look on you now. My pants are starting to feel different to me, after over 15 pounds off.
  • Maybe space out the workouts? I don't do insanity, but I have workouts with a personal trainer twice a week. Started out at 3, but being sore every single day was just wearing on me. Switched to 2 a week, and now I have 2 days a week where I'm not sore, which is enough to get by on, and on the days I'm not sore, I'm…
  • maybe you could set a fake goal weight to 5 or 10 pounds below your real goal weight? that would prompt mfp to recalculate your calorie needs
  • on a somewhat-serious note, I agree with the make-from-scratch crowd. It's much more satisfying. Using a mix to me is like making a model where you snap together 3 parts. And from scratch, there are no preservatives, or those chemicals that they throw in to prevent clumping of the mix, food coloring, etc. (I think…
  • I've had that happen at various stages of my previous 30-pound weight loss. Sticking points suck, but your body will move off it.
  • Your lower weight higher rep will tip you towards a slimmer build. If that doesn't work, you could try keeping the weights the same, but doing fewer sets, or reducing workout frequency.
  • As someone who's had elbow surgery, and had limited use of the arm for a couple months, I'd say eat a wee bit more than you were before the surgery. You definitely want to heal up properly, and quickly. You can resume the weight loss at any time (the sooner, the better, of course) but I'd think you'd want the healing to be…
    in surgery Comment by jjbnfo August 2011
  • You're probably not noticing because you see yourself every day. +1 to megz4987's comments. And I'd add that you want to take the pictures in the same way. (e.g. same posture, same place in your house, with same lighting, standing same distance from the mirror you use at the same time in the morning with the same lights on…
  • awesome!!!!
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