Ara_the_halfelven Member


  • I've been in a similar position, your problem seems to be you're a perfectionist. We all have off-days (or weeks), but you need to accept it, forgive yourself, and get right back to doing what was working so well for you before. Most importantly, never allow an off-day to continue and stretch out to an off-week/month/year.…
  • Many times, admitting you've screwed up in the past and need to change is the hardest thing to do. So, yes, accept what you did in the past, then move on from it. Leave that back in the past. You can never change what's gone before, but you can fix the future. Make sure the future you is that healthier, more active person…
  • You look great now and so does your tummy, quit comparing yourself with others, a perfectly flat stomach is not normal.
  • I had to stop trying to be perfect and stop thinking I could be perfect. But its OK to have an off day, just get back on the horse the day after and carry on.
  • I understand the problem with creatine monohydrate is that it doesn't dissolve well in water. I had stomach cramping at first, but then I noticed it wasn't dissolving and started using warm water, now it dissolves thoroughly and I've had no stomach issues since. Personally I wouldn't be without it, its made a huge…
  • 65 yr old/168cm & into body building. Currently doing a cut to reduce my body fat percentage. June Start Weight:60.3 kg - fat percentage 26% JuneGoal Weight:59.3 kg Ultimate Goal Weight:56 kg June 1: 59.3 kg 26% fat June 8: June 15: June 22: June 29: June 30:
  • A sculpture by Rodin titled "She who used to be the beautiful Heulmiere". A perfect depiction of the tragedy that a beautiful young girl lies trapped within every old woman.
  • Having an all-day headache sounds like you're sodium deficient following the workout. This can easily happen if you sweat a lot and don't replace the electrolytes & its much more likely when you give it your all - I tend to do that too. Drinking water will not replace the fluid you lose during a workout, and if you drink a…
  • What are you putting sugar in it for? The very idea turns my stomach. You don't need any sweetener, traditional coleslaw is just shredded cabbage, shredded, carrot and mayonnaise. For the mayonnaise I like to make it myself, it tastes much better than store bought, & its easy enough using a stickblender - check out…
  • Your protein intake is good, and your fat should be about 25% of your total calories, but if you are still losing weight, that is because you are not reaching your maintenance level of calories. Get your total calorie count right, then as long as your protein level is good, don't worry too much about the others. For…
  • I just wanted to add, that since you won't be starting with much equipment, exercises needing a bench can be done on the floor, and dumbbells can always be substituted for barbells initially.
  • I wouldn't dream of laughing, when I started training I could only manage wall push ups and doorway pulls. We all start somewhere. I would recommend you start a proper beginners program. There are quite a few out there and they all tend to be very similar. I like the routines in WWW.AWORKOUTROUTINE.COM. The beginners…
  • I'm 65 and having no problem gaining muscle, and I only started a couple of years ago.. However you do need to do it right & give yourself every chance you can. Your weight gain should be about 0.5 - 0.75 kg per MONTH. And your daily surplus calories should be around 75. Make sure you get enough protein, 1g per pound of…
  • Hi there, I'm a 65 yr old female and since I'm an ex-yottie I'm probably a fiery gypsy too. The fiery part applies anyway & it gets worse as I get older, I take after my grandmother. I have RA which I control with diet (no pills) and COPD following a TB infection. I'm also into weight lifting which seems to be best for…
  • The one that I like is the myth that salt is bad for you. I've even heard people insist that humans don't need salt, try telling that to those of us that live in the tropics. Salt is only a problem if you have high blood pressure, otherwise there is no point in restricting it, and studies show that too little salt is just…
  • The first thing that struck me from your post, is your target could be too ambitious. A UK size 8 is really skinny. You don't give your height, but unless you're really short, a UK size 10 is a healthier size to aim for. Maybe you need to tone up more rather than lose weight.
  • I agree with yirara that these activities don't build muscle, you need to do strength training with progressive overload. As for why you're not losing weight, the most likely reason is that you are eating more calories than you think you are. Its easily done, but you can't outrun a poor diet.
  • I started with nerd fitness, it covers everything from teaching about nutrition to giving an exercise program. It was what got me started in body building. Now I use Habitica. Still a nerd you see!
  • Hi, I've just started with MFP. I'm a 65 year old female with RA and COPD. The RA is controlled with diet so I take no medications, thankfully. Also I am really into body building. I only started 2 years ago, & I love having muscles - its also great for controlling COPD. I came to this app as I've decided I need to start…