HGC Drops, Anyone tried and results GOOD OR BAD ?



  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    really....? again?
  • NicoleJones81
    NicoleJones81 Posts: 17 Member
    OKAY are the women or men that are getting sick or dying from this HGC diet already skinny and need to lose 10-30 lbs or are they large size ppl that need to lose more then 50 lbs. I could see how on a regular/small size person this could be dangerous, but when your very heavy (obese) I'm thinking the weight might be more of a health risk than the drops. I'm just wondering if the being obese overweighs the side effects as far as health wise? Does anyone know of a Heavy person having bad side effects from the drops that did continue the 1200 calorie and exercise after the drops? I've been exercising and dieting on 1200 calories a day and barely losing 1-2 lbs a month :( I mean what else can I do?
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    Alright, here's the deal. IDEALLY, your body should be about 40% muscle, 25% bone, and about 15-25% liquid mass (blood, water, etc.). This 15-25 percent differs if you're male or female. The remaining percentage is fat...healthy fats like the fat your brain is made up of, etc. When you starve yourself, regardless of whether you're morbidly obese or emaciatedly underweight, your body feeds off of itself. It doesn't matter if you're "supplementing" with a drop or injection or whatever else, the point is, your body needs those calories regardless. Did you realize that you need AT LEAST 600 calories a day just to keep your heart functioning at a healthy rate? That's 600 calories for your heart ALONE, not to mention the calories it takes to keep the rest of your body functioning. When you starve, your body has to feed off of something, and it doesn't discriminate between fat and muscle. Especially in someone who is overweight, where there is more fat than muscle, you're at an even HIGHER risk of losing even MORE muscle mass because your muscles require more calories to survive. So yes, it is JUST as dangerous for an overweight person as a thin person to use this stupid crap.
  • NicoleJones81
    NicoleJones81 Posts: 17 Member
    Thank You Dayzeerock. I'm just getting frustrated with little weight loss. any goood tips I can try then?
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Thank You Dayzeerock. I'm just getting frustrated with little weight loss. any goood tips I can try then?

    you can open your diary for a start and we can take a look. you posted earlier that you're on a 1200 calorie diet - the bare minimum. is that 1200 net?
  • bobbybdoe
    bobbybdoe Posts: 472 Member
    Btw, does anyone else HATE the word "abnormal fat"? Fat is fat -- I don't understand why these people can't use common sense. I learned all about fats and different kinds macronutrients last year. That "abnormal fat" HCG fanatics talk about doesn't exist.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Thank You Dayzeerock. I'm just getting frustrated with little weight loss. any goood tips I can try then?

    You're not going to get biggest loser numbers. I love TBL, love it, but it has the side effect of giving everyone the idea that 1 pound or more per day weight loss is normal. The top end of normal is 2 pounds per week, that's why mfp doesn't give you the option of 10#/wk. Look at the size of the people on tbl that can manage to lose that much weight in a week, the next week or 2 after a huge loss they tend to have a seeze on the scale and sometimes increases. The only thing anyone ever remembers is those large numbers, but what really counts is the finish line. Slow and stead wins this race, slow and stead establishes a healthy base line for a healthy lifestyle. We're not here to win $1m, this isn't a game show, this is life.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Btw, does anyone else HATE the word "abnormal fat"? Fat is fat -- I don't understand why these people can't use common sense. I learned all about fats and different kinds macronutrients last year. That "abnormal fat" HCG fanatics talk about doesn't exist.

    abnormal fat? I don't even know what that is . . . I must have put on my bs blinders for that one.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Below are 3 good links that have a ton of information. Essentially, you have to eat to lose weight. More than likely, 1200 calories isn't enough for you to lose properly. So if you can open up your food diary and then second, let us know what you do for exercise, then we can expand. If you really want to lose weight fast and build muscle so you can eat more and burn more, look into a program like p90x or insanity. Keep in mind though, you really need to eat a lot of food to get the results.



  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    Go to a grocery store. If it comes in a box, or a bag, can, or in the freezer section, it probably shouldn't be in your cart. Stick to "real" food...food that doesn't need an ingredient list on it. Produce - Fruits and Vegetables. Whole Grains - brown rice, barley, quinoa, millet, oats. Proteins: Lean Meats, not deli meats (if you eat meat), dried beans, lentils. Not only will your grocery bill go down considerably if you just cut the crap out, but your waistline will thank you as well.
  • NicoleJones81
    NicoleJones81 Posts: 17 Member
    How do I open my Diary?
  • bobbybdoe
    bobbybdoe Posts: 472 Member
    How do I open my Diary?

    Go to settings and go to "Diary settings".

    EDIT : Then choose "Public".
  • NicoleJones81
    NicoleJones81 Posts: 17 Member
    OKAY opened my Diary, But u'll have to go back to June 30th to see what I was doing before, then I only have recently today and yest. But I have changed a lot on here from before. I am only eating now eff 8-5-11 - 97/3 ground beef, ground turkey, turkey bacon and sausage, talapia and lean beef cuts. Nothing out of a box or bag anymore. Trying to teach my children healty ways also I don't want them to have to go through this and they are already on that path. I am only buying the meat in 1lb packages so my portions are more controlled so all 3 of us are splitting the 1lb package as our meat when we eat a meal made from it. I hope this clarifies that all, but I did just recently make that change like effective Friday 8-5-2011. perhaps you can check in a few days and give me any more advise.
  • NicoleJones81
    NicoleJones81 Posts: 17 Member
    As far as Exercising, I am doing Curves in the morning at 7am its a 30 mins workout daily, and then at night 2-3x's a week me and my mom go to the YMCA and do the Nautilus room and swim laps. I only do about 6 laps and just little exercises like scissor kicks and stuff in the water, we walk the track do about 4 laps on it, and do some ball exercises for stomachs. It takes us about 1 1/2 -2 hours to do all this.
  • NicoleJones81
    NicoleJones81 Posts: 17 Member
    Well I opened it, ANY HELP ?????
  • TankGirl71
    TankGirl71 Posts: 241 Member
  • NicoleJones81
    NicoleJones81 Posts: 17 Member
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Well took a quick look. I went back to june 30th like you said. Looks like you are (or were) pretty inconsistent. Some days with very low calories, other days going over with taco bell.

    Start with some basics:
    eat a combination of lean meats, complex carbs, veggies, good fats
    eat a minimal amount of none of: fast food, simple carbs, bad fats
    hit your calorie target consistently. you want "0 calories remaining" at the end of the day. but if it's within 50 or 100 over or under, then you're fine.

    There. Weight loss explained in 4 lines.
  • DarcieC2389
    Taste awful and cutting down to 500-800 calories is unhealthy and impossible to keep up with.
  • NicoleJones81
    NicoleJones81 Posts: 17 Member
    OK imma little retarded when it comes to all this, can you give me a few examples of complex carbs? I don't really like bread I did buy whole grain white bread for the house for my daughter, and if I did want a sandwhich or something. i've heard wheat products can raise insulin levels and store sugar which will turn into fat. And what foods are simple carbs that I should avoid. Or if you have or know a website that can explain all that to me that would be great. like I said maybe you can check in a few days for me and see if i'm doing better with the healthier choices I'm going to make now. OH AND SHOULD I BE EATING THE WHOLE 1500 CALORIES THEN. I JUST ALWAYS HEARD TO LOWER CALORIES TO LOSE WEIGHT. LIKE I SAID I'M NEW TO ALL THIS HEALTHY STUFF BUT I WANT CHANGE FOR LIFE, NOT TEMPORARILY. THANK YOU ALL FOR THE HELP
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