Iv literally been plateaued for a year, I weight train, I eat clean (with the exception of some Saturdays) etc etc

Iv realized cutting my carbs is something iv never done, I'm seriously wanting to go paleo.

Any advice, suggestions, personal experiences? Favourite recipes?

Feel free to add me, I need some paleo friends. :)


  • jjbnfo
    jjbnfo Posts: 15
    For me, the weight loss has been a big struggle, until recently when I started cutting back on the refined carbs (added sugar, high fructose corn syrup, white pasta, white bread, etc). I've lost 6 pounds since 1/1/2013 (27 days), with less effort that I would've thought possible.

    Before you go full paleo, you might want to give this a shot. My appetite just plummeted after I cut out refined carbs. I occasionally eat a piece of candy every other day, and some dry pretzels, but it seems to not have any negative effect.

    I'm still eating whole grain cereal (e.g. Grape nuts), and whole grain wheat bread, but am staying away from breads that try to sneak in refined flour (enriched flour on the ingredients list).
  • Girl_Bomb
    Girl_Bomb Posts: 195
    iv already been doing that for atleast a year lol
    i eat hemp seed bread, sprouted wheat etc but not anymore! day 2.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member

    One you mind cooking? Most people that don't like to cook can't keep up with this lifestyle.

    If you enjoy cooking and getting creative, eating fresh food - then give it an honest 30 days and see if you like it.

    If you do, then keep going. If not, you can always switch up your eating again.

    if your interested, I have many e-books that you can download. Send me a message and I will send you the link to download the books. There are many cookbooks, general information about Paleo books and some specialized books such as clearer skin, camping while paleo, etc.