Kitsgirl2 Member


  • There's so many options for vegetarian and vegan meals. I'm not vegan but have greatly reduced meat for health reasons so try to chose vegan or vegetarian options when out. I'm hoping you like ethnic foods because there's so much to choose from that you can try when out and then try to replicate at home. Think Thai food…
  • When I have pasta, I have 1/2 cup with loads of veggies and 1 tbsp. or two of parmesan cheese. I'll throw in a couple of shrimp if I have the calorie count room or 2 oz of meat. Can't even imagine how many calories I must have been eating when I ate a pasta dinner with meat sauce in a large bowl. But its what we have to…
  • I heard something similar. When I told them I finally had the willpower and have started losing weight, they said, just a heads up that you will look older once you lose the weight. Right now I look younger than my age. So should I stay fat and unhealthy so I can look younger? Sigh...
  • You're a great inspiration and look great. I have the same amount to lose and down 22 lbs so far. Hoping I can lose it by the end of next year. Glad to know the slowing taking it off works and not to get frustrated by it. At the gym do you do cardio, weights or both?
  • Thanks cwolfman13, I think I get it
  • Thanks Estherdragon, I think I'm understanding it better now. In my head I was dividing up weight loss thinking half would be from reducing the calories (can't believe how much I must have been eating before) and half from now exercising and moving more. It's the X amount of deficit FOR THE DAY NO MATTER WHICH COMBO makes…
  • Thanks for that video. Now I understand what was happening when I added in my fitbit activity. It added a few hundred calories to my day which I didn't understand so I removed the syncing. I have 100lbs to lose and losing about 1.5lb a week. I don't 'eat' my calories for the activities that I do. I can see now that if I…
  • You are inspiration. I'm 58 and hope to loose 100 lbs in 20 months by my 60th birthday. Using MFP is making it so much easier than I've ever had before so crossing fingers that this feeling just keeps on going and pounds come off!
  • I try to leave 100 to 130 calories for a snack at night. I try to make it something that combines a protein and carb so it doesn't spike blood sugar and want something more than the snack. Sometimes its grapes and cheese or couple of crackers and cheese. Soy chocolate pudding (yum), rice cake and hummus or peanut butter.…
  • It's not just about calorie counting. I found I had to get up and move more if I was going to move that needle on the scale in combination with counting calores. Try 5000 steps in a day if it's new to you and work up to 10000 steps a day. It also depends how much you have to lose.
  • You look great! You are pretty much my before and your after is where I want to be. Did you work out much or was it mostly counting calories? Thanks for the inspiration!!!
  • You look awesome! What was the difference in your time finishing the race? Thanks for the inspiration!!
  • Wild shrimp (larger) with baby red potatoes and carrots, arugula salad with Dijon mustard lemon dressing and a little Parmesan cheese
  • I used to make pancakes with chickpea flour for protein. Google it and lots of recipes will come up.
  • My are 1420 calories a day. Today was Breakfast, 1/2 cup blueberries with 1/2 cup cottage cheese. Lunch was 3.5 oz chicken breast with 1/2 cup of rice with cilantro and 1/2 tbsp tamari. Snack was 4.5 oz green seedless grapes with 1oz cheddar cheese. Dinner tonight is 5oz of salmon with lemon dill sauce and 1/2 cup pasta, 1…
  • Wow! You should be so proud. I'm just starting the journey you've just done so it's inspirational to see what you accomplished. Thanks for giving me hope!
  • The incredible shrinking woman! You look incredible and such an inspiration. I realized life is too short and I was missing a lot of it. Here's to having more fun and doing more with family and friends. :)
  • At some point rather than cutting calories, you have to start moving more whether its more exercise or just walking and taking stairs more often. If you don't have lots to loose, cutting calories is not the answer for the reasons most have said here. Try taking up a sport or activity you like to do if the gym isn't your…