HGC Drops, Anyone tried and results GOOD OR BAD ?

I was wondering if anyone here has tried the HGC drops, and what results/side effects you had. Good or bad choice. Please help me decided what to do.


  • ering
    ering Posts: 183 Member
    I know one person who tried this. Besides the fact that she gained ALL of the weight she lost back, she said it was horrible to only be able to eat a tiny bit of food a day.
    Some will tell you it works but I don't see how it could long term.
    Good luck :)
  • ambermichon
    ambermichon Posts: 404 Member
    search HCG topics on this site. I dont know that the drops really do anything. this diet is bad for your metabolism :-(
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    *dons tin hat and waits for the explosion*
    JDRBT Posts: 264 Member
    You'll lose weight - fast. But odds are you won't be able to keep it off. This diet is based on a hormone that tricks your body into processing at a high rate - as if you were pregnant. It's not, IMHO, a maintanable lifestyle though. 500 calories/day is dangerously low. It took a long time to put the weight on. To get it off and keep it off there is no "quick fix" - at least, no healthy one. Even controlled calorie diets, like Medifast, for example, takes time to get the weight off.
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    Yeah, they're great. If you wanna end up in a hospital bed while you gain all the weight back that you lost starving yourself.
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    *dons tin hat and waits for the explosion*

  • bereal75
    bereal75 Posts: 17 Member
    Sorry for not supporting your ideas.
    The best "cure" for being fat are 2 things:
    - eat healthy (lots of vegs, fruits etc.)
    - exercise

    The only thing i did to loose weight were these 2 countermeasures.
    Try to avoid all processed carbs, work out and eat reasonable and you will be fine.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    The FDA and BBB say it's a fraud. You lose weight because you are starving yourself on 500 calories a day, not because you're taking a pill made from pregnant women's pee.

  • savlyon
    savlyon Posts: 474 Member
    BAD. BAD. BAD. My friend ended up in the hospital. 500 calories a day is insanity.
  • NicoleJones81
    NicoleJones81 Posts: 17 Member
    Wow , Thank you ladies all so much. I'm just not losing weight and I've really been watching what I've been eating and exercising everyday. I used to just eat anything I wanted and how much I wanted of it. Now i'm weighing food and counting calories and watching the sugar in food, and when I am using a sugar is Truvia, or Stevia raw, I just though the weight would come off faster with such drastic measures. But I guess atleast it's not another pound gained.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    FFS the other HCG thread is still in the recent topics!
  • tamawama77
    Both my son and I tried HCG and it worked wonderfully. However, you have to be very disciplined about the food protocol and drink lots and lots of water. Before I started them, I was on a 1,200 calorie diet tracking it here and after watching my son lose 30 pounds in a relatively short amount of time, I decided to try it just to get off a good amount and then got off and went back to a low calorie, healthy diet. During HCG, I would lose 1-2 pounds per day and would have some days with nothing at all, which was fine. With any kind of diet, you can and will gain back weight if you don't continue with a healthy life style. With HCG I never counted calories, I just followed a food protocol my son gave me. So for breakfast, I had 1/2 cup of cherrios and 1/2 cup of non-fat milk OR 1 egg and 50 calorie piece of bread. Then for both lunch and dinner it was 5 oz of protein, 1 cup of veggies, and 1 cup of fruit. There is a list of acceptable foods for these categories. We got pretty creative with seasonings and the food was actually great and I would feel full. I just missed things like chips and cookies, etc. etc. I LOVE chips and salsa and cheese and chocolate. I still avoid eating too many empty foods and just allow myself cheats every so often and in smaller quantities.

    Bottom line - there are going to be critics with many weight loss choices so you have to make the decision for yourself but it really does work without any side effects at all. I can tell you that many people scoffed at me for trying it but it's just a short term thing and you wouldn't want to follow it for too long, but it helps sometimes to see a bit of immediate results but for it to last, obvious life style changes including good diet and exercise and the key for the long haul. I hope that helps.....
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    *Sigh*. Look, we all got here because of poor eating habits, eating the wrong food, or eating too much of them, and/or not getting off the couch.

    Your behavior towards food HAS TO change for this to be a successful lifestyle change for you.

    HCG consists of eating 500 calories for the first phase. The drops are not what they say they are (they can't be, as the FDA does not allow HCG in drops). And even if they were- are you really that desperate? How awful would it be to lose 50 lbs and then gain 70 back because you can never eat a realistic calorie level again?

    Losing weight isn't the hard part. Keeping it off is. And part of the process is doing it properly- so you can maintain it forever.

    It all comes down to eating sensibly and exercising moderately for the rest of your life. The rest is BS. "When you change the way you look at thing, the things you look at change".

    Good luck.
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member

    Bottom line - there are going to be critics with many weight loss choices so you have to make the decision for yourself but it really does work without any side effects at all.

    No side effects at all? Wow, why don't you come down to the hospital I work at and tell the girl dying in one of my hospital beds because of the stuff that there's no side effects. As if destroying your metabolism permanently isn't bad enough, DEATH is a possible side effect as well.
  • bobbybdoe
    bobbybdoe Posts: 472 Member
    Inb4 desperate HCG fanatics with 0% muscle mass -- oh wait... ^^^
  • eventgal
    eventgal Posts: 29
    I was on HCG as recent as last week! A personal trainer friend came by and set me straight. Nature is nature, and as she explained it, HCG burns both fat and muscle. Those who sell HCG don't know or won't admit that.

    Anyway, the net effect -- it LOWERS your metabolism. I had an "OMG moment" and decided that I had been a stupid fool. The doc that I went thru recommended that I limit my exercise. I noticed when I did a simple Walk Away the Pounds video (one stinkin' mile!!!), my muscles burned and ached. That in mind, my friend's comments made perfect sense. I have mended my ways and that's why I am here with MFP.
  • NicoleJones81
    NicoleJones81 Posts: 17 Member
    Thank You all soooo Much for the advice and laughs.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I was on HCG as recent as last week! A personal trainer friend came by and set me straight. Nature is nature, and as she explained it, HCG burns both fat and muscle. Those who sell HCG don't know or won't admit that.

    Anyway, the net effect -- it LOWERS your metabolism. I had an "OMG moment" and decided that I had been a stupid fool. The doc that I went thru recommended that I limit my exercise. I noticed when I did a simple Walk Away the Pounds video (one stinkin' mile!!!), my muscles burned and ached. That in mind, my friend's comments made perfect sense. I have mended my ways and that's why I am here with MFP.
    *Stands and claps!*
  • cathynicolette
    cathynicolette Posts: 78 Member
    I have a few friends who have tried this (he is REALLY good at maintaining his weight and not good at actually getting it off) who loves it and he looks amazing. He and his wife keep their weight on the bathroom mirror with dry erase and they lose a pound a day it looks like.

    Other friends hated it and couldn't get past the first few days of only eating 500 cals a day.

    I looked into it and it does NOT look healthy to me. it scared me just reading the website and I've never even considered it again.
    I agree with less intake, more output. be patient, this didn't happen to us over night and it's not going to be fixed overnight.
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