Hypothyroidism....what are YOUR symptoms?



  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    i need to get my levels checked I've been on meds for about 6 months now ..... I only happened to find out I had it because after losing alot of weight on my diet I went for a checkup
  • debcarv
    debcarv Posts: 256 Member

    I don't post often, but the hypothyroid comments always activate me. Last May, I started on an herbal thyroid medication and saw HUGE changes in the way I feel. The biggest was my energy level. Before meds -- Barely able to wake up in the morning and exhausted after an 8 hr work day. After meds -- I feel GREAT in the morning and still have energy to cook supper and exercise after work. I got my life back!! Other symptoms -- I just don't grow hair anymore (can almost throw away the razor). Forget hair on the outer eyebrows. But, I can sure tell if I miss taking my meds!!!

    I have had regular blood tests on my TSH levels, and will share those tomorrow (if you are really interested). Good luck!!
  • eventgal
    eventgal Posts: 29
    Heard this on my favorite health show (Right Health w/Becker) this morning --

    Women of NATIVE AMERICAN or SCOTS-IRISH descent are most prone to thyroid issues. It has to do with the fact that our ancestors had to buckle down and endure hard winters or seasons of drought. We were the "tough ones". Their bodies reacted by slowing down their metabolism so they could "endure" better without adequate food.

    He also said, "Until you get your thyroid issues under control, you cannot possibly correct any other health issues." If you are hesitant about treating your thyroid disease, please reconsider -- your health may be in the balance.
  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    eventgal: my tsh levels were 2.15 when I was tested February 19th and this was considered a normal level. But I noticed that your Dr treated you with a tsh of 2.23.Did you have to convince them that you were hypo or did they willingly test your t3 and t4? I can't lose weight for the life of me and this has gone on ever since my daughter was born. I keep gaining despite all the effort I have put in.... it's so incredibly frustrating :sad:
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    I haven't read any of the other responses, so I may be repeating some, but here goes! :flowerforyou:

    This past summer I was feeling sluggish. :grumble: Like, drag-out-of-bed-after-sleeping-10-hours-and-still-feel-tired sluggish. I knew something was up. I have my blood work done every three months due to diabetes, hypothyroidism, cholesterol issues and cancer running pretty rampant through my family. I decided to get checked out and sure enough, my thyroid levels were off. My TSH was around a 6.0. I was put on 50mcg of levothyroxine (synthroid) and within a month, my levels were around 2.7 and I was feeling like a million bucks! Okay - so, not that great, haha, but definitely not as bad as I felt before! And my hair loss (yeah, that part sucked a lot) reduced significantly over the next 6 or so months.

    I've done some research and even though the TSH levels test "normal" between .40 and 5.5, I believe that anything above a 3.0 can begin giving symptoms. Unfortunately, many doctors won't medicate at that level since it's in the "normal" range.

    You can also get the same symptoms when you're hyper. This week I noticed I was having the same sluggish feeling and just all-around felt unmotivated to even get out of bed. I had my blood work done two weeks ago and got the results yesterday. My TSH levels were .04 ... meaning I was getting too much of the levothyroxine. My dose was cut in half (25mcg) and I started that this morning. Fingers crossed!

    It's hard to believe something so small can affect your body SO much.
  • debcarv
    debcarv Posts: 256 Member
    I have the same issues with hair and eyebrows.. I can draw my eyebrows on with my eyes closed I believe, been doing it since I was 20 years old. Cold is another thing I have a lot of problems with, I freeze to death in the summer when air conditioning goes on. Restaurants are far too cold for me to go in without a jacket or hoodie with me... Been taking meds for hpothyroid for 23 years now.
  • AmoreCouture
    AmoreCouture Posts: 255 Member
    They've never told me my numbers, but I would like to know. I know I'm on .15mcg/150mg dosage. Without medication, my symptoms were
    Swollen neck
    Swollen tongue
    Water retention aka puffy face
    Sleeping way too much. Around 12 hours every night.
    Always feeling tired
    Muscle pain, like all my muscles were pulled.
    Irregular cycle
    Sensitivity to cold
    And of course, weight gain. I couldn't lose weight even on a calorie deficit with exercise until I was on medicine again. I was diagnosed a few years ago, but I didn't take my medicine like I should, and would go without it a lot, until I realized how bad I needed it.
  • eventgal
    eventgal Posts: 29

    I can so relate!! Through the years, I've had one doctor say -- you have thyroid disease and need radiation treatment (back in the day, long ago). The next one said -- no, you don't have thyroid disease. I got conflicting reports from many doctors thru the years. I WAS SO CONFUSED!!!

    Finally, I decided something had to give. I heard of a local nutrition based doctor (actually, a chiropractor) who treats nutritionally after comprehensive bloodwork. That sounded like the real-deal to me. He looked at my bloodwork, and when I related the conflicting reports of my doctors thru the years, he just laughed. He said, "Of course, you can't lose weight!! Of course, you're tired! I see exactly WHY on your bloodwork!" Somehow, his perspective and training are completely different from the typical physician.

    Suffice it to say, I have been very pleased with the results. Persevere until you find someone to treat you. Otherwise, you may be at a roadblock in your future health.
  • lmd172
    lmd172 Posts: 172
    very interesting...
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Have them check you for other things that can go along with hypo. My levels were 'normal' at 3.4, but because of many symptoms and because my antibodies for Hashimoto's were 'through the roof' my endo put me on 25mcg of Synthroid. I'd say about half of my symptoms have disappeared. I still get a little tired in the afternoon (but working out and chasing kids probably has more to do with it) and I still lose a lot of hair. All in all, I'm happy I've been put on it!
  • eventgal
    eventgal Posts: 29
    I just found a very interesting website that I wanted to share -- www.wilsonssyndrome.com.

    I always noticed that I had a low body temperature. I thought that was just "the way I was made". This site contains a fun, easy-to-watch short video describing Wilson's Syndrome (thyroid disease). There's lots of info on this site. There's even a physician search, although I found only one physician in Texas. Maybe you'll be lucky and find lots of physicians near you.

    There are some natural supplements on here that help the thyroid do its job correctly. Perfect for you ladies who are vegans. I already take one of his supplements, ThyroCare, but I haven't been taking it very long. I saw this doctor on Right Health w/Becker and was impressed with his knowledge. Just thought I'd share and I hope this helps.

    Watch the video -- it's plumb cute!