alevbrant Member


  • 5'1" here, and yup a few pounds shows up dramatically. Mostly, I feel it in my clothes. I always dress for comfort but I also don't want to be dumpy. I did Keto also, a few years ago, and reached my goal but then I got sick and had family visiting from out of town and all that threw my out of keto and I gained it back.…
  • I admit - I enjoy watching some food documentaries - although some are definitely bunk. Mostly I watch them to get inspired and back on track. I like Joe Cross and his work with juicing - but I would never advocate this as a diet, it's just not sustainable. Everything in moderation. I also eat meat, because I feel better…
  • That Hershey bar is thinking about you...
  • ANY walking is great for you. Park at the far end of the lot when you go to the store and walk. Park a block away from your destination and walk the rest of the way. If you are not in the routine of walking, starting with an hour might be a challenge, and then discouraging. Start with 20 minutes (about 1.5miles) then walk…
  • My chocolate stash is an open secret in this house! Only dark high quality for me. It is my weak spot. I have a chocolate protein smoothie every morning. It is full and satisfying with lots of fiber and very little, if any sugar. I try to find healthy ways to eat t, and I've been trying to stick to the Keto diet as well.…
  • I just completed a 3 day Master Cleanse fast (lemonade, cayenne pepper and maple syrup) in an effort to give my system a rest. My plan is to continue with simple easy digestible food for a week then get back to Keto. I weigh in at 126 (at 5"1") which is where I typically balance out after the holidays. Two years ago I got…
  • That is about 1 #/week- pretty good for maintaining long term weight loss. The first month I started Keto I lost 4 pounds, which I felt good about. Since then it has curbed off, sometimes none somethings up to a pound. Not a huge amount, but it is moving in the right direction. And more importantly, I feel like I've reset…
  • Once you get over that initial hump you'll be cruising! I slacked some during the holidays but had the same experience as rsclause above. I ate a baked good and it was actually disgusting I had to discreetly spit it out. so sicky sweet. (I ate plenty of chips though!) I started Keto around October and lost 8 pounds in…
  • Check in. Lost 1.5 since last weeks weigh in. 118.5.
  • 1 cup kale, 1 scrambled egg, 1 C riced cauliflower, sausage link or bacon. Kale and Cauli give it some carbs but I think the fiber is important as well as the nutrition from the veggies. I'm still able to keep my carbs between 30 -50g/day.
  • Height 5'1" HW: 125 CW:119.5 GW: 115 11/11: 120 (I'm rounding up) 11/18 11/25: The first 5.5 pounds came off fairly easily with Keto. Still on keto, but starting to crave dense belly filling food - (that might have something to do with being pre-mentrual.) I didn't lose anything with last weigh in,, I weigh in once a week.…
  • . I guess you are looking for a challenge! I may take you up on that. In
  • I do Beachbody Piyo. Though not daily. Now that the weather is changing I'll be more likely to do it than go outside for my exercise. Anyone up for a challenge?
  • Pilates is great for working the 4 layers of your ab muscles. The deepest transverse abs is most important for posture and stabilizing, which will support your form in other exercises. I like Piyo too for variety. I'm not a video workout person at all but I've enjoyed the Beachbody Piyo videos.
  • I'm in - I've lost 6 and I'm shooting for a total of 15. I'm a petite 5'1'' and started at 125, which is too much for my frame. My goal is to get to 110, then add more muscle mass. ADD ME TOO
  • sell everything I own and move into a cabin in the woods with an obsessive compulsive narcissist.
  • Way to go! That is awesome!
  • warm (not hot) water with a squeeze of lemon is very good for waking up the digestive system. I go through cycles - about 3 weeks I have this first thing in the morning, followed by breakfast and coffee. Now i am starting with coffee - in a few weeks will probably feel the need to switch again. It's just what my body wants.
  • 25 C is pretty low to start with. Have you considered starting with 50 C/day then working your way down? My sweet involves chocolate, so my Keto replacement has been 1/4 C ricotta cheese, 2 Tbsp cocoa powder and just enough stevia pdr to make it sweet. Spoonful of almond butter with a square of 90% dark chocolate is also a…
  • Ali here. I am about day 10 on Keto. I am feeling pretty darn good. No cravings, feeling satisfied though out the day. I'm also finding that when I exercise there is less of a hump to have to get over when I start. My mood has balanced out too. I've lost 3.5 pounds as of last Saturday weigh in. I'm looking to shed the…
  • Ditto. I'm doing the Keto thing to lose about 15 pounds then switch to a more balanced macro ratio, and maintaining with moderate, at minimum exercise. I love hearing what others are doing and how their process is coming along.
  • I am new to Keto, started a week ago. Like GrokRock, I also found my morning workouts significantly harder the first few days. I'm guessing I'm in ketosis - thirsty, less bloat, generally stabilized mood, bowel movements have changed, and wake up in the morning - or from an afternoon nap WIDE awake. I'm eating a fair…