Hypothyroidism....what are YOUR symptoms?

I have a lot of symptoms of Hypothyroidism, but my TSH was 4.5 last fall. What are your numbers? Symptoms? Treatment? Results since treatment?



  • eventgal
    eventgal Posts: 29

    I don't post often, but the hypothyroid comments always activate me. Last May, I started on an herbal thyroid medication and saw HUGE changes in the way I feel. The biggest was my energy level. Before meds -- Barely able to wake up in the morning and exhausted after an 8 hr work day. After meds -- I feel GREAT in the morning and still have energy to cook supper and exercise after work. I got my life back!! Other symptoms -- I just don't grow hair anymore (can almost throw away the razor). Forget hair on the outer eyebrows. But, I can sure tell if I miss taking my meds!!!

    I have had regular blood tests on my TSH levels, and will share those tomorrow (if you are really interested). Good luck!!
  • SheriG9
    SheriG9 Posts: 62
    Thanks for answering! What supplement are you taking? My chiropractor just recommended one, and I just started. So far I am not noticing any difference, but it has only been three days. I would love to see your numbers.

  • b1791
    b1791 Posts: 40 Member
    I developed 2 different autoimmune diseases at the same time so I'm not 100% sure I can differentiate between the two but I'm pretty sure my hypo symptoms were the usual - hair loss, weight gain, no energy, dry skin and there are some others. Even though I've been treated (Synthroid) for a few years now I still have trouble losing weight and I don't need to have my brows waxed at all or shave my legs nearly as often. Other than that I feel just fine. My TSH was about 4.8 when I was diagnosed so you are definately in the right range to have it. My TSH now that I'm treated, is usually right around 1. I was lucky in that my doctor knew I was only going to get worse so he started treatment at 4.8 even though the range goes to 5.5 at his lab.
  • maddiedog22
    maddiedog22 Posts: 116
    I have a lot of symptoms of Hypothyroidism, but my TSH was 4.5 last fall. What are your numbers? Symptoms? Treatment? Results since treatment?


    New study done showed Normal range .4-4 so 4.5 is to high, go to a diff doctor. I have had hypothyroidism since I was 15 I no what I'm talking about-kinda anyways
  • Tzippy7
    Tzippy7 Posts: 344 Member
    my biggest symptoms were depression and lack of focus, that was when i was on a low dose. Before I was on any medication I was freezing all the time. like sweaters in 90 degree weather.
    Now i feel great!
  • Tzippy7
    Tzippy7 Posts: 344 Member
    also, the number doesnt mean all that much. Depending on other factors in your life, the number can almost be irrelevant. If you feel like its low, then its too low.
  • sabinecbauer
    sabinecbauer Posts: 250 Member
    Thanks for answering! What supplement are you taking? My chiropractor just recommended one, and I just started. So far I am not noticing any difference, but it has only been three days. I would love to see your numbers.


    Sheri, I've got the same issues... normal hormone levels, BUT thin hair, dry skin, weird muscle pains, constantly feeling cold, and of course everybody's favorite, an inability to lose weight. Some of it (including the latter after a year or more of frustration) has improved since I've started taking natural remedies a little over a month ago. Specifically those are:

    Thyodine, by Organika, which is a kelp extract (= iodine supplement); and
    Thyro Support, by AOR Classics, which is a combination of minerals and proteins (L-Thyrosine) to support thyroid function, specifically T4 --> T3 conversion.

    Next Tuesday I've got an appointment with my doctor, hopefully for a referral to an endocrinologist.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Yeah. I have pretty much every symptom on the list.

    cold intolerance
    confusion or forgetfulness (often mistaken for dementia in seniors)
    dry, scaly skin
    fatigue, or feeling sluggish
    muscle cramps
    weight gain

    Many of these symptoms eased after I was medicated but a few of them hang on.

    I heard once palpitations can be caused by hypothyroidism as well and I've got those. ;)

    I honestly don't know my numbers though... so I'm not sure if that's helpful to you or not.
  • pwgirl724
    pwgirl724 Posts: 7 Member
    i was tired all the time, losing hair, and had absolutely no energy. I became really cold easily! My mom is my doctor and after suspecting that I may have received some hypothyroidism from her genes she got me tested. Soon enough I was on synthroid and feeling so much better!
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I get really tired when my levels are low. I also get hungry, irritable, confused and cold. Most of the time the synthroid helps, but not always. I haven't tried any supplements.
  • lesle1
    lesle1 Posts: 354 Member
    I've been on Synthroid since 1994. I've had most of the symptoms and the synthroid didn't seem to be helping much. After I started getting serious about exercise and eating better the symptoms are pretty much gone. I'm still on 150 mg. Synthroid.
  • OneSchrutebuck
    I'm cold all the damn time.Winter about kills me. I'm cold when its warm out, so in the winter its borderline torture. Like a cold intolerance. My body parts are pretty much cold to the touch all of the time. I lose weight slowly, I have trouble sleeping, dry skin, fatigue- but I've gotten to the point that I just push through it no matter what. No choice anymore. Oh, and this is all with a "regulated" thyroid ha. I was diagnosed when I was 12 and I take synthroid.
  • scadoodles
    scadoodles Posts: 110 Member
    Hey All,
    Im a RN, and at my hospital we use the newest range in guide lines which is (0.5-3)...

    I also have Hypothyriod and my level was at 6 when I was diagnosed...
    -I slept a lot & was always exhausted.
    -Hair loss, TONS.
    -Trouble loosing weight and weight gain ( I still struggle with weight loss)
    -FReezing cold all the time
    -I would never sweat

    Those were prob. my worst sx. Now my levels are regulary around 2, I think my last was 2.48 & I take 75mcg daily of synthriod. I still struggle with the weight loss but if i take my meds CORRECTLY and daily then its much easier! GOOD LUCK :) Msg. me for any questions!
  • meeulk
    meeulk Posts: 246 Member
    Ditto to all of the above! I'm on T3 and T4. Levoxyl and Cytomel. Have been for 6 years. I'm still colder than normal people. When I was first tested I remember being totally spaced out when they drew my blood. I thought I was just really tired, but it ended up being my thyroid. I also had really dry patches on my skin, like lighter circles on my arms... so strange. The severe dryness went away, but I feel mentally cloudy a lot. It's hard to say if my meds are right. The labs tests say they are, but I still feel tired a lot, cold, and the mental thing. But that could be because of my 1 year still not sleeping through the night! Who knows!

    Edit: Oh, and I gained a lot of weight... still dealing with carb cravings after all this time!
  • small4me
    small4me Posts: 46 Member

    I don't post often, but the hypothyroid comments always activate me. Last May, I started on an herbal thyroid medication and saw HUGE changes in the way I feel. The biggest was my energy level. Before meds -- Barely able to wake up in the morning and exhausted after an 8 hr work day. After meds -- I feel GREAT in the morning and still have energy to cook supper and exercise after work. I got my life back!! Other symptoms -- I just don't grow hair anymore (can almost throw away the razor). Forget hair on the outer eyebrows. But, I can sure tell if I miss taking my meds!!!

    I have had regular blood tests on my TSH levels, and will share those tomorrow (if you are really interested). Good luck!!

    I am very interested to know what herbal medication you are on!! I have been on high synthroid meds since 1992 - any help would be great!
    Thanks = Shellie
  • jmp33
    jmp33 Posts: 95 Member
    I have been on synthroid since 2011. My dosage started at 75 but now I am at 250.
    Symptoms: dry skin, hair loss, cold, tired++++, and I put on 40lbs in 5 months.
  • missigus
    missigus Posts: 207 Member
    I have been in this battle for 26 years, and have learned a lot along the way. Here is my 2 cents on the TSH levels. They do not mean much at all. It stands for thyroid stimulating hormone. Most Dr.s that truly understand the thyroid go by additional tests like t3, t4 and r-t3 and r-t4. All those give a much better understanding as to how your thryoid is functioning and how your body is absorbing thyroid. It's very complicated. TSH is no longer the gold standard for treating thyroid disease. At least it shouldn't be. But, you'd be surprised how many docs are still stuck on that.

    After years of misery on synthetic thyroid meds, (some do great on synthetic- some don't) I was still cold, tired, losing hair, gaining weight, (dispite using what little energy i had at the gym), My joints ached so bad eventually, I could hardly get off the couch...I quit exercising because I just couldn't do it anymore and I gained 30 lbs in about 8 mo. Yet, they all told me I should be feeling great!

    I finally found a different dr. one that uses all natural thyroid about a yr.ago. Turns out I needed t3 desperately. I take p-thyroid, and my son who is 15 takes naturethroid. Both are pork based, but the difference is amazing. My Dr. only goes by t3 and t4 levels. Not TSH, And listens to my symptoms that may or may not be still occuring. I'm a different person and eturnally grateful for this dr. I hope you can get your situation resloved and start feeling better. I reccommend reading everthing you can and at least discuss your findings with your dr.
  • eventgal
    eventgal Posts: 29
    Sheri & Shellie,

    I hope you are still monitoring this thread. To recap, I am also on an herbal thyroid med (porcine based), and it is working wonders for me. It's simply called GTA and I get mine at Doctor's Nutrition.

    Pre-meds, here were my figures --
    TSH 2.23
    T4 6.6
    T3 Uptake 31
    Free Thyroxine Index 2.0

    After 6 months on meds --
    TSH 1.57
    T4 7.8
    T3 Uptake 31
    Free Thyroxine Index 2.4

    As some others have said, it's HOW you feel that's most important. I am very pleased with my results and would recommend this route to anyone. Unfortunately, the weight still does not fall off, but I figure this is my lot in life. Plus, I'm over 50, so menopause also plays a role in the slow weight loss. But, I feel good enough to get up at 5:15 a.m. for a walk, work an 8 hr day, come home to do a Jillian Michaels' Shred, and then cook supper. Bedtime is usually 9 p.m. Best of all, I have my life back!!!

    Good luck to all who have thyroid issues!!!
  • sunshinegirlnm
    sunshinegirlnm Posts: 312 Member
    Get all the reverse tests as well as the basic tests. My numbers were in range and low, but my body can't convert T3 to T4 so I started on liothyronine (compounded T3) and my lethargy, bloating, cold hands/feet, mental fog, low grade depression and hair loss were gone in 3 weeks. Supplementing has changed my life, and I've lost 10 pounds. Best of all, I have ENERGY!

    Good luck.