

  • I just found a very interesting website that I wanted to share -- www.wilsonssyndrome.com. I always noticed that I had a low body temperature. I thought that was just "the way I was made". This site contains a fun, easy-to-watch short video describing Wilson's Syndrome (thyroid disease). There's lots of info on this site.…
  • 2SpareTires, I can so relate!! Through the years, I've had one doctor say -- you have thyroid disease and need radiation treatment (back in the day, long ago). The next one said -- no, you don't have thyroid disease. I got conflicting reports from many doctors thru the years. I WAS SO CONFUSED!!! Finally, I decided…
  • Heard this on my favorite health show (Right Health w/Becker) this morning -- Women of NATIVE AMERICAN or SCOTS-IRISH descent are most prone to thyroid issues. It has to do with the fact that our ancestors had to buckle down and endure hard winters or seasons of drought. We were the "tough ones". Their bodies reacted by…
  • Sheri & Shellie, I hope you are still monitoring this thread. To recap, I am also on an herbal thyroid med (porcine based), and it is working wonders for me. It's simply called GTA and I get mine at Doctor's Nutrition. Pre-meds, here were my figures -- TSH 2.23 T4 6.6 T3 Uptake 31 Free Thyroxine Index 2.0 After 6 months on…
  • Sheri, I don't post often, but the hypothyroid comments always activate me. Last May, I started on an herbal thyroid medication and saw HUGE changes in the way I feel. The biggest was my energy level. Before meds -- Barely able to wake up in the morning and exhausted after an 8 hr work day. After meds -- I feel GREAT in…
  • LOL. I need to lose 50 pounds (which I consider a good bit). I'm asking myself the same question -- why is my weight loss so slow? I understand your frustration. Oh, well, slow and steady like a snail gets you there eventually.
  • Mnishi, I applaud you for going organic. Organic may not be perfect, but it is much healthier. Besides, organic vegetables have so much more nutritional value than their store-bought (picked green) counterparts. My home-grown Texas tomatoes beat anything I could buy in the grocery store! I recently discovered that a…
    in Organic Comment by eventgal March 2012
  • I'm several years older than you, so I have BOTH thyroid and hormone issues to contend with. There doesn't seem to be an easy way to lose weight with these health problems, but it's not impossible -- just IMPOSSIBLY SLOW!!! I have no answers, but I can understand your frustration. Feel free to friend me. I have a goal to…
  • I feel your pain. Last year, I worked out five days a week at the gym and ate a healthy 1,200 calorie diet. I hired a personal trainer during that time, whom I saw once or twice a week. It took me seven months to lose 20 pounds. The trainer kept encouraging me, but I felt like the weight loss was slow, slow, slow. The…
  • I wear Victoria's Secret for daily wear (40D). It's such good support that I wonder if they have a sports bra for larger busts? I'm crossing my fingers that I will lose some "up top" as I lose weight overall. Can't wait to see what others recommend.
  • Wondering how it's going for you. Did you get all of the info you needed? I'm new myself (see, no picture). I've realized that I've got to reprogram my brain and eat more calories. Kind of a switch up, huh? This old dog is learning some new tricks. I'm afraid of fast food now. And, I'm afraid to reintroduce desserts/sweets…
  • But we tall girls LOVE our tall guys!
  • Do big, tall guys have as much trouble finding pants that are long enough like women? It's very frustrating! Hubby is 6'4" and relatively skinny. I can usually find a 36" inseam for him with little trouble. Daughter is 5'11", with no behind and a tiny frame, and she has as much trouble finding pants as I do. Well, except…
  • Caroline, I think everybody else is no longer reading this thread. Amazingly, I AM losing weight eating MFP's recommended calories. I am doing better at getting more calories in each day. I just got off of HCG (I DON'T recommend that), and I think my body was still feeling some effects from that. A personal trainer, who is…
  • Yippee! I actually got it changed!
  • Stormie, thanks for the warning. Because I was so trusting of the nutritional data, I hadn't noticed. ALL OF YOU have provided me with some great info!! Thank you so much!! I don't know how many years it's been since I had full-fat anything in my kitchen. My tastebuds are gonna love this! Since I just seem to stay so full,…
  • Sheehy, actually it was four chicken breasts cooked in 1 T. of olive oil. I'm eating the last one today so my leftovers don't go to waste. But, I see your point. Thank you.
  • Where on earth is Little Elm, Texas? I'm in East Texas, but that city doesn't ring a bell. By the way, welcome and good luck!!
  • Good problem to have! I am almost 5'9" and have trouble finding a jean long enough. Since I've dropped a few pounds, I've noticed the same thing.
  • Wow! What incredible results! Is Jillian's work-out DVD too hard for beginners? I've only done cardio and some light (3 lb) weights.
  • Oops, I don't know how I added that comment so many times. Sorry!!!
  • Wow! What incredible results! Is Jillian's work-out DVD too hard for beginners? I've only done cardio and some light (3 lb) weights.
  • Wow! What incredible results! Is Jillian's work-out DVD too hard for beginners? I've only done cardio and some light (3 lb) weights.
  • PainterB, you are not alone!! I'm new to MFP myself (only a few days old, in fact)! I certainly understand the "issues" we oldsters face -- I am about to hit the big 5 - 3 myself. Did you ever feel like the magazines lied when they said you could lose 20 pounds in two weeks? Did you ever feel like the TV ad programs were…
  • Thank you for that info! I am new to this site and I was wondering if that was possible. For instance, I got a taco salad at a restaurant this weekend, but did not eat the shell. Now, I know just how to handle that! Gracias!!!
  • I was on HCG as recent as last week! A personal trainer friend came by and set me straight. Nature is nature, and as she explained it, HCG burns both fat and muscle. Those who sell HCG don't know or won't admit that. Anyway, the net effect -- it LOWERS your metabolism. I had an "OMG moment" and decided that I had been a…
  • Yes, it's a pregnancy hormone. If you actually believe all of the hype, they tell you that the hormone helps you lose fat, not muscle. If you hunt for information on-line from someone who is not selling HCG, you will find out that you do lose fat and some lean muscle after all. My friend, who ran a gym for 15 years and is…