Senior Golden Sneakers



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :)Sandy you and your family look very happy
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    Will it ever stop raining? Last weekend our forecast had no sign of rain until tomorrow but somebody got it wrong! This morning I drove George and Betty to the field we sometimes walk to and because we arrived fresh, they both had a great time running zoomies as we trekked round the perimeter. I dropped in to the farm shop then home and that was really it; I’ve done very little since and once the fires were lit, collapsed in a heap on the sofa. Even had a snooze which is not like me at all.
    My friend Linda is still struggling with Covid… chesty cough, muscle aches, loss of taste, light headed and nauseous. Her GP was notified of her positive test and made contact and what’s known as Oxygen at Home made an appointment to arrange Sats tests in case she needs oxygen. She’s agreed to participate in an antiviral trial and suggests she can add lab rat to her cv! I’m sure her sense of humour will see her through.

    Patsy, The first thing Jamie mentioned about Cooper was his tendency to eat anything and everything so they have to watch over him constantly. He was 10 weeks when adopted and is very sociable. George has lost all his toys to Betty!
    After my lazy day I know I’ll have to do a lot more tomorrow or run the risk of seizing up. It doesn’t take long!

    Stay safe.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited March 2022
    Good evening. It is sunny here today but very cold and windy! I did go to the store to do my own shopping for groceries. I got there at the opening of the door for the day. Most of the people in the store were employees shopping for customers. Boy, they know their way around! Returned home, put away my provisions and then watched the Facebook Live video of additional information for the Friday/Saturday event. Good grief, I have stacks and stacks of papers, instructions and supplies. Overload! They warned again to have everything well organized with a basket or box for each project and a chart for supplies, inks, etc. so you can see in a quick view which additional things to grab as we move from project to project. Good grief. I am nowhere near that organized. Guess I need to ramp it up.

    I finished addressing and preparing cards to be mailed. That is most of the St. Patrick’s Day cards. Six remaining to address and prepare for the mail.

    I was on Instagram Live with Dan and the family. Tried to make it through to the end but left a bit early. Then I went to the post office to mail my cards. Luckily they were not too thick or too heavy so no extra postage.

    Home again and I stuck all the sentiments I made recently into the Easter cards. I noted though that the pierced plate piece on the front of the cards is not holding on to the card well. Each of the pieces after being run through the die cutting machine, curled up a bit. I had put them under a heavy pile of books and I thought they were okay but alas, they are lifting up from the cards as they are still warped. I will need to go back and use some wet glue on a each spot that is coming loose. The tape was not strong enough to hold them in place. I will work on that another day.

    So tomorrow will be my attempt to get organized. I doubt I will try everything other people are doing. Many are doing prep work on all of the projects, hot foiling, stamping, etc. I am torn, I think I would like to watch and do things later but I also understand if you don’t do a lot of the work, the early steps in the process will not be dry or ready until much later.

    Jackie, sorry about the continued rain. I am happy that you had a walk early this morning and that both George and Betty had time for Zoomies. It would be lovely if I could still zoom, even a little! I am sorry your friend Linda is still suffering from Covid symptoms. I hope she sees improvement soon and if she needs oxygen, I trust she will receive it quickly. My friends had a lovely black Lab some years ago. He liked to go for walks but otherwise was a pretty quiet dog who wanted to be with his humans all the time. And he loved treats and snacks. 😄

    Patsy, your post is on the previous page but I think you said you have been skipping your daily exercises and will get back to them. And you and John and Katie are going on a car picnic later this week. Now, that sounds like fun! I hope you have some nice weather for your excursion.

    Anne, are you okay? I didn’t see that you had much to say. I must have missed something. Which is not unusual!

    Barbie, waving hello🙋🏼‍♀️

    Hello to vacationing Sandy 🌴🌴

    Take care everyone.


    A black cat teapot? Woooo.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member

    Hugs from across the pond.
    Jackie ❤️❤️
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member

    Yes I was a bit quiet yesterday LIN. Had to hang around for a parcel which as you might guess turned up late in the day. It's time I got back to hobbies. AND exercises PATSY. In my case a half hour walk.
    I envy your patience LIN! Reminds me of drying and pressing flowers between sheets of paper and heavy books. I guess you could do that for greeting cards?

    Today is that red letter day Grocery Delivery the highlight of the week with its finding of substitutes. Joking of course, not exactly the highlight but close in my quiet life. Today I am going to try and contact Flo which is always hit and miss, and one or two cousins in the UK.

    Rain JACKIE. I am getting emails from Cousin Helen in Australia who is not used to much rain but is now heartily sick of it as well. Much flooding in her area. I tried to cheer her up by telling her it should remind her of her country of origin. I don't think that impressed her too much although she did say she expects they will be all moaning about the usual parched summer. I do hope your friend Linda shows signs of improvement soon Jackie. Whatever they say about vaccine shots lightening symptoms, it is still a deadly disease. Everything will be back to normal here on the 22nd, no more masks, no restrictions anywhere, but I don't know. Our hospital stays are going down, but deaths are going up which questions why are hospital stays going down and why are restrictions easing.

    Well, must shower in case the grocery man turns up early as is his wont.

    Hi Barbie, are you still weeding? I wish!

    We expect yet more snow by tomorrow through the weekend so old worry wart here is worrying about Michael driving back home from his dads. Maybe they will have to stay until Sunday.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    Wow, no rain..... yet! I was up and out to the supermarket early and on the way stopped in town to withdraw some cash because the window cleaner is due this week and I'm guessing he will try to get to everyone today. Our Covid testing centre is set up in the car park I used so I checked if I could collect a flow test to use the day I go for my hospital check up but no, I have to visit a pharmacy or get online. I might have mentioned before, online I would get a pack of 7 which seems such a waste so next time I go into town I'll pick one up. Since my car was out of the garage I took George and Betty to the field again and this time we walked round twice.... in sunshine, whoopee!

    Anne, I have seen a report on the BBC website about the dreadful floods in Australia but our tv news is all Ukraine so few are probably ware unless they have family there. If I'm going to grow some veggies in my garden I must save as much rain water as possible so will bring home a container from the allotment to begin to fill. I'm guessing a lot of people will be growing their own this year, rather like lockdown times, because our fuel prices continue to rocket and that will add to food prices. Luckily I filled up last Saturday when it was 1.55 pounds per litre (no pound sign on this laptop!) and has already increased to 1.68... frightening! Late last night Linda messaged to say she had managed to spend a couple of hours up watching tv so I hope to hear she's improving today.

    Lin, I felt emotional this morning when I saw Dan's video of them locking the doors of the apartment they were staying in and leaving Lviv. I daren't ask what plans they have for Pumpkin because unless she has a licence she won't be allowed entry to the UK. Krakow in Poland is beautiful and hopefully they can stay until they fly to his brother's wedding.
    I felt a bit panicky for you as you ran through what you need to do for your weekend class. I would be behind in the first five minutes I'm sure so would be prepping already!

    Sandy's big birthday and I'm betting she will have a ball with her family in that perfect setting.

    Was today Patsy and John's picnic day with Katie and the seagulls? George barks at a lone pigeon that sits on a neighbours' shed roof so I dread to think how he would react to a flock of seagulls.... badly no doubt. Jilly too!

    Lunchtime so soup and a sandwich made with homemade bread from the farm shop then some garden tidying.

    Take care everyone.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member

  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    My groceries arrived and with everything I asked for.....except hairspray! Hairspray is as rare as hens teeth so I am doomed to carry on looking like the fuzzy fuzzy with fly away hair. However, better than shingles etc.
    Great news that your friend is feeling better Jackie.
    Jilly is busy barking at a small American fierce squirrel so your assumption is correct.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) The landscaper came yesterday to talk about how we would need him this year. He will deliver and spread some fine dark bark on the flat shady empty side of our house and leave me a huge pile in the driveway to spread elsewhere. We decided that the oldest lavender plants in the front of the house are past their prime and need to be removed so yesterday I began digging them out,. It would be faster for the landscape crew to do that but it would be expensive and I have many bulbs planted near the lavender and I want them saved, so I will clear out the lavender a little at a time. It's the kind of work I love to do. The new bark will arrive in April and I'll go back to weeding and spreading bark on the cleared spaces. Daytime temps here are below 50F/10C in the afternoon so it's not yet warm gardening time.

    :)<3 Happy Birthday Sandy
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Sandy! A very happy birthday, my friend! Since you are there in the warm sunshine and on the beach or floating in the warm sea….with lovely family at your side, I imagine you are ecstatic. We all wish you the happiest of birthdays and the rest of the year as well. You are so great at spreading joy and showing appreciation, it is hard to find ways to match your thoughtfulness. You are a very special lady. Be careful and after your “fun in the sun” hurry back to us. We miss you!
    Sending birthday hugs and a pinch on the cheek for good luck!
    Patsy☘️🎶🎶Happy birthday to you, dear Sandy, happy birthday to you!🎶🎶🎶🎶
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited March 2022
    Good afternoon. No work competed for Friday and Saturday but some organization was completed.

    A notebook of printed materials for each day.

    Many of the items needed for Friday including a foiling machine and heat tool

    More things needed for Saturday

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited March 2022
    Sorry, my iPad apparently did not charge this morning. I am on my phone now, which has more remaining battery life.

    Jackie, I checked everything again today pertaining to Dan and family. There was something on each platform , Twitter, Instagram and of course, YouTube. I was nervous for them as they headed for the border. All turned out well as the car and the cat came through scrutiny just fine. On his Instagram Live yesterday, he said they hadn’t decided on exactly what they would do. Initially they were going to leave their car with a friend and fly to the wedding. At that moment they weren’t sure, they might drive but Pumpkin would have to be left behind (in either case). But their future is all unknown as he said, they do not have jobs now and several people asked how long the visas would last but he didn’t answer that. So many folks wanted to meet up with the family when they are in the U.K. and Dan wants a party with everyone who has been supporting them. He is a jolly fellow and I love the faces he makes! Maybe you can join the meet up!!

    People on that Instagram Live were saying maybe they’ll be able to return home in a few weeks. That seemed highly unlikely to me.

    Sorry for the rambling.

    Now I am draining my phone’s battery.

    Be safe everyone.


    I don’t have permission to post photos from my phone…..
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited March 2022


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) Today I sent a text to my neighbor who does computer troubleshooting to tell him that the new external back up drive that he helped me order had come in and wondering if there was a time he could come over and install it for me. He wrote back immediately "No". I was shocked and wondered how I could have offended him that he would reply like that. I played a game of solitaire to help calm me and then texted back, "Does that mean not today or not ever?" He sent a longer reply that he couldn't come today because he had major back pain and he'd text me tomorrow about a time. I was so relieved and sent him a friendly message commiserating about his back pain and wishing him a speedy recovery.

    :) The woman who traps moles is here to get rid of the moles that have invaded our yard. Jake is outside talking to her.

    <3 Barbie
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    edited March 2022
    The strong winds and heavy woke me up before 6am but once I shifted the pets on my bed so I could turn over, I did manage to get back to sleep. Looking in the mirror I see Brady must have tried to get under the covers by pulling them back but instead scratched my nose! They've all had breakfast and a quick dash into the garden and are back on my bed snoozing! Looks like an indoors day but I do have chores to get on with so not a problem.
    Chrissie phoned me from her hospital bed yesterday afternoon but it was difficult to talk because someone in the next bed was involved in a loud conversation with social services who were doing their best to persuade her to leave and move into a care home. As you can tell, I heard more about that than what Chrissie was saying which was annoying because she has had a series of painful biopsy scrapes on her spine and shoulders because there is a concern her cancer has returned. They won't know the results until next week so a horrible wait for her and she admitted she was scared and I feel awful that I used to get frustrated with her! I've promised to call her at the weekend when hopefully her neighbour will have moved on! Fosterer Heather is doing a brilliant job with Bella who now gets a long daily walk and is socialising with other dogs and people so that's one less worry for Chrissie. I can't visit her because someone who was on the ward a few days ago has reported they have Covid so the place is shut down, in fact even their meals are left at the door for a few nurses to collect. I told Chrissie it sounded like a scene from that Solzhenitsyn novel about a Gulag in Siberia and that made her laugh!

    Lin, thanks for your update of Dan's thoughts on Instagram. I did try to download the app on this Apple Mac but think in fact I can only load it on to my iPhone so once we've walked this morning I'll give it a go. I do know Pumpkin won't be allowed into the UK without a pet passport and the process is long so hopefully their friends will be in a position to keep her there until that is arranged. Heartbreaking for them all but particularly Veronica. Meanwhile they will have a wonderful time in Krakow and hopefully Veronica will finally enjoy a McDonalds!
    I'm getting heart palpitations just looking at all those packs and boxes ready for the class!!

    Barbie, your neighbour must be in a lot of pain to react that way to your request but now you do know it wasn't anything you said. A mole catcher!! The field I walked George and Betty round yesterday has dozens of mounds that they both find fascinating and of course George ends up with a muddy nose!

    I may be wrong Anne but think aerosols are in short supply because so much gas and oxygen was used to deal with Covid patients in intensive care. We still can't get soda water for love nor money!

    Well, the wind has eased but still raining so I'll persuade the pooches into their raincoats and see how far we get.
    My weight is up again which is depressing but I expect that's something to do with the shorter walks we've been taking.... oh yes, then there's the kit-kats that have crept into my cupboard!!

    George is up and watching me from the staircase so we're off!

    Have a safe Friday.

  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Well here I sit in snowy Ontario watching the snow drift down. We had a bit of concern in case Michael got trapped at his dads up in Quebec. Thats because a terrific storm is moving up fromTexas but we have been very lucky because it only clipped the edge of our area whilst the Montreal area and Eastern Townships will be totally dumped on today and all day Saturday. They set off for home in no snow at all and I think they will be in the Kingston area now. I hope that trip satisfies his friend who's idea it was and she is now happy having invited herself to meet my ex. in the first place. 'Nuff said on that score [and by Mary Jo as well].

    I can understand your computer friends terse NO BARBIE. Intense pain has that effect, believe me I know. I don't think I've ever seen a mole in Ontario. Do we have them? We have ground hogs.

    Oh JACKIE, I'm afraid I've been over indulging as well but sort of on purpose. I got lovely and thin when I trotted off for that vaccine and have wondered ever since if maybe I overdid the slimming and thus my immunity was low. Anyway, I'm back where I started at this time last year, feeling a whole heap better but struggling to fasten the buttons on my pants.
    Very sorry AND sad to read about Chrissie. I'm not at all surprised she is terribly frightened about the coming results of the biopsies next week. It is some relief for her that Bella is well cared for, socializing and going for long daily walks.

    I took advantage of the wet soggy stuff outside to get on with a whole heap of chores this morning. Oh, and I believe we "spring forward" with the clocks on Saturday night. I join Jackie with the heart palpitations looking at all the stuff you've had to collect LIN. You have really found a satisfying niche in your life.

    Must go and see if Jilly Bean is awake on my bed because she can't get down by herself with her short legs.

    Hugs from Anne.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello! A sunny day here. Cool but blessedly sunny! I will not complain, because we have at least a full week coming with nothing but Gray skies and rain.

    John had a very busy day yesterday. Hauling trash and other tasks, just trying to keep our head above water. I think today we will be going on our picnic and trying to catch a scene of a fishing boat. I missed the big blessing of the fleet ceremony. It was skipped for two years because of the pandemic. It is so sweet. All the flowers are tossed into the receding tide. Our local priest blesses the boats and fishermen/women. Hoping that the flowers like the boats and the people will safely return. afterward there is music and a huge potluck. A tradition that has been carried on for years and years.

    Lin: you are a serious card designer, I can tell by the supplies in the photos. The same is true of graphic artists and painters. They may not be neat but there is a look that says “I mean business. This is beyond a hobby!” This is a passion.

    Barbie: I really admire your approach with your neighbor. Quietly think about the event and then seek understanding by contacting your neighbor. I am a wimp and might try to avoid a possible conflict….even if there might not be one. Anyway, possible conflict resolution achieved. Enjoy your new internet equipment! Renewed friendship with your neighbor.

    Jackie: I am so sorry to hear about Chrissie’s health issue. I do hope that Bella can make this new foster home a forever home with Perhaps regular visits to see Chrissie. My thought is, it might be too demanding to care for a delicate animal like Bella. Bella has been through so much drama in her little life. Chrissie is fighting her own dramatic health concerns. But I am thousands of miles away and unaware of the complexities.

    Anne: it is true about odd shortages. There are times when our stores have strange unexplained short supplies…lettuce for example last week!

    I love this quote from Bob Hope, “I don’t feel 80. In fact I don’t feel anything till noon. Then it is time for my nap.”

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited March 2022
    Good evening. Just stopping by to say hello. Day 1 is over with Day 2 coming up quickly! Interesting as well as exhausting! 😄

    It was very cold and windy here today. So a good day to be inside fussing with a 5-layer stencil over and over.

    Jackie, I am sorry Chrissie has to wait for test results. A friend called here today and she is also waiting for medical test results and won’t hear until Wednesday. That really produces a lot of anxiety. But Bella is getting good care, that is good. I see you did get onto Instagram. 🙋🏼‍♀️ Do you have water barrels at home now? Two of my neighbors have water barrels at the end of roof downspouts. From what I can see, they each have two. Maybe they have more in the backyard that I cannot see. I wonder about how good that water is though since both houses have asphalt shingles. Wouldn’t little bits of the gravel on those shingles get into the water?

    Patsy, did you have your picnic today? Well done to John for all the chores he accomplished.

    Anne, did your son get home safely? We need spring and no more snow for a while!

    Barbie, yes, knowing he was in a lot of pain really changes things. I am surprised he answered the phone. Last week I had sent a long email to a friend and received a clipped 2 sentence reply. I wondered what was up but found out later she was ill with a flulike malady. So something else was going on. Waiting a week to find out is a bit troubling. You never know what may be going on with friends.

    Well, I am completely tired and need to find some dark grey cardstock for the first project tomorrow. Wahoo!

    Be well everyone



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    Sunshine and breezy so we enjoyed a long walk across the moors closest to home. Dogs should remain on leads now until August but since no lambs have been born yet and both George and Betty show no interest in the sheep, I let them off for a 15 minute sniff before calling them back. Coffee made and I’ve enjoyed late breakfast of toast with the last of Linda’s delicious marmalade. I’ve offered her any fruit bushes and strawberries etc off our plot before we leave and last night Debs messaged that she will send her resignation this weekend but since our not so friendly councillor insisted we split our plot last year, I will take my time with my half!
    Another storm on the way later so I will try to get a few jobs completed in my garden once coffee is finished.

    Lin, that teapot that could be for coffee, looks like I feel after an afternoon weeding!! A pretty pattern. Yes, I did get on to Instagram and checked to see if I could connect with Dan, which I have but it is going to take me some time to get used to it. There was the longest list of celebrities it thought I might wish to follow… NO! 😠
    I do have a couple of water butts in my garden and will bring one home from the allotment. One fills off the greenhouse down pipe and the other fills naturally. I left a garden trug out last weekend and after our rain on Sunday it filled by a third so I will empty it into the one I add to my collection. I’m not sure about asphalt shingle but imagine so long as they don’t drink the water, any residue will be absorbed into the ground. Our shed at the allotment has a cover of roofing felt that has “bits” in it and it never crossed our minds it might be unhealthy to collect water from it. Everybody does the same there!
    Enjoy today’s projects and maybe share a couple of photos when you finish.

    Patsy, blessing of the fleet used to go on in Britain and I think goes back to ancient times. I expect it’s still carried out in France and Mediterranean countries. I feel just as you do about Bella’s future should Chrissie’s results be bad because her gentle nature has been all that’s kept her from becoming aggressive as she’s had to deal with so many disruptions in her young life. I would love to visit Heather to give Bella a hug and treats but know I can’t because it could unsettle her. I expect Katie will do her best to persuade Chrissie it would be best for Bella to stay where she is, that’s of course, if Heather would be prepared to adopt her. I know I would if I could… but I can’t!

    Anne, you’re so right, thin isn’t good as we get a bit older and I’m sure we both had a similar education that included cookery and nutrition so know what’s good for us… just need to stick to it and for me, avoid kit-kats!
    Did Mike and his friend reach home safely? I hope you aren’t buried in the white stuff yet again although if so, your lovely neighbour has probably already been over with his snow blower!

    We’ve now got a warning out about high winds and I can already feel a difference in the air, and hear it, so gardening plans are off!

    Take care and enjoy Saturday, whatever it brings.
    Jackie 🥰

  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    edited March 2022
    Well I had one of my perhaps not so good ideas today. My innards haven't been that great as of late as you poor souls are well aware if you bothered to read me. Decided at my great age I am definitely a candidate for Jilly Beans Retirement Home for Elderly Owners" I looked up healthy eating for us older lot.
    A lot of the food is what I already eat but I discovered it is not a good idea to eat pea meal bacon, honey garlic sausages, marmalade [marmalade! I love marmalade!] and sugary choccy Kit Kat bars etc etc.
    So armed with this knowledge I followed the plan [1st day] faithfully for breakfast and that was okay and I followed the plan for a mid morning snack and that was okay but the downfall was lunch. Lunch was two slices of a homemade bread sandwich with I/2 a small can of salmon mixed with 2 tablespoons of mayo. To be finished off with one baked apple. I had to take the crust off the bread I was so full which no doubt is delighting the birds, but honestly I don't think I'll be able to manage supper which is 3 ounces of grilled chicken, green beans and mashed yam and butter. I think the menu is designed for an elderly male sumo wrestler, because after supper is a pre bedtime drink and two cookies. All this consumed with 8 glasses of liquid preferably water. Does this sound excessive to you ladies!
    I'm sat here feeling uncomfortable.

    Yes Mike arrived home around 6 in the snowstorm. He's coming over tomorrow if the snow isn't too bad. After this bout with winter our temperatures zoom upwards. Along with my weight no doubt.

    Oh must tell you this, when I told Mary Jo I was trying out a plan for elderly stomachs and asked if she could put up with me for another 14 years the dear girl said yes she could and hopes she will! I thought that was pretty neat with me being a MIL!

    Harry's water barrel left with Harry and I hope he took his tribe of mosquitos as well!

    I LOVE the Bob Hope quote Patsy!

    Thats it! Not much eh!
