JillyBurg6 Member


  • Well I had one of my perhaps not so good ideas today. My innards haven't been that great as of late as you poor souls are well aware if you bothered to read me. Decided at my great age I am definitely a candidate for Jilly Beans Retirement Home for Elderly Owners" I looked up healthy eating for us older lot. A lot of the…
  • Well here I sit in snowy Ontario watching the snow drift down. We had a bit of concern in case Michael got trapped at his dads up in Quebec. Thats because a terrific storm is moving up fromTexas but we have been very lucky because it only clipped the edge of our area whilst the Montreal area and Eastern Townships will be…
  • My groceries arrived and with everything I asked for.....except hairspray! Hairspray is as rare as hens teeth so I am doomed to carry on looking like the fuzzy fuzzy with fly away hair. However, better than shingles etc. Great news that your friend is feeling better Jackie. Jilly is busy barking at a small American fierce…
  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY SANDY. HUGS FROM THE FROZEN NORTH! Anne. Yes I was a bit quiet yesterday LIN. Had to hang around for a parcel which as you might guess turned up late in the day. It's time I got back to hobbies. AND exercises PATSY. In my case a half hour walk. I envy your patience LIN! Reminds me of drying and pressing…
  • Ditto from me, Lovely photo SANDY. Sunny here but sweater and long Johns weather. Anne.
  • Lovely long and interesting post from you BARBIE. Mark and Mary Jo are going to Costco today and will try and find me a couple of items. I will say about substitutions - I've had one or two things I would never have ordered which have turned out to be very nice and I will order in future. Lovely bright, sunny, shiny day…
  • We are forecast a sunny day if cold, so a perfect day for Mike, his friend Sandy and her little dog Amber to drive to Ottawa where they will deliver loads of handmade stuff, masks etc hand sewn by her daughter and local housewives from her cottage industry. Makes sense because if Sandy can personally deliver to the Ottawa…
  • Very little going on here besides rain turning to snow. I think we could all do and deserve a romp on the sand and a dip in a warm sea. At least one of us managed it. Must count our many blessings though when we watch the poor folk in Europe. Its 20 years since I had a proper vacation. That was on Vancouver Island in BC.…
  • I was going to post Marks photo but lost him. Try again tomorrow. Anne.
  • Its 62 F here right now and the snow banks are slowly disappearing, BUT the polar bears are fighting for survival as the ice melts. Anne
  • Yes, I spent so much time trying to get Michael on our posts that I forgot to wish SANDY a wonderful holiday and A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Have FUN dear girl and safe journey back and forth. Our winds are picking up. The squirrels in their nests hanging onto dear life no doubt. JACKIE, Wonderful news that the baby buzzard…
  • Tried this, Anne. Oh golly tried and it came out big and sideways. Better luck next time.
  • Very. very glad you are safe LIN. Very frightening! We are already at 50 deg F with high winds forecast. SANDY asked earlier for a photo of Michael so I took this yesterday evening when he dropped by as he drove home from work with a few [rare these days] treats for my little girl. The image appeared here, but I am denied…
  • I had a super day yeaterday and was on top of the world because I finally saw bones on my swollen foot, but when I went to bed I must have lain funny because I received a charley horse in my left calf. Its still with me but not so painful now. I did get a substitute as usual in my grocery order. Ordered Bees honey…
  • Bean doesn't like beef either. Her lunch, cooked chicken, a little raw chicken [which she loves but too much causes the trots], a little mashed potato, a few peas, and a knob of Atlantic salmon. Mike says I better leave him something in my will so he can afford to keep her in the luxury she is accustomed to should I drop…
  • Just been looking at BBC News and its so horrendous decided I'd stick with JACKIE and the burnt eggs who I can relate to big time. Jilly warns me of visitors but she hasn't clued in yet to burnt pans and brown shelled eggs. We are waiting for the groceries to arrive and the excitement of what's OUT OF STOCK this week and…
  • Pretty tea set LIN and a big thank you again for clueing me in. I gather prices here are going up again on just about everything and today there is a rise of another 7 cents at the gas pumps. I too wondered what had happened to everyone yesterday, but it seems everyone is now posting near the end of the day. By the way we…
  • I AM in a more positive frame of mind Jackie, it helps Mike now is in the same boat! I couldn't go out because my right ankle was so swollen I couldn't get shoes or boots on. Our Sandy keeps sending me socks! I've a drawerful of colourful socks some with Union Jacks on them! I could only get the doc on the phone and he…
  • Morning and we've just had breakfast. Me boiled egg. toast and marmalade, the Bean chicken and rice. Wonderful news about Bella JACKIE, I did wonder if you would end up with her. Pretty girl as well and as you say, she's wormed her way into everyones hearts. AND bonus a new friend in your busy life. Short post for now but…
  • I think LIN has hit the nail on the head writing about her friend. I am so grateful to you LIN. When I had the scalp and facial shingles, they cleared up after about a month but then I got this burning, itchy, skinning thing mainly on my legs but also everywhere else. Mike's the same. He recently had the booster vaccine.…
  • Well, I've just woken up from about 5 hours sleep and feel so much better! It's 6:30 so not much to say yet as Jilly and I eat our chicken [Jilly} and Weetabix with a banana [me]. But just had to share the good news with you! Anne.
  • Golly, I hope I haven't got that LIN. Anne.
  • Well, Bean and I spent 2.5 hours fast asleep in bed this afternoon. I'm going to try and stay up a bit later this evening. I might as well be up than squirming and trying to sleep! Yes, SANDY I've read everything there is to know about shingles and the after effects in elderly patients. PATSY suffered that condition she…
  • Not much from me ...... yet. After two completely sleepless nights with internal pain I got up and did a bit of research. I'm beginning to wonder if three doctors have misdiagnosed me and its not shingles at all because this thing keeps breaking out all over the place whilst I gather shingles is usually in one patch on one…
  • Alfred Tennyson indeed, JACKIE and PATSY Cannon to the right of them, Cannon to the left of them, Cannon in front of them. Volley'd and thunder'd: Storm'd at with shot and shell. Boldly they rode and well. Into the jaws of Death. Into the mouth of Hell. Rode the six hundred. [Theirs was not to make reply, Theirs was not to…
  • Not only is he handsome SANDY Hobbes is the biggest domestic cat I've ever seen with a huge, long, fluffy tail. He's more than double the size of Jilly but she loves him. Hes a Siberian something or other. Anne.
  • Oh my, lots of sickness in the news, i.e. PATSY and JOHN, Chrissie, but good news as well regarding SANDYs Babe. I'm not sleeping well JACKIE, why do these ailments strike the worst at night, but I'm not complaining because "one of these sunny days" something will come, but not my prince, lol. Great to read you are…
  • SANDY, don't laugh but could Babes problem be internal shingles caused by all the stress he's going through? Has he an outer rash anywhere? Wishing you both well, Anne.
  • Oh boy! Poor Babe, poor Sandy. Anne.
  • I had a pretty good night so I'm sure I'm on the mend. Got a text from Derek saying he's stressed on moving day and a lovely photo of giant Puss Hobbes looking wide eyed and worried because he knows something is going on. I don't know how he will adapt to a much smaller place because he had three storeys in a large house…